Understand mobile notification

Understand mobile notification in form workflows

mobile notification is a message that automatically pops up on a mobile phone while a record is created, edited or deleted in a form. Mobile notifications can be configured by selecting when to send the push notification, setting criteria(conditions to be met for the notification to be sent), selecting the recipient(Users or input fields in the form), and choosing the report for which the notification has to sent. Users will receive mobile notifications even if the mobile app is not being actively used, or the device is locked and irrespective of the app running in the background or not.

You can trigger a mobile notification in various instances such as:

  • Notify on the status change in a task manager app
  • Notify when the package is shipped or an out-of-stock SKU is back in stock in an order management app
  • Notify company news/announcements to employees in an employee manager app and more

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