Configure Sophos UTM Firewalls
Firewall Analyzer supports versions of Sophos UTM firewall.
How to configure the Syslog Server in Sophos UTM firewall
You can configure a syslog server in Sophos Firewall by following the instructions below.
- Go to Logging & Reporting > Log Settings > Remote Syslog Server and enable Remote syslog status option.
- Click Add to configure a syslog servers option.
- Enter a name for the syslog server.
- In the Server field click the +(plus) icon, provide the name of the server and select Host option and provide Firwall Analyzer installation IP address and click Save button.
- In the Port field click the +(plus) icon, provide the port number and select UDP option in Type of definition field and provide destination and source port information and click Save button.
- Click Save button in Add Syslog Server settings and click Apply button in Remote Syslog Settings part.
- Click Select all option in Remote Syslog Log Selection or select required syslog options and click Apply button.

For details about Sophos firewall support, refer the Sophos firewall analyzer page.