Understand add record action

Understand add record action

The Add Record action in data access of workflows is a variant of the same action in deluge script. In the latter, you need to create the code for adding a record in the script builder. Instead, you can use the predefined action available

When you create a workflow for a form with the add record action, it implies that with every submission of that form you require an additional record to be added through automation. You can run this action with or without criteria. Introducing a criteria will run the add record action only if the defined criteria is applicable. 

You can select the form based on which this action needs to run. Then, select the fields that need to be included (apart from the mandatory fields) in the form.

Let's assume you have a Product Inventory Management application. You have a form for Order Placement and another for Stock Management. When a user submits an Order Placement form, you need a record to be added based on the Stock Management form to update the In-stock status of the same product. This automation can be achieved using add record action. Create a workflow for Order Placement form. Select the data access section and select Add record action. Select Stock Management form and include the In-stock field and specify the field value. Save this action. When the user places the order using the Order Placement form, a record is automatically added based on the Stock Management form, updating the In-stock field value.

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