Understand field rules

Understand field rules

The script actions in the field rules event will help you in defining the behavior of the fields in the form. There are multiple actions which can be associated with the field rules event. They are:

  • Show field - This will make the field visible to the user.
  • Hide field - This will hide the field to the user.
  • Show add subform entry - This will display the 'add new' button in the subform.
  • Hide add subform entry - This will hide the 'add new' button in the subform.
  • Show delete subform entry - This will display the 'Delete' button in the subform.
  • Hide delete subform entry - This will hide the 'Delete' button in the subform.
  • Enable field - This will enable the field for the users.
  • Disable field - This will disable the field for the users.
  • Set field value - This will set a value to the field.

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