RecoveryManager Plus is licensed based on the number of on-premises Exchange and Exchange Online mailboxes backed up.
When you add a user mailbox to a backup schedule, a license is automatically applied to the mailbox. You can apply licenses for other mailboxes such as shared mailboxes, archive mailboxes, equipment mailboxes, room mailboxes, discovery mailboxes, and Microsoft 365 group mailboxes at no additional cost. This section describes how you can remove licenses assigned to mailboxes.
The screen displays the following information at the top of the table.
When you remove a license assigned to a mailbox, all backups of the mailbox will be deleted from your backup repository, and the mailboxes will be removed from any backup schedules. However, if you wish to retain the backups, follow the below steps:
Note: The license is consumed only by the user mailbox. Shared mailboxes, resource mailboxes, and linked mailboxes can be backed up in the same backup schedule without any restrictions.
You can remove licenses assigned to all mailboxes or just specific mailboxes.
To remove licenses assigned to all mailboxes in a particular tenant/organization,
To remove licenses assigned to particular mailboxes,
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