How to raise temporary access request for peripheral devices?

When you deploy a device control policy, peripheral device access to all the endpoints associated with the policy is regulated. The most common device accessibility options available are Allow, Read-only, and Block. Most enterprises that advocate security opt to block USB devices and other peripherals as a precautionary approach.

However, certain cases, like business exceptions or client emergencies, may require access to the blocked peripheral devices. In such scenarios, the users to whom the peripheral device is inaccessible can request temporary access from their endpoints.

The following steps guide you in raising temporary access request for peripheral devices:

  • Windows
  • Mac

Step 1: Choose the option View Device Temporary Access Portal from the agent tray icon.

Step 2: Under the Temporary Access Request section, choose the Device Type and the option Select Device to select the specific device from the group.

Step 3: You can use the filter to find the status (enabled or disabled) for all devices. Check the option Show only the currently connected devices, if needed.

Step 4: Select the device and click Add.

Step 5: Select the Duration of Access, fill in the Reason field and click on Request.

Step 1: Choose the option View Device Temporary Access Portal from the agent tray icon.

Step 2: Under the Temporary Access Request section, choose the Device Type and the option Select Device to select the specific device from the group.

Step 3: You can use the filter to find the status (enabled or disabled) for all devices. Check the option Connected Devices, if needed.

Step 4: Select the Duration of Access, fill in the Reason field and click on Request.