Rebranding Endpoint DLP Plus

You can choose to rebrand the product server and agent components. This feature will allow you to use your company logo and name, instead of Endpoint DLP Plus logo and name. Rebranding the product server, will allow system administrators and technicians, to view the product as their own.

Benefits of Rebranding

  • Exported reports will contain the rebranded logo and company name.
  • Alerts and messages displayed on the managed computers will contain the rebranded logo and company name.
  • Users on the managed computers can be reassured that the desktop management activities are being performed under the supervision of their own IT team.

Rebranding Endpoint DLP Plus Server

You can rebrand the product server component by providing a product logo and the company name. The copyright details and the web link can also be modified. These changes will be reflected to the users when they login the subsequent time. Whenever a report is being generated from the product server, the details on the report will also contain the rebranded details of the company. When the product server is rebranded, the user will not be able to identify the product as Endpoint DLP Plus on the server UI. However the text within the product would contain the name of the product as Endpoint DLP Plus. For example, the installation wizard, product name in the installation directory and messages within the product will remain the same.

Rebranding the Endpoint DLP Plus Agent

You can choose to rebrand the product agent on the managed computer. You will have to provide a logo and the name that need to appear on the managed computer's agent. Rebranding the agent will also replace the image of the Endpoint DLP Plus icon with the provided icon on the managed computers. Rebranded image and product name will be used while displaying notifications on the managed computer.


Agent tray icon

Agent tray icon prior to rebranding.

Agent prior rebranding

Agent tray icon after rebranding.

Agent after rebranding

Web console

Web Console prior to rebranding.

Server prior rebranding

Web console after rebranding.

Server after rebranding