Archiving Log Files


EventLog Analyzer archives the event logs received from each host, and zips them in regular intervals. The Archived Files page lists the files that have been archived for each host, along with options to load the file into the database, and delete the file.

attention All Imported Log Files will automatically get listed on the Archived Files page.

Managed Server : combo box lists all the Managed servers registered with this Admin server. Select the Managed server as per your requirement.

Loading Archived Files

The Archived Files page lists the files that have been zipped for each host, along with the archived time, file size, and archiving status.

To load an archived file into the database, click the Load into DB Load & Search link against the host for which you need to see archived data. Once the file is fully loaded into the database, you can search for data in the archives, and view specific information. Click on Load into DB DropDB link to drop the table created for corresponding archived file from the database. You can once again load the archived file into the database by clicking the Load into DB Load & Search link.

Viewing Data from Archived Files

Once the archive is fully loaded into the database, click the Search link to search for specific data in the archive. In the popup window that opens, enter the criteria for the data, such as the hostname, user name, protocol, etc. You can enter a maximum of three criteria.


Choose the time interval for which you want to see the data that meets all the criteria. Click Generate Report to view the records that match the criteria that you have specified.

Configuring Centralized Archive Settings

Click the Archive Settings Archive Settings link to configure the centralized archiving in the Admin Server. Refer the Configuring Centralized Archive of Log Files page for deatiled procedure.


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