

A | B | C | D | | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


Access permissions
Permissions given by an app owner to app users to "Add", "Duplicate", "Edit" and "Delete" records. Click here to learn more.

Added Time
Added Time stores the time of the record adding event. The "Added Time" field gets recorded automatically by AppCreator for every record that is added.

Add Notes Field
The "Add Notes" field can be used to display long descriptions in your form, to help your users while filling out the form. It provides a better layout and some rich text formatting options that other fields don't provide. Click here to learn more.

Added User
Added User stores the name of the user who added the current record. The "Added User" field gets recorded automatically by AppCreator for every record that is added.

User who can access the entire system. There must be at least one Administrator for accessing the entire data and features in your AppCreator account. Example: CEO or any top officials or top management. Click here to learn more.

A AppCreator application/app mainly comprises of forms and reports integrated with business workflows. It's primary purpose is to enable smooth and easy flow of business, apart from maintaining business records. Click here to know more.

Application Link Name
The URL of a AppCreator application is also known as the application link name. It can be accessed from Application Settings > General. Click here to learn more.

Autonumber Field
Auto Number field automatically generates sequential numeric values every time a record is inserted into a form. Click here to learn more.


Built-in Functions
A Function is a coded instruction to take-in data, process it as instructed and return a value. Built-in Functions, in AppCreator, are pre-defined functions that can be used to perform a specific task. They are categorized into String Functions, Math and Trigonometry Functions, Date-Time Functions, Logical Functions, List Functions, Map Functions, XML Functions, URL Functions, Form Data Functions and Common Functions. Click here to learn more.


You can enable Captcha in AppCreator forms to prevent spam. Click here to learn more.

Check-box Field
The Check-box Field allows a user to choose one or more options from a list of choices displayed. They are easier to read and require fewer interactions/clicks to use. Click here to learn more.

Collections are a list of user-defined variables that hold one or more records fetched from a form. It is present as a tab in the script-builder. Click here to learn more.

Column Properties
Column Properties help you to arrange the order of fields in reports. Additionally, you can also change the fields' display name in reports from here. Column Properties is present in Report Settings.

Common Functions
Common Functions, as the name suggests, perform most commonly used tasks to return a specific value. Click here to learn more.

Connections enable you to integrate your AppCreator application with various cloud services such as Quickbooks, Salesforce, Twilio etc. Click here to learn more.

Criteria, in AppCreator, is a condition based on which certain actions can be performed. For example, Set Criteria in Reports, Criteria in import picklist, Search records by Criteria and Set Filters.

Currency Field
The Currency Field holds numbers in the specified currency format, with or without decimal places. The default currency symbol is the dollar sign ($). Click here to learn more.

Custom Actions
Custom Actions are actions that can be performed in reports by invoking a pre-configured function. Click here to learn more.

Custom Schedules
Custom Schedules are events/actions scheduled on specific date and time with or without repeat frequency. Click here to learn more.


Dashboard displays all the forms, reports and pages in your application which you can access, delete, share, publish and duplicate from here. It also allows you to take backups and view your usage logs.

Date and Time Functions
Date and Time Functions are functions that operate on expressions involving date and time values. Click here to learn more.

Date Field
The Date field is used to enter a date. You can configure the date to appear in any format you wish. Click here to learn more.

Date-Time Field
The Date - Time field is used to add date and time to your form. You can configure the date to appear in any format and select the time zone from the Applications Settings dialog. Click here to learn more.

Decimal Field
The Decimal field holds numbers with or without decimal places. Click here to learn more.

Decision Field
The Decision field can have only two values - Yes or No. It can be used to get a "yes" or "no" decision from an end user. Click here to learn more.

Deluge is the scripting language based on which AppCreator applications function. Click here to learn more.

Drop-down Field
A Drop-down Field provides a user with many choices in a limited space. It allows the user to choose one (and only one) option from the list of choices. Click here to learn more.

DS file
DS file holds a AppCreator application in a .ds file format. You can save a AppCreator application as a DS file as well as create a new application using a DS file. Click here to learn more.

Dynamic Picklist
This feature allows you to add items to a picklist dynamically. Click here to learn more.


Edit Mode
Edit mode, in AppCreator, is the mode in which you can create and configure your application, add forms, add field types to it, edit field properties, edit form properties, add business workflows etc. In short, edit mode allows you to create, edit or make changes to your application.

Email Field
The Email field is used to enter an email address. Click here to learn more.

Embedding, in AppCreator, refers to the embedding of your forms and reports in your website. Click here to learn more.

Export data

The Export Data feature enables you to export data from AppCreator in the format of Grid (excel format), PDF, HTML, RSS, JSON, CSV and TSV. Click here to learn more.


An Expression is a combination of variables, constants and operators that yields a single value upon evaluation . Click here to learn more.


Federated Logins
Federated Logins are third party services, such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook etc, using which you can log into AppCreator. Click here to learn more.

Fields store specific type of information in forms. For example, the "Name" field is used to store the name of the user. There are several field types in AppCreator, for example, Single line, Number, Email etc. Click here to learn more.

Field Actions
Field actions are executed whenever a field value is modified or updated. Click here to learn more.

Field Type
A field type denotes what type of data can be stored in that field. For example, a "Number" field type will store only numbers. Click here to learn more.

File Upload Field
File Upload Field is used to upload Files in AppCreator. The uploaded file will be displayed as a link in the Form's report. Click here to learn more.

Filters, in AppCreator reports, display only those records which match the filter. Click here to learn more.

Form Actions
Form Actions are executed, when a form is loaded, validated or submitted. Click here to learn more.

Form Activity
Form Activity allows you to set a time frame, during which a form can be accessed by users. Click here to learn more.

Form Alias Email ID
You can fetch data to your form using the form alias mail id. Instead of sending mail to the form mail id, you can send the mail to an alias mail id. Mail forwarding is enabled in the alias mail id and the email data received in this id will be automatically forwarded to the form mail id. The email data received is automatically added to the respective fields in the form. Click here to learn more.

Form Builder
Form builder is nothing but the edit mode of a form. It is the interface using which you can add fields etc. to a form.

Form Data Functions
Form Data Functions are functions that operate on expressions involving fields from a AppCreator form. Click here to learn more.

Form Definition
Representation of a form in terms of script is known as Form Definition. Click here to learn more.

Form Link Name
Form link name is contained in the URL that directs a user to the respective AppCreator form. It can be modified in the Form properties. Click here to learn more.

Form Schedule
Form schedules are events(actions) which are scheduled based on Date, Date-Time field values present in Forms. Click

Form Settings
Form Settings allow you to configure various settings related to the form, such as email notifications, sms notifications, publish form to your website/blog , configure payments, validation rules and workflow. Click here to learn more.

A AppCreator Form is made up of one or more fields that allow the user to enter information (like text fields, text area fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons, check-boxes, etc). Click here to learn more.

Formula Field 
The Formula Field performs automatic calculations based on a given expression. Click here to learn more.

Functions are a set of instructions, grouped together under a name, which can be invoked from anywhere within an application. Click here to learn more.


Gallery or Application Gallery, is a storehouse of various AppCreator applications, from where you can view a demo and install the available applications. Click here to learn more.

You can create groups, in AppCreator, and add members to it, for group chat, share documents, wikis, contacts etc. To create groups, go to the home page of your AppCreator > Setup > Manage Groups.


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Image Field
The Image Field is used to upload images to your form from your local computer or by specifying the image URL. It also provides an option to specify the alternate text, URL, title and target to display the image. Click here to learn more.

Import Data
The Import Data feature enables you to add records by importing data into your AppCreator Application in .xls, .csv, .tsv file formats. Click here to learn more.

Import File
Import file feature enables you to create a AppCreator application by importing files in xls, xlsx, csv, tsv, ods and ds formats. Click here to learn more.

Input Fields
Input Fields are a collection of all the fields in a selected form. It is present as a tab in the script-builder. Selecting a field will add the syntax input to the text area and refers to the value of that field in the form. Click here to learn more.

Integration, in AppCreator, refers to integrating AppCreator with various Zoho Products and other cloud services to perform actions such as Add records, Fetch records, Update records etc.


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Layout is the arrangement of Forms and Reports in a AppCreator application. Click here to learn more.

List Functions
List Functions are functions that operate on expressions involving a particular list of values. Click here to learn more.

Live Mode
Live Mode, in AppCreator, is the mode in which you can access your application to submit forms, view reports etc. 

Logical Functions
Logical Functions are functions that return a boolean value based on a conditional expression. Click here to learn more.

Lookup field creates a relationship between different forms within an application or across different applications. Click here to learn more.


Map Functions
Map Functions are functions that operate on expressions containing mapped values. Click here to learn more.

Math & Trigonometry Functions
Math & Trigonometry Functions are functions that operate on mathematical expressions. Click here to learn more.

Modified Time
Modified Time stores the time of the record modifying event. The "Modified Time" field gets recorded automatically by AppCreator for every record that is added or modified.

Modified User
Modified User stores the name of the user who modified the current record. The "Modified User" field gets recorded automatically by AppCreator for every record that is added or modified.

Modified User IP address
Modified User IP address stores the IP adress of the user's system using which the current record was modified. The "Modified User IP address" field gets recorded automatically by AppCreator for every record that is added or modified.

Multi Line Field
A Multi- line text field is similar to a single-line text field, but with more text area. It can contain any type of character and is appropriate for a comments or a notes field in a Form. AppCreator allows 65,535 bytes (~64kb) of data in the multi-line text field. Click here to learn more.

Multi Select Field
The Multi Select Field provides the user with many choices in a limited space. It allows the user to choose one or more than one option from the list of choices. Click here to learn more.


Number Field
The Number Field is used to enter plain numbers without any decimals, percentage or currency signs. Click here to learn more.


Operators, in AppCreator, are a form of functions which act on one or two values and return a value. Click here to learn more.


Pages are customized reports created using HTML tags and Deluge Scripting. The HTML Page Builder provides an intuitive drag-n-drop user-interface to easily create the required pages. Click here to learn more.

Percentage Field
The Percent Field holds numbers as a percentage, with or without decimal places. Click here to learn more.

Form or report Permalink is a URL that redirects a user to the respective form or report without requiring to share the entire application. Click here to learn more.

Personal Apps
Lists all the applications created by you in your account along with the applications created by users in your workspace. Click here to learn more.

A profile stores and displays privilege information like module-level permissions, import permissions and export permissions. Different profiles with different permission-settings can be created, and then applied to different users. Click here to learn more.

Publish refers to the publishing of your forms and reports in your website, wiki or blogs. Click here to learn more.


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Radio Field
Radio Field allows the user to choose only one option from a list of choices displayed. They are easier to read and require fewer interactions/clicks to use. Click here to learn more.

A record is a row of data submitted through a Form. Click here to learn more.

Record ID
Unique ID for every record that is added to AppCreator database. This ID can be used to perform actions like edit etc. to specific records. Click here to learn more.

Record Summary
The Record Summary allows you to create a customized view of each record, by enabling you to drag-and-drop fields to their required position, insert images, description etc and make each record look like a page in itself. Click here to learn more.

Regular Form
Regular forms are forms that have their data stored in AppCreator database. Click here to learn more.

A relationship, in AppCreator, is a link between two forms, within the same application or across different applications. Click here to learn more.

Reports enable you to visualize the application data in multiple formats that cater to specific business needs. Click here to learn more.

Report Link Name
This is a unique name to identify a report in an application. This name is unique per application. Click here to learn more.

Report Schedule
Report schedules are scheduled delivery of AppCreator reports to your mail inbox. You can send your report data by specifying fixed date and time with repeats like 'monthly' or 'yearly'. Click here to learn more.

Rich Text Field
Rich Text Field provides editing tools which can be used to customize the text entered in the field. Click here to learn more.

You can create different types of roles for users based on their position in your organization hierarchy and the type of your AppCreator Edition. By default, the CEO and Manager roles are enabled for your AppCreator paid account. Click here to learn more.

A rule defines the specific event that triggers the rule, the condition to be evaluated and the tasks to be performed if the condition is true. When a rule is triggered, the tasks associated to the rule are also triggered. Click here to learn more.


Schedules are timed actions that are executed periodically, based on the date and time values present in your form or on a fixed date and time. Click here to learn more.

Script Actions
Form Actions and Field Actions are collectively known as Script Actions.

Share Application
Share application, in AppCreator, refers to the sharing of an application with users. Only users with whom an application has been shared can access that application. Click here to learn more.

Shared Apps
Lists the AppCreator applications shared with you as a "user" with details of the application owner who shared it with you. Click here to learn more.

Signature Field
The Signature Field enables a user to place his signature in a form. Click here to learn more.

Single Line Field
Single line text field is used to hold plain text and can contain a maximum of 255 characters. Click here to learn more.

Stateless form
Stateless forms are forms that do not store their data in AppCreator database. Click here to learn more.

String functions
String functions are functions that operate on string expression. They include functions for finding the length of a given text, remove certain words from a text etc. Click here to learn more.

Subform is a form within a form, generally used to show data from tables that have a one-to-many relationship. Click here to learn more.

System Variables
System variables or Zoho variables are pre-defined variables, that hold certain data like current date, current time, logged in user etc. Click here to learn more.


Themes define the color scheme of the application viz the colors that will be applied to the header strip, the component header, the buttons on the forms, etc., the over all font that will be applied to the application, the different styles that will be applied to the headers/tabs/ component headers/ forms/ views etc. Click here to learn more.


URL Field
The URL Field allows you to specify a URL (Web address) with link name, title and target. The URL submitted through a form is displayed as a link in the View. Click here to learn more.

URL Functions
XML Functions are functions that operate on expressions involving url. Click here to learn more.

User is one who can access data according to the defined permissions (profiles) and roles in the organization. For example: Sales Managers, Marketing Managers, Support Agents, etc. Click here to learn more.

User-defined variables
User-defined variables are custom variables defined by the user in deluge script. It is present as a tab in the script-builder. Click here to learn more.

User-defined functions
User-defined functions are functions, defined by the user, that can be called from anywhere within the Deluge script. It is present as a tab in the script-builder. Click here to learn more.

Users Field
The Users Field is used to display the list of application users. Click here to learn more.


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Workflows are automated tasks like sending notifications, validation of form data, processing of form data on submission, adding new records, modifying and deleting existing records, custom functions, creating mashups etc. Workflows make your application more powerful and robust. The script builder provides a drag-and-drop user interface to define the workflows easily and efficiently.

Workspace Apps
Lists the AppCreator applications shared with you as a "developer" with details of the application owner who shared it with you.


XML Functions
XML Functions are functions that operate on expressions involving XML data. Click here to learn more.


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A System variable that stores and returns the username of the application owner. Click here to learn more.

A System variable that stores and returns the email id of the application owner. Click here to learn more.

A System variable that stores and returns the name of the current application. Click here to learn more.

A System variable that provides the application details in username/applicationName format. Click here to learn more.

A System variable that returns the ipaddress of the current user. Click here to learn more.

A System variable that returns the current date in the format as specified in the Application Settings dialog. Click here to learn more.

A System variable that returns the current date and time in the format as specified in the Application Settings dialog. Click here to learn more.

A System variable that returns the user name of the logged in user. Click here to learn more.

A System variable that returns the email id of the logged in user. Click here to learn more.

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