Verifying build integrity
SHA256 checksum verification helps verify the integrity of the files you download. It helps identify if the downloaded file has been corrupted.
After you have downloaded the Applications Manager binaries, you should ensure that their SHA256 checksum matches the one provided on the Applications Manager download pages.
Steps to verify SHA256 Checksum
- Open the Command Prompt with administrator privileges.
- Navigate to the directory where the downloaded file exists.
- Execute the appropriate command below based on your operating system, replacing <Name of the downloaded exe/bin file>with the actual file name.
- Windows
C:\Users\Downloads> CertUtil -hashfile <Name of the downloaded file> SHA256
Sample output: 
- Linux
$> sha256sum <Name of the downloaded file>
Sample output: 
$> shasum -a 256 <Name of the downloaded file>
Sample output: 
After executing the command, verify that the returned checksum value matches the SHA-256 value provided on the Applications Manager download page. If the values do not match, download the file again and repeat this procedure.