Microsoft 365 reporting tool

Over 700 comprehensive
reports on Microsoft 365 services

Say goodbye to complex PowerShell scripting.

Get your free trial
  • Mailbox traffic analysis
  • Skype for business usage summary
  • Microsoft 365 user reporting
  • OneDrive for business reports
  • Security and compliance reports

Mailbox traffic analysis

  • Keep track of emails sent and received by users from external and internal domains.
  • Gain insights on spam and malware emails, and block senders or quarantine messages as needed.
  • See which users send and receive the most emails in your organization.
  • View the list of undelivered emails including emails sent to invalid addresses, emails that couldn't be sent due to size, and more.

Skype for Business usage summary

  • View reports on Skype for Business to monitor its usage, identify inactive users, and more.
  • Receive detailed reports on organized peer-to-peer sessions, minutes consumed by these sessions, the list of attendees, and more.
  • Keep track of the users who access Skype for Business through mobile devices.
  • Keep an eye on all user activity in Skype for Business with granular reports.

Microsoft 365 user reporting

  • Know all about active users, inactive users, users that never logged on, locked-out users, and more.
  • Generate password status reports to know about soon-to-expire passwords, users with expired passwords, users that have recently changed or never changed their password, multi-factor authentication (MFA) settings, and more.
  • Analyze users’ logon activities with reports on failed logon attempts, users who log on after business hours, last logon time, and more.
  • Keep track of the devices registered to Azure AD, their owners, and activities carried out using those devices.

OneDrive for Business and Yammer reports

  • Report on files created, deleted, uploaded, and downloaded from your organization's OneDrive for Business account.
  • Keep track of users’ file sharing activities with details on who shared which file and when.
  • Get insights on Yammer user and group activities, and files and messages shared among users.

Security and compliance reports

  • Generate mailbox security reports for more information on retention policies, litigation hold, shared mailbox security, and more.
  • Ensure user security with reports on recent user role changes, new admins, changes to password settings, and more.
  • In addition to user activities, keep track of mailbox creation and deletion, mailbox quota changes, mailbox delegation, permission changes, and other admin activities.
  • Generate reports that help you comply with HIPAA, SOX, FISMA, GLBA, PCI DSS, and other industry regulations.

Create, schedule, and export reports on major Microsoft 365 services.

M365 Manager Plus' user-friendly UI allows admins to manage all Microsoft 365 objects in a jiffy, without having to navigate
from one window to another.

  • Analyze mail traffic summary Analyze mail traffic summary
  • Track the OneDrive for Business events logTrack the OneDrive for Business events log
  • Identify users with expired passwordsIdentify users with expired passwords
  • Track Skype for Business user activityTrack Skype for Business user activity
  • Track Microsoft Teams users' daily activityTrack Microsoft Teams users'  daily activity
  • Identify active Yammer groupsIdentify active Yammer groups

Get a quick snapshot of the reports with graphs.


Generate reports for custom intervals.

Analyze mail traffic

Generate reports for custom intervals.


Schedule reports to be generated at specified intervals, and have them delivered to your inbox.

Track Skype for Business user activity

Identify user based on domains and virtual tenants.


Export reports to PDF, CSV, XLSX or HTML formats.

Identify users with expired passwords

Generate reports for custom intervals.


Schedule reports to be generated at specified intervals, and have them delivered to your inbox.

Track Skype for Business user activity

Generate reports for custom intervals.


Export reports to PDF, CSV, XLSX or HTML formats.

Track Microsoft Teams users'  daily activity

Graphical representation of the report gives you a quick snapshot of the active Yammer groups.


Generate reports for custom intervals.

Identify active Yammer groups

Why M365 Manager Plus is a better option


  • Comprehensive and granular reports to keep you updated about all Microsoft 365 services
  • Summarized mail traffic reports
  • Exclusive reports on security and compliance aspects
  • Graph representation of reports wherever applicable
  • Attribute-level filtering
  • Automatic report generation and emailing of reports (when scheduled)
  • Export reports to CSV, PDF, HTML, and XLSX formats 
  • Unique reports for spam and malware recipients

Other features offered by M365 Manager Plus


    Microsoft 365 Management


    Microsoft 365 Auditing


    Microsoft 365 Automation


    Microsoft 365 Monitoring


    Microsoft 365 Security


Why businesses choose M365 Manager Plus

What our customers say
  • We can now effectively reconcile which licenses we are using in the organization and assign the cost to the business unit. We were also able to identify a number of license changes that could be put in place that reduced our total Microsoft 365 spending.

    Timothy Ransom
    Group IT/IS manager at The Eclipse Group, United Arab Emirates
  • M365 Manager Plus is valuable to our future business and, most importantly it allows me to keep on improving the level of service we provide.

    IT Infrastructure Manager,
    Sunstar Suisse SA
  • Our firm purchased ManageEngine M365 Manager Plus to help us protect our business from email-borne cyberthreats. We are absolutely satisfied with the features and ease of use. It has surpassed our expectations.

    Insurance agent
    Security and risk management Gartner review

Get M365 Manager Plus up and
running in no time.

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