System Requirements for NetFlow Analyzer

    The recommended hardware requirements for installing and running NetFlow Analyzer Standard, Professional, and Enterprise Editions are as follows: 

    Parameter Standard/Professional Edition Enterprise Edition
    Central Server Collector
    Processor 2.4 GHz Quad Core Processor 2.4 GHz Dual Core 3.2 GHz Quad core
    RAM 4 GB 4 GB 8 GB
    Hard-disk space 200GB for database 600 GB 1 TB SATA hard disk
    Operating System 64 bit 64 bit 64 bit


    Please note that change in flow rate will lead to change in system requirements for Professional and Enterprise Editions as given below: 

    Rate of Flow/Second Processor RAM Disk space for Aggregate Data (Forever) Additional Disk space for RawData (Optional) Server Type

    0 to 3k

    2.4 GHz Quad Core Processor 4 GB 200 GB 75 GB/Day -

    3k to 6k

    3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor 6 GB 200 GB 150GB/Day 64 bit

    6k to 9k

    3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor 8 GB 200 GB 225GB/Day 64 bit

    9k to 10k

    3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor 16 GB 200 GB 250GB/Day 64 bit

    10k to 25k

    3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor 18 GB 225 GB - 64 bit

    25k to 50k

    3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor 20 GB 250 GB - 64 bit

    50k to 75k

    3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor 22 GB 300 GB - 64 bit

    75k to 100k

    3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor 24 GB 350 GB - 64 bit

    * Aggregated data is calculated based on the top 100 records.


    For the device exporting NetFlow, ensure that the NetFlow export version format is exactly the same as the Cisco NetFlow version 5 or version 7 or version 9 format. For information on Cisco devices and IOS versions supporting Netflow, consult the Cisco NetFlow Device Support table.


    Software Requirements

    Software Version requirements for Evaluation
    Version requirements for Production
    Windows OS Windows 10 (or) Windows Server 2012 Windows Server 2022/ 2019/ 2016/ 2012 R2/ 2012
    Linux OS Debian 10 to 11.6/ Ubuntu 14 to 22.04/ CentOS 7 to 9/ Fedora 37/ Red Hat 7 to 9.4/​ Opensuse 15.4 ​Ubuntu 14 to 22.04/ Red Hat version 7 to 9.4/ CentOS Stream 9/ CentOS Stream 8/ CentOS 7
    Browsers Chrome/ Firefox/ Edge Chrome (preferred)/ Firefox/ Edge

    User Privilege: Local administrator privileges is required for NetFlow Analyzer installation.

    Port Requirements

    Port Name Default Port Numbers Protocol Usage Direction

    Web server port 

    8060 TCP This is the port on which you will connect to the NetFlow Analyzer server from a web browser. You can change this at any time from the Settings tab. Inbound

     NetFlow Listener port 

    9996 UDP This is the listener port on which NetFlow exports are received from routers. You can change this at any time from the Settings tab. Inbound

     Embedded database port 

    13306 TCP This is the default port used to connect to the PostgreSQL database in NetFlow Analyzer. N/A


    1433 TCP This is the port that connects NetFlow Analyzer to a SQL database. N/A


    161 UDP This is the default SNMP port to fetch the device information and configure SNMP based NBAR. Bidirectional


    32000-32999 TCP Min & Max port usage. N/A


    31000-31999 TCP To connect to Wrapper. N/A

     HTTPS Port 

    443 TCP This is the port through which the collector communicates with the central server. Bidirectional

    Database Requirements

    The following table lists the basic requirements for your OpManager database server.


    • Comes bundled with the product.
    • In case of failover, please use MS SQL.

    Microsoft SQL

    1. Supported versions:

    SQL 2019 | SQL 2017 | SQL 2016 | SQL 2014

    2. Important Notices:

    1. For production use 64 bit versions of SQL
    2. Recovery mode should be set to SIMPLE.
    3. SQL and OpManager should be in the same LAN. Currently WAN based SQL installations are not supported.

    3. Collation:

    • English with collation setting (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS)
    • Norwegian with collation setting (Danish_Norwegian_CI_AS)
    • Simplified Chinese with collation setting (Chinese_PRC_CI_AS)
    • Japanese with collation setting (Japanese_CI_AS)
    • German with collation setting (German_PhoneBook_CI_AS)

    4. Authentication:

    Mixed mode (MSSQL and Windows Authentication).


    The "bcp.exe"(Windows)/"bcp"(Linux) and "bcp.rll" must be available in the OpManager bin directory.
    The BCP utility provided with Microsoft SQL Server is a command line utility that allows you to import and export large amounts of data in and out of SQL server databases quickly.

    For Windows:

    The bcp.exe and bcp.rll will be available in the MSSQL installation directory. If MSSQL is in a remote machine, copy bcp.exe and bcp.rll files and paste them in the <\OpManager\bin> directory.

    The SQL server version compliant with the SQL Native Client must be installed in the same Server.

    For Linux:

    For BCP utility in Linux, mssql-tools (Microsoft ODBC driver for Linux) should be installed on a NetFlow Analyzer installed machine. Please follow the steps in the document provided below to install Microsoft ODBC driver on Linux servers.

    The command to install ODBC driver is different for every Linux flavor. Please choose the correct Linux flavor and install the ODBC driver.

    • Steps to move BCP utility to NetFlow Analyzer :     
      • After the ODBC driver is installed in Linux servers, the bcp utility files can be found in the below mentioned path. Copy both bcp and bcp.rll files to <opmanager_home>/bin and start NetFlow Analyzer once.
      • For ODBC driver version 18:  bcp file in /opt/mssql-tools18/bin/ and bcp.rll file in /opt/mssql-tools18/share/resources/en_US/
      • For other versions of ODBC: bcp file in /opt/mssql-tools/bin/ and bcp.rll file in /opt/mssql-tools/share/resources/en_US/

      To learn information about HighPerf add-on prerequisites, please refer to this page

      Note: NetFlow Analyzer runs in both Windows and Linux, supports NetFlow® versions 5/7/9,sFlow® , cflowd® ,J-Flow® , IPFIX® , NetStream®. To know which devices it supports refer Configuring Cisco Devices section of the User Guide.

    Screen Resolutions

    • Minimum Resolution: 1440x960
    • Recommended Resolution: 1920x1080
    • Zoom level: 100%

    Browser Versions

    Minimum browser requirements (Note: The product will run below these versions, but might face CSS issues.):

    • Chrome: 91+
    • Edge: 93+
    • Safari: 15.1+
    • Edge: 93+
    • Firefox: 96+
    • Opera: 94+
    We recommend using the latest version for the best experience.

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