Using the Dashboard

The Dashboard is shown when the Home tab is clicked. This is the one place from which important information about events and hosts can be seen.

Select the EventLog Analyzer Managed Server, of which you want to view the dashboard, in the Dashboard Views of the left navigation panel.


Use the global calendar to set the time period for which the graph and table values are generated.


The Total Events Per Host Group graph shows the number of events generated in each host group. This includes standard, as well as custom created host groups. Color codes are used to differentiate between event severity's in each host group.


The Total Events Per Event Type graph shows the total number of events generated in the selected time period, grouped according to event category or type - Application, System, Directory Service, DNS Server, File Replication Service, Security, and any other custom event type. Color codes are used to differentiate between event severity's in each event category.


You can drill down from the above graphs to see more information about the hosts that generated the corresponding events, and the event message that was received.


The table below the graphs shows two tabs: Hosts and Applications. The first tab Hosts lists all the hosts that have been configured to send event/system logs to the selected EventLog Analyzer Managed Server, and the next tab Applications lists all application logs imported by the selected EventLog Analyzer Managed Server.


Click the Hosts link to view the list of all hosts from which event logs are collected.

The fields and icons present in the Hosts table are described below:


Field/Icon Description
Unix icon or Windows icon or Cisco icon or Router icon or Router icon or Router icon or IBM AS/400
This icon tells you whether this host is Linux/ Windows/ Cisco Routers / Switches/IBM AS/400.
Host Name
The host name of the machine from which event logs are collected
Host Group
The host group to which this host belongs
The status of log collection from this host. Hover over each icon to see the current status.
Error/ Warning/ Failure/ Others/ Total
The number of events generated with each severity. Click on the event count to see more information about the events generated with this severity.


The status of log collection can be:


Status Description
Hosts event log collection started
Hosts access is denied for event log collection or log does not exist
Hosts event log collection is yet to start


The fields and icons present in the Applications table are described below:


Field/Icon Description
Application Type
The application to which the imported log belongs to.
The number of events generated with Error severity. Click on the event count to see information about the events generated with this severity. Clicking the count displays the time stamp and actual text message of the events.

The number of events generated with Warning severity.
The number of events generated with Failure severity.
The number of events generated with severity other than the above three.
The total number of events generated including all the severity.


In the Applications tab, the entries are based on Application type and not based on application hosts. Click on the Application type link in the individual entry. The <Application Logs> screen opens up. This screen displays the overview of log details and application hosts view drilled down to one level. This screen also displays the reports related to this application logs combined for all the hosts. Further you can drill down to one more level by clicking on the application host. The <Application >> Application Host Logs> screen opens up. This screen displays the log details of application hosts specific to the application. This screen also displays the reports related to this application logs specific to the selected host.



The application logs should be associated to hosts while configuring import of logs. Otherwise the logs will be associated to dummy host.



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