Recycle Bin
This section allows administrators to recycle deleted AD objects.
To recycle deleted objects,
- Navigate to Active Directory → Active Directory → Recycle Bin.
- Select the domain that contains the object to be restored in the Domain drop-down box.
- You can use RecoveryManager Plus to recycle the deleted object to the same location or to a new location.
- To recycle the object to its previous location, select the Recycle radio button at the top of the screen.
- To recycle the object to a new location, select the Recycle to at the top of the screen radio button. In the pop-up that appears, select the location to which you recycle the object and click Save.
- Click on the
button to narrow the search for the object to be restored.
- Type the name of the deleted object in the Object Name field. If you are not sure of the name, make use of the filters such as Contains, Starts With, Ends With, and Equals.
- Click on the
in the OUs field to select the OU.
- Specify the approximate time period within which the object was deleted in the Backup Date field and click Apply.
- In the Object Type field, select the type that fits from the drop-down box and hit Search.
- Mark the check box against the objects that you would like to recycle.
- Click Recycle.
Note: If you have configured RecoveryManager Plus with a service account instead of a domain administrator account, you’ll be prompted to provide the credentials of a user who can write to Active Directory. If the account used to configure RecoveryManager Plus can write to Active Directory, select Use default domain credential and click Yes. If not, unselect Use default domain credential, and provide the credentials of a user who can write to Active Directory and click Yes.