Understand sections

Understand application sections

Sections display the components in your application in separate divisions. This provides your users with a visual and logical grouping of your application components, which makes navigation easier. 

When you access your AppCreator application, you will find components such as forms, reports, and pages, arranged in sections, with each section under a common header. A form and all the reports based on that form will be grouped into one section by default; the pages in your application will be displayed in a separate section. You can drag and drop components across sections, as well as reorder the sections and their components in your application. You can use sections to perform the following customizations for the user experience of your application:

  • arrange the forms, reports, and pages in logical groups
  • hide forms, reports, and pages from users by putting them in a section and hiding that section

The placing of sections in your application depends on the theme and device you've chosen for it. By default, the left-navigation theme is set for your AppCreator application. All the components in your application will be listed along the left side of your workspace.


Application sections for browser

Below is an example of how sections appear in your AppCreator application when accessed via a web browser. The default left-navigation theme is set, with all the components listed along the left side of your workspace. Refer to this page to customize sections for your application when accessed via browser.

Application sections for phone

Below is an example of how sections appear in your AppCreator application when accessed via a mobile device. Refer to this page to customize sections for your application when accessed via mobile.


Application sections for tablet

Below is an example of how sections appear in your AppCreator application when accessed via a tablet device. Refer to this page to customize sections for your application when accessed via tablet.

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