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    How do I backup my database?

    Below are the procedures for backing up data from PostgreSQL, MySQL and MS SQL databases.

    Note: Before starting the backup process, stop EventLog Analyzer service.

    Database backup procedures for PostgreSQL:

    Take a backup of the existing EventLog Analyzer PostgreSQL database by creating a ZIP file of the contents available in <EventLog Analyzer Home>\pgsql directory and save it as in <EventLog Analyzer Home> directory.

    Database backup procedure for MySQL:

    Take a backup of existing EventLog Analyzer MySQL database by creating a ZIP file of the contents available in <EventLog Analyzer Home>\mysql directory and save it as in <EventLog Analyzer Home> directory.

    Database backup procedure for MS SQL:

    • Find the current location of the data and log file for the database eventlog  by using the following commands:
    Copy to Clipboard

    use eventlog




    • Detach the database using the following commands:
    Copy to Clipboard

    use master


    sp_detach_db 'eventlog'


    • Backup the data file and log file from the current location <MSSQL Home>\data\eventlog.mdf and <MSSQL_Home>\data\eventlog_log.LDF to the new location <New Location>\eventlog.mdf and <New Location>\eventlog_log.LDF.
    • Re-attach the database and point to the old location by using the following commands:
    Copy to Clipboard

    use master


    sp_attach_db 'eventlog' , '<MSSQL Home>/data/eventlog.mdf' , <MSSQL Home>/data/eventlog_log.LDF


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