'======================================================================= 'ManageEngine Desktop Central - DNSChanger malware detection and removal '======================================================================= on error resume next const ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED = 20001 const ERROR_SCOPE_NOT_FOUND = 20002 const ERROR_VIRUS_DELETED = 20003 const ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS = 160 const INVALID_IPADDRESS = 9552 const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 argIndex = 0 retValue = 0 silent = 0 arrResetDNSServerSearchOrder = Array() arrNewDNSServerSearchOrder = Array() rogueDNS = Array("","",_ "","",_ "","",_ "","",_ "","",_ "","") Do while argIndex < WScript.Arguments.Count() Select Case UCase(WScript.Arguments.Item(argIndex)) Case "-SCAN" retValue = QueryandFixDNS(false,0) 'Display retValue argIndex = argIndex+1 Case "-FIX" if argIndex +1 < WScript.Arguments.Count() Then if StrComp(UCase(WScript.Arguments.Item(argIndex+1)),"RESET") = 0 Then retValue = QueryandFixDNS(true,0) else initializenewDNS(WScript.Arguments.Item(argIndex+1)) retValue = QueryandFixDNS(true,1) end if argIndex = argIndex+2 Display retValue else Display "Invalid arguements : Type -help for details" argIndex = argIndex+1 retValue = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS End if Case "-SILENT" silent = 1 argIndex = argIndex+1 Case "HELP" help argIndex = argIndex+1 Case "-HELP" help argIndex = argIndex+1 Case "/?" help argIndex = argIndex+1 Case Else argIndex = argIndex+1 End Select Loop if WScript.Arguments.Count() = 0 Then help retValue = ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS End if wscript.quit retValue sub help() helpdoc ="-silent --This parameter should be the first to supress the popup " &vbcr _ &"-scan --To identify the computers affetecd by DNSChanger Trojan " &vbcr _ &"-fix reset --To fix the affected computers and reset the DNS settings to 'Obtain DNS server address automatically'" &vbcr _ &"-fix --If DNSChanger malware found it will set the DNS server address in the given order ." &vbcr _ &"-help --To View this help card" Display helpdoc end sub function QueryandFixDNS(fix,mode) on error resume next strServerName = "." aliveconnection = 0 Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strServerName & "\root\cimv2") Set colNICConfigs = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT DNSServerSearchOrder, Description FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True") for each objNICConfig in colNICConfigs aliveconnection = 1 OldDNSConfiguration = Join(objNICConfig.DNSServerSearchOrder, ",") if LEN(OldDNSConfiguration)>1 THEN Display "DNS Server List : "& " " & OldDNSConfiguration DNSlist = Split(OldDNSConfiguration, ",") For i = 0 To UBound(DNSlist) 'Display "DNSlist" &" " & DNSlist(i) QueryandFixDNS = ScanDNS(DNSlist(i)) Exit for Next if QueryandFixDNS = ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED then Display "This computer is affected by DNSChanger malware" Else if QueryandFixDNS = ERROR_SCOPE_NOT_FOUND then Display "This computer is not affected by DNSChanger malware" End if End if if fix = true And QueryandFixDNS = ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED Then if mode = 0 then retval = objNICConfig.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(arrResetDNSServerSearchOrder) if retval = 0 then QueryandFixDNS = ERROR_VIRUS_DELETED Display "DNS setting has been successfully reset to 'Obtain DNS server address automatically'" else Display "Error in changing the DNS setting" QueryandFixDNS = retval end if else retval = objNICConfig.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(arrNewDNSServerSearchOrder) if retval = 0 then QueryandFixDNS = ERROR_VIRUS_DELETED Display "DNS address set to given ip addresses sucessfully" else Display "Error in changing the DNS setting" if retval = 70 then QueryandFixDNS = INVALID_IPADDRESS else QueryandFixDNS = retval end if end if End if else if fix = true And QueryandFixDNS = ERROR_SCOPE_NOT_FOUND Then QueryandFixDNS = ERROR_SCOPE_NOT_FOUND end if end if end if next if aliveconnection = 0 Then 'Display "Connection Not found" QueryandFixDNS = ERROR_SCOPE_NOT_FOUND end if END function function ScanDNS(DNSAddress) For i = 0 To UBound(rogueDNS) step 2 'Display rogueDNS(i) & " " & rogueDNS(i+1) If ip2num(DNSAddress) >= ip2num(rogueDNS(i)) And ip2num(DNSAddress) <= ip2num(rogueDNS(i+1)) Then ScanDNS = ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED Exit for Else ScanDNS = ERROR_SCOPE_NOT_FOUND End If Next end function sub initializenewDNS(iplist) arrNewDNSServerSearchOrder = Split(iplist,",") end sub Public Function ip2num(ip) Dim i, a, N a = Split(ip, ".") N = CDbl(0) For i = 0 To UBound(a) N = N * 256 + a(i) Next ip2num = N End Function sub Display(String) 'wscript.echo String if silent = 0 then Wscript.echo String end if end sub