Manage choices 

Manage the choices displayed by users field

  1. Open the form builder.
  2. Select the required users field.
  3. Navigate to the Field Properties -> Choices section on the right.
  4. Select the required choice:
    • Select All Users to make the users field display all the users with whom you've shared this app

    • Select Selected Users to make the users field display a select set of your users with whom you've shared this app. This will open a pop-up window.

      • The Users tab will display all the users who have been assigned Roles and Permissions. Select the required users by clicking the > icon next to that user, who will then be moved from the Available List to the Selected List.
      • The Roles tab will display the roles defined in your app. Select users by their role by clicking the > icon next to that role, which will then be moved from the Available List to the Selected List.
      • Click Done.

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