The following is a comparison between obtaining a report on specific users with Windows PowerShell and ADManager Plus.
import-module activedirectory $OutFile = 'C:\Scripts\SpecificUsers.csv' # your output file $MyOU = 'OU=andrea,DC=mse1,DC=com' # DN Get-ADUser -SearchBase $MyOU -LdapFilter "(&(objectClass=person) (objectCategory=user) (sAMAccountName=a*))" | foreach {Add-Content -path $OutFile "$($_.SamAccountName),$($_.objectGUID)"
Following are the limitations to obtain report of specific users using native tools like Windows PowerShell:
With ADManager Plus, we can search for specific users with the help of the attributes such samAccountName, Display Name, Distinguished Name and Email Address and export them in the desired format.
For AD User Management
For AD User Reporting
For GPO Management
For Password Management
For AD Group Management
For File Access Management
For AD Computer Management
For Office 365 Management
For Exchange Management