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Das Cyber Security und IAM Online Seminar

28. Oktober um 10:00 Uhr CET


We look forward to meeting you at our other events.

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Highlights & Nutzen

  • Sehen Sie Präsentationen hervorragender Referenten

  • Lernen Sie Best Practices für die Verwaltung des Active Directory aus aller Welt kennen.

  • Erfahren Sie, wie Sie ein kontinuierliches Change-Monitoring und eine Alarmierung für Ihre AD-Umgebung einrichten können.

  • Erfahren Sie, wie Sie raffinierte Angriffe mit fortschrittlichen Log-Management- und Sicherheits-Audit-Techniken bekämpfen können.

  • Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Support-Anrufe reduzieren und Ihren Benutzern mit Passwort-Self-Service, SSO und Passwort-Synchronisierung Selbsthilfe bieten können.

  • Beraten Sie sich mit unseren Experten. Diskutieren Sie mit ihnen über Ihre Active Directory- und IT-Sicherheitsherausforderungen.

Zum ersten Mal bei unserem


Es gibt viel zu entdecken. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.


  • Mittwoch | 28. Oktober
  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM


  • 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

    Bessere Verwaltung eines hybriden Active Directory mit schlankem Privilegienmodell (Englisch)

    1. Entmystifizierung des hybriden Active Directory
    2. Vorteile eines vereinfachten Identitätszugangs
    3. Must-Have: Sicherheitsberichte zum hybriden Active Directory und Datenspeicher
    4. Automatisierung wesentlicher hybrider AD-Verwaltungsaufgaben wie dem On- und Offboarding von Nutzern sowie der Verwaltung von Gruppenmitgliedschaften

    IT-Sicherheit und Risiko: Empfehlungen zum Schutz der eigenen IT-Landschaft mit SIEM (Englisch)

    1. Cyber-Security-Angriffe mit Hilfe von KI und ML erkennen und eindämmen
    2. Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens.
    3. Stellenwert des hybriden Active Directory (Vor-Ort und O365/Azure AD)
    4. Absicherung des gesamten Netzwerks, des VPN-Zugangs, der Cloud-Anwendungen usw. erforderlich
    5. kontinuierliche Einhaltung der Compliance-Richtlinien
  • 4:15 PM - 5 PM


  • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

    Cyber-Security: Passwortsicherheit in der gesamten hybriden IT (Deutsch)

    1. Wichtigkeit von Passwörtern und der Implementierung strenger Passwortrichtlinien
    2. Durchsetzen zentralisierter, granularer Kennwortrichtlinien über Active Directory- und Cloud-Anwendungen hinweg
    3. One-Click-Access für Cloud-Anwendungen durch Active Directory-basiertes Single-Sign-On
  • 4:15 PM - 5 PM

    Q & A



Senior Technical Evangelist -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine


Teamleiter Support & Software Consulting -

  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM


  • 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

    Strengthening Cyber Security through ML and AI.

    1. Understanding the attack surface - how ML and AI can detect Internal and external attacks.
    2. Importance of Hybrid Active Directory and how ML helps in predicting user behavior.
    3. Get to know when privileged users are under attack and re-mediate an action plan.
    4. Importance of data security and the need for DLP.
  • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

    SIEM: Data, analytics, and action.

    1. Data: What are the different sources you need in a SIEM solution?
    2. Analytics: How do you leverage a combination of rule-based and ML-based analytics to detect security threats?
    3. Action: How do you manage and respond to attacks swiftly and efficiently?
  • 4:15 PM - 5 PM

    Q & A



Technical Evangelist -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine


Senior Technical Evangelist -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine


Solutions Delivery Manager -
Soft Solutions.

  • ADAudit Plus and EventLog Analyzer
    July 29 | Wednesday
  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM


  • 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

    Strengthening Cyber Security through ML and AI.

    1. Understanding the attack surface - how ML and AI can detect Internal and external attacks.
    2. Importance of Hybrid Active Directory and how ML helps in predicting user behavior.
    3. Get to know when privileged users are under attack and re-mediate an action plan.
    4. Importance of data security and the need for DLP.
  • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

    SIEM: Data, analytics, and action.

    1. Data: What are the different sources you need in a SIEM solution?
    2. Analytics: How do you leverage a combination of rule-based and ML-based analytics to detect security threats?
    3. Action: How do you manage and respond to attacks swiftly and efficiently?
  • 4:15 PM - 5 PM

    Q & A



Product Expert -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine


Technology Evangelist -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine

  • ADAudit Plus, EventLog Analyzer, ADManager Plus and ADSelfService Plus
    August 18 | Tuesday
  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

    Strengthening Cyber Security through ML and AI

    1. Understanding the attack surface - how ML and AI can detect Internal and external attacks
    2. Importance of Hybrid Active Directory and how ML helps in predicting user behavior
    3. Get to know when privileged users are under attack and re-mediate an action plan
    4. Importance of data security and the need for DLP
  • 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

    SIEM: Data, analytics, and action

    1. Data: What are the different sources you need in a SIEM solution?
    2. Analytics: How do you leverage a combination of rule-based and ML-based analytics to detect security threats?
    3. Action: How do you manage and respond to attacks swiftly and efficiently?
  • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

    anaging AD and Office365 the hybrid way

    1. Understand and manage inappropriate privileges given to users
    2. Standardizing the process of onboarding and deprovisioning users in AD and Office365
    3. Automate routine AD tasks by incorporating a business workflow
    4. Empower technicians to manage AD and Office365 without delegating excessive rights or access to servers
  • 4:15 PM - 5 PM

    Modern MFA to protect your system, applications and data.

    1. Prevent attacks due to stolen or compromised passwords with 2FA.
    2. Empower users to seamlessly reset passwords with MFA.
    3. Comply with IT best practices for better passwords.
    4. Control access to apps and authenticators based on self-service policies.



Technology Evangelist -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine


Product Expert -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine


Technology Evangelist -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine


Product Expert -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine

  • ADManager Plus and ADSelfService

    Day 1

    May 12 | Tuesday
  • ADAudit Plus and EventLog Analyzer

    Day 2

    May 13 | Wednesday
  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

    Demystifying Hybrid Active Directory

    1. Demystifying Hybrid Active Directory
    2. Importance of streamlined Identity access
    3. Must have security reports across Hybrid Active Directory and data storage
    4. Automating critical AD management routines such as user onboarding, offboarding and group membership management.
  • 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

    Modern MFA to protect your system, applications and data.

    1. Prevent attacks due to stolen or compromised passwords with 2FA.
    2. Empower users to seamlessly reset passwords with MFA.
    3. Comply with IT best practices for better passwords.
    4. Control access to apps and authenticators based on self-service policies.



Technology Evangelist -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine


Product Expert -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine

  • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

    Understanding the indicators of compromise via security log events.

    1. Why a tool is needed for auditing changes in your hybrid AD environments?
    2. Setting the right audit policies.
    3. Top 6 security events to track in any organization.
    4. Leveraging Machine learning to identify internal/external threats.
    5. 3 must-watch events in Azure AD.
    6. Detecting insider threats with user behavior analytics (UBA).
  • 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM

    Advanced security monitoring

    1. Why do we need SIEM?
    2. Event correlation algorithms
    3. User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA)
    4. Advanced threat analytics
    5. Incident management and response



Technology Evangelist -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine


Product Expert -
ADSolutions, ManageEngine

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