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    Customizing Dashboard Views

    The dashboard is populated using the data collected from various log sources. Click Log Sources on the top-right corner of the dashboard to view the list of devices, applications, and monitored files from which the data is being collected.

    To edit dashboard profiles, click here.

    To customize the dashboard according to your preferences, the following options are available to you:

    Adding a new tab to the dashboard

    To add a new tab to the dashboard,

    • In EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon on the top-right corner and select Add Tab.
    • In the pop-up box that appears, you can see the following:
      1. Three default tabs: Events Overview, Network Overview, and Security Overview
      2. Three predefined templates: Cisco Overview, IIS Overview, and SQL Server Overview
      3. Add Custom Tab option
    • Click Add Custom Tab. Enter a name for the tab in the given field and click Add.
    • Navigate to the new tab in your dashboard and click Add Widget to start adding widgets of your choice.
    If you want to add an existing report as a widget, click here to know how.

    Adding a new widget to a tab

    To add a new widget,

    • In EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, navigate to the tab to which you want to add a new widget and click the icon on the top-right corner.
    • Click Add Widget. In the pop-up box that appears, select the widget, widget type, chart type, chart color, and enter a display name for the widget.
    • Once you've entered all the details, click Add.
    You also have the option of pinning a report as a new widget. To know how, click here.

    Deleting and reordering tabs in the dashboard

    To delete tabs from the dashboard,

    • In EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon on the top-right corner and click Manage Tabs.
    • In the Manage Tab dialog box that appears, click the icon corresponding to that tab that you want to delete.
    • In the pop-up confirmation box, click Yes to complete the deletion of the tab

    To edit the order of tabs in the dashboard,

    • In EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon on the top-right corner and click Manage Tabs.
    • Click the icon and drag and drop the tabs in the order of your choice.

    Reordering and resizing widgets

    To reorder the widgets in a tab,

    • In EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, navigate to the tab whose widgets you want to reorder, click the icon on the top-right corner and click Reorder Widgets.
    • Click and drag the widgets wherever you want to place them.
    • You can also resize widgets by dragging them from their bottom-right corner and adjusting their sizes as required.
    • Click on the Save button present on the top-right corner.

    Editing and deleting widgets

    To edit a widget in a tab,

    • In EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon corresponding to the widget that you want to edit.
    • Select Edit Widget. Update the necessary information and click Update.

    To delete a widget from a tab,

    • In EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon corresponding to the widget that you want to delete.
    • Select Delete Widget and click Yes in the pop-up box that appears.

    Viewing the dashboard in full screen mode

    To view the dashboard in full screen,

    • In EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon on the top-right corner.
    • In the full screen view, you can view a slideshow of the tabs by clicking the play icon located at the top of the screen.
    • You can switch to different tabs by clicking on the drop-down button located at the top of the screen.
    • You can also remove a particular tab from the slideshow by clicking the toggle button next to the name of the tab in the drop-down list.
    • You can also switch to dark mode by clicking the toggle button at the top-right corner of the screen.
    • To go back to the normal viewing mode, click the icon.

    Viewing a widget in full screen mode

    To view a widget in full screen, in EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon on the top-right corner of the widget you want to view.

    Refreshing the dashboard and widgets

    To refresh the dashboard, in EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon on the top-right corner of the screen.

    To refresh a particular widget, in EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon on the top-right corner of the widget.

    Changing refresh interval

    To change the time interval for the automatic refreshing of the dashboard,

    • In EventLog Analyzer's dashboard, click the icon on the top-right corner and click Refresh Interval.
    • In the pop-up box that appears, select the refresh interval—Never, 30 Secs, 1 Min, 5 Mins, 10 Mins, and 1 Hr.
    Note: If you choose Never for the refresh interval, the dashboard will never be refreshed automatically. You will have to refresh it manually.

    Check out our video for a step by step demonstration of customizing the EventLog Analyzer dashboard here.

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