SupportCenter Plus

    Customer Portal Settings

    To make your customers gain easy access into SupportCenter Plus application you can customize and design your Customer Portal to suit your needs. Whether its permitting your customers to browse through solutions or announcements, to customizing the entire portal color, Customer Portal Settings provides it all.


    With Customer Portal Settings under the Admin module, you can transform the entire web portal page into a flexible and feasible customer portal.






    Customer Portal Page can be accessed at http://<server_name>:<port>/portal




    There are two blocks which needs to be configured before you achieve your desirable customer portal.

    • Portal Name: The name to be displayed in your customer portal.

    • Customize Portal: The contents that needs to be displayed in the portal which includes, the header, sidebar, content area, and portal options. You can customize the portal color, font and size accordingly to your choice.


    Portal Name


    You can specify a Name to appear in the customer portal. Say SCP Customer Service Portal or Acme Customer Portal. You can also specify the Portal URL for the customer portal.


    Customize Portal


    You can use this tab to customize the portal content and portal color of your customer portal. The Customize Portal tab consists of the following sections:

    1. Portal Content

    2. Portal Color Customization


    1. Portal Content


    The Portal Content block consists of the Header, Content Area, Sidebar, and Portal Options.



    • Header: On the header you can display your company logo and specific URLs to the product or website. Enable the check box beside Logo to display the company logo in the customer portal. You can also add direct links to your company websites from the portal. Enable the check box beside Footer to add footer details for the portal.

    • Content Area: Add links to instantly browse through solutions or a submit a ticket from the customer portal. You can customize the content area by adding new links or modifying the existing links. You can also make available all the public announcements, recent solutions and popular solutions to the customer on selecting the corresponding check boxes.

    • Sidebar: Sidebar provides options for Login section to customers and also a Registration option for new customers. You can also provide options if an approval is required for the new customers from the drop down. Further, a Search Solutions field can be provided to search for the public solutions and a Sidebar box containing sections. To add sections, click on Add Section, enter the details and Save.

    • Portal Options: In the Customer Portal, the following options can be provided to the customer by enabling the radio button; Show Business Units and Show Products. For non-logged-in users, enable the radio button to show solutions with All Topics, No Topics or Select Topic Template from the drop down to be displayed in the customer portal.


    2. Portal Color Customization


    The Portal Color Customization section consists of five tabs.


    Customize the header, content area, sidebar, tabs, and body background with portal color, font and size according to your choice by clicking the corresponding tabs. The changes made in this section can be instantly viewed in the Color Scheme Preview section. To preview the entire customer portal while customizing, click Full Screen Preview.


    To restore to the default color scheme, select Restore Default Color Scheme link. Click Apply Changes to apply the changes made.


    Business Units Enabled

    Multiple portals can be added to the application, if you have enabled multi tenancy through Business Units and if the application has more than one Business Unit. Once the business units are enabled, you can create a new portal, customize the portal content and portal color, and you can also Associate Business Units to it.


    Associate Business Units


    Business Units can be associated to different customer portals configured in the application. This helps in providing a restrictive access for the contacts at business unit level to access the portal. When a business unit is associated with the portal, only the solutions and announcements of the associated business unit will be displayed in the Customer Portal welcome page. While submitting a ticket using the Customer Portal welcome page, the availability of products and business units also depends on the associate business unit setting.


    Once the contact logs on to the portal, only the business unit to which the contact is associated is displayed.


    For more information on how to customize the portal, refer Customer Portal Settings.


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