Microsoft Dynamics AX Monitoring

Microsoft Dynamics AX - An Overview

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system suitable for midsize to large enterprises. It provides your enterprise with comprehensive core functionality like financial, human resources and operations management so that your business can thrive. Microsoft Dynamics AX offers complete functionality for inventory control, warehouse management, transportation management, demand and supply chain planning, material requirements planning, production management, quality assurance, product lifecycle management, asset management, and business intelligence so you can make important business decisions.

Monitoring Microsoft Dynamics AX - What we do

To actively monitor the behavior of the Microsoft Dynamics AX application and related applications, Applications Manager effectively collects information pertaining to the performance of each component of the system architecture, i.e.: Application Object Server (AOS), the SQL Database Server, and their Server Stats.

Creating a new Microsoft Dynamics AX monitor

Supported versions : Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3

Prerequisites for monitoring Microsoft Dynamics AX metrics : Click here

Rest API to add a new Microsoft Dynamics AX monitor : Click here

To create a new Dynamics AX monitor, follow the steps given below:

  1. Click on New Monitor link.
  2. Select Microsoft Dynamics AX under ERP category.
  3. Specify the Display Name of the Dynamics AX Application.
  4. Enter the AX Host Name or IP Address of the host where the AX Server runs.
  5. Select the Version number from the drop-down menu.
  6. Select the AX Services to be monitored from the drop down list.
  7. If you choose the Use Below Credentials option, then enter the credentials - Username and Password of the Host Machine.
    • Username - To monitor a Microsoft Dynamics AX application, use Administrator user account which has the permission to execute WMI queries on 'root/CIMV2' namespace of the AX Server.
    • Password - Password of the above user who has the permissions to execute WMI Queries.

    If you choose the Select from credential list option, then select the respective credential from preconfigured credential list.

  8. Select the Enable Kerberos Authentication checkbox if you want to monitor Microsoft Dynamics AX application through Kerberos authentication.
  9. Choose Remote SQL Server option if the MSSQL of Dynamics AX is in a remote server other than the AX server. If this option is enabled, enter the following details:
    • SQL Server Host Name - Enter the hostname of the remote SQL server
    • SQL Server Credentials Details - Choose if you want to use the same AX Server Credentials or Enter new credentials for the SQL server.
      • SQL Server Username - Use Administrator user account which has the permission to execute WMI queries on 'root/CIMV2' namespace of the SQL Server.
      • SQL Server Password - Password of the above user who has the permissions to execute WMI Queries of the SQL Server.
  10. Specify the Polling Interval in minutes.
  11. Choose the Monitor Group with which you want to associate the Dynamics AX monitor to, from the combo box (optional). You can choose multiple groups to associate your monitor.
  12. Click Add Monitor(s). This starts monitoring the Dynamics AX Server Application from the network.

Monitored Parameters

Go to the Monitors Category View by clicking the Monitors tab. Click on the Microsoft Dynamics AXmonitor under the ERP Table. Displayed is the Microsoft Dynamics AX bulk configuration view distributed into three tabs:

  • Availability tab displays the availability history for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • Performance tab displays the health status and events for the past 24 hours or 30 days.
  • List view enables you to perform bulk admin configurations.

Click on the monitor name to see all the server details listed under the following tabs:


Parameters Description
AOS Active Sessions
Active Sessions The number of currently active server sessions
Total Sessions The total number of active sessions since the AOS instance started
Microsoft Dynamics AX and MSSQL Services
Service Name The name of the service. Note that the display name and the service name (which is stored in the registry) are not always the same.
Availability The current state (Running or stopped) of the base service.

Application Object Server (AOS)

Parameters Description
AOS Traffic
Bytes Received/Sec The number of bytes received by the AOS instance per second
Bytes Sent/Sec The number of bytes sent by the AOS instance per second
Request Statistics
Total Client Requests The number of client-to-server requests since the AOS instance started
Client requests/Min The number of client-to-server requests per minute
Client requests processed/Sec The number of client-to-server requests processed per second
Server responses/Min The number of server-to-client requests that have been processed per minute

AOS Data Cache

Parameters Description
Hits & Miss
Hits/Min The number of times a record was found successfully in the cache per minute
Miss/Min The number of times a record was not found in the cache
Data Cache Clears(Total)
Total Number of Clears The total number of times the cache was cleared of all contents
Clears due to AOS Synchronization(Total) The total number of times the cache was cleared because of AOS synchronization
Deletes from Data Cache(Total) The total number of times records were deleted from the data cache
Cache flushes due to Size(Total) The total number of times the cache was flushed due to size
Selects on Cached Tables(Total) The total number of selects on tables that are cached
Data Cache Clears(Rate)
Number of Clears / Min The number of times the cache was cleared of all contents per minute
Number of Clears by AOS / Min The  number of times the cache was cleared because of AOS synchronization per minute
Deletes from Data Cache / Min The number of times records were deleted from the data cache per minute
Cache Flush due to Size / Min The number of times the cache was flushed due to size per minute
Selects on Cached Tables / Min The number of selects on tables that are cached per minute

SQL Server

Parameters Description
General Statistics
Total Active Transactions The total number of active transactions
Transactions/Sec Number of transactions started for the database per second
Dynamic Server Memory Total amount of dynamic memory, in kilobytes, that the server is currently consuming
User Connections Number of users connected to the system
SQL Statistics
SQL Compilations / Sec Number of SQL Server query compilations per second
SQL Re-Compilations / Sec Number of SQL Server query re-compilations per second
Batch Requests / Sec Number of SQL Server batch request executed per seconds
Buffer Manager
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio Percentage of pages that were found in memory, this not requiring a physical I/O operation
Free List Stalls / Sec The number of requests per second that had to wait for a free page
Lazy Writes / Sec Pages written to the disk during the LazyWriter process freeing up SQL cache.
Page Life Expectancy Estimated number of seconds a page will stay in the buffer pool before it is written out
Page lookups / Sec Indicates the number of requests per second to find a page in the buffer pool
Lock Statistics
Lock Requests / Sec Number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from the lock manager
Lock Memory The total amount of memory in kilobytes, that is allocated to locks
Access Method Metrics
Forwarded Records / Sec The number of records fetched through forwarded record pointers
FreeSpace Scans / Sec The number of scans per second that were initiated to search for free space within pages already allocated to an allocation unit to insert or modify record fragment
Full Scans / Sec Either table or Index is fully scanned. This could be caused because of wrong or unhelpful indexes
WorkFiles Created / Sec The number of work files created per second
WorkTables Created / Sec The number of worktables created in tempdb per second. Worktables are used for queries that use various spools (table spool, index spool, etc)

Server Statistics

Parameters Description
% Privileged Time The percentage of non-idle processor time spent in privileged mode
% User Time The percentage of non-idle processor time spent in user mode
Available bytes The amount of physical memory available to processes running on the computer in megabytes
Committed bytes The amount of committed virtual memory in megabytes
Page Faults / Sec The average number of pages faulted per second
Average Queued Requests The average number of both read and write requests that were queued for the selected disk during the sample interval.
% Disk Time Measures how busy a physical array is.
Average time / Disk Read The average time in seconds for a read of data from the disk.
Average time / Disk Read The average time in seconds for a write of data from the disk.
Segments Sent / Sec The rate at which segments are sent.
Segments Received / Sec The rate at which segments are received.
Segments Re-transmitted / Sec The rate at which segments are re-transmitted.