





MDM's APIs allow you to perform all the basic management done with the MDM web client.

ManageEngine MDM APIs are built using REST principles which ensures predictable URLs that makes writing applications easy. This API follows HTTP rules, enabling a wide range of HTTP clients can be used to interact with the API.

Every resource is exposed as a URL. The URL of each resource can be obtained by accessing the API Root Endpoint.

Getting Started


$ curl -H 'Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5'

To use our API you must satisfy these prerequistes

  1. A valid Zoho username and password.(MDM Cloud)
  2. An API Key (MDM On-Premises)


In case of MDM On-Premises, the authentication is done using using the API key.

Generating an API key

  1. On the MDM server, click on Admin tab from the top menu and select API Key Generation, present under Integrations.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to generate an API key.

Calling An API

API key can be passed only in header and cannot be passed in the request param.

  • Header name should be Authorization
  • Header value should be {api_key}

Note: The API key generated is valid for 6 months.


In case of MDM Cloud Zoho REST APIs are used, where the authorization and authentication done using OAuth 2.0. It provides secure access to protect resources thereby reducing the hassle of asking for a username and password every time a user logs in. Follow the steps listed here, to access Zoho’s APIs using OAuth 2.0

Step 1: Registering New Client

You will have to first register your application with Zoho's Developer console in order get your Client ID and Client Secret.

To register your application, login to Zoho Developer's Console and click on Add Client ID. Provide the required details to register your application.

On successful registration, you will be provided with a set of OAuth 2.0 credentials such as a Client ID and Client Secret , known to both Zoho and your application. Do not share this credentials

Step 2: Generating Grant Token

Redirect to the following authorization URL with the given params

Request Example,MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.READ&client_id=1000.0SRSZSY37WMZ69405H3TMYI2239V&state=testing&response_type=code&redirect_uri=
Parameter Description
scope * SCOPE for which the token to be generated. Multiple scopes can be given which has to be separated by commas. Ex : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.CREATE
client_id * Client ID obtained during Client Registration
state An opaque string that is round-tripped in the protocol; ie., whatever value given to this will be passed back to you.
response_type * code
redirect_uri * One of the redirect URI given in above step. This param should be same redirect url mentioned while registering the Client
access_type The allowed values are offline and online. The online access_type gives your application only the access_token which is valid for one hour. The offline access_type will give the application an access_token as well as a refresh_token. By default it is taken as online
prompt Prompts for user consent each time your app tries to access user credentials. Ex: Consent

Note: Fields marked with * are mandatory

On this request, you will be shown with a "user consent page".

Upon clicking “Accept”, Zoho will redirect to the given redirect_uri with code and state param. This code value is mandatory to get the access token in the next step and this code is valid for 60 seconds.

On clicking “Deny”, the server returns an error

Step 3: Generate Access and Refresh Token

After getting code from the above step, make a POST request for the following URL with given params, to generate the access_token.

Request Example
Parameter Description
code * code which is obtained in the above step
client_id * Client ID obtained during Client Registration
client_secret * Client secret obtained during Client Registration
redirect_uri * This param should be same redirect url mentioned while adding Client
grant_type * authorization_code
scope SCOPE for which token to be generated. Ex : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.CREATE. Multiple scopes has to be separated by commas.
state An opaque string that is round-tripped in the protocol; that is to say, value will be passed back to you.

Note: Fields with * are mandatory

In the response, you will get both access_token and refresh_token.

1. The access_token will expire after a particular period (as given in expires_in param in the response).

2. The refresh_token is permanent and will be used to regenerate new access_token, if the current access token is expired.

Note: Each time a re-consent page is accepted, a new refresh token is generated. The maximum limit is 20 refresh tokens per user. If this limit is crossed, the first refresh token is automatically deleted to accommodate the latest one. This is done irrespective of whether the first refresh token is in use or not.

Step 4: Generate Access Token From Refresh Token

Access Tokens have limited validity. In most general cases the access tokens expire in one hour. Until then, the access token has unlimited usage. Once it expires, your app will have to use the refresh token to request for a new access token. Redirect to the following POST URL with the given params to get a new access token

Request Example
Parameter Description
refresh_token REFRESH TOKEN which is obtained in the above step
client_id Client ID obtained during Client Registration
client_secret Client secret obtained during Client Registration
redirect_uri This param should be same redirect url mentioned while registering Client
grant_type refresh_token

Step 5: Revoking a Refresh Token

To revoke a refresh token, call the following POST URL with the given params

Request Example
Parameter Description
refresh_token REFRESH TOKEN which is to be revoked

Step 6: Calling An API

Access Token can be passed only in header and cannot be passed in the request param.

  • Header name should be Authorization
  • Header value should be Zoho-oauthtoken {access_token}

List of scopes available :

Scope Description
Inventory To access inventory related APIs
Availabe types: MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.CREATE, MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.UPDATE, MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.READ, MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.DELETE
Device Management To access profiles, apps, groups and user_groups related APIs
Availabe types: MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE, MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.UPDATE, MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ, MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE
User To access user related APIs
Availabe types: MDMOnDemand.MDMUser.CREATE, MDMOnDemand.MDMUser.UPDATE, MDMOnDemand.MDMUser.READ, MDMOnDemand.MDMUser.DELETE


Error Response Example

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "error_code": 1002, "error_description": "Unknown ID", "localized_error_description" : "Unknown ID" }

In general, status codes in the 2xx range means success, 4xx range means there was an error in the provided information, and those in the 5xx range indicate server side errors. Commonly used HTTP status codes are listed below.

HTTP Status Codes

Status Code Descriptions
2xx Success
4xx Bad request sent to server
5xx Server side error
Status Code Description
200 Success The request was successfully completed.
201 Created The request was a success and one or more resources have been created.
400 Bad request The request cannot be performed. Usually because of malformed parameter or missing parameter.
401 Unauthorized (Invalid AuthToken) Request was rejected because of invalid AuthToken.
403 Forbidden The user does not have enough permission or possibly not an user of the respective organization to access the resource.
404 URL Not Found The URL you’ve sent is wrong. It’s possible that the resource you’ve requested has been moved to another URL.
405 Method Not Allowed The requested resource does not support the HTTP method used. For example, requesting List of all customers API with PUT as the HTTP method.
406 Not Acceptable The requested response type is not supported by the client.
429 Too many requests Too many requests within a certain time frame. To know more about api call limits, click here.
500 Server errorA Server error has occurred.

Common Error codes

The error codes returned by the server is listed below.

Error Code HTTP status Error Description
COM0001 405 Method not implemented / Invalid URL
COM0002 429 API Limit Exceeded
COM0003 400 Invalid paging params
COM0004 500 Internal server error, Please try again in a moment
COM0005 400 Parameters in post were invalid or missing
COM0006 400 No request data recieved
COM0007 412 Assist is not Integrated.
COM0008 404 Unknown Resource
COM0009 422 Insufficient Data for Processing Request
COM0010 409 Resource Already Exists
COM0011 422 Invalid / Missing headers
COM0012 400 Invalid API version
COM0013 401 Not Authorised/ Invalid auth token
COM0014 400 Bad Request
LOC0001 412 Location Fetch error
SDE0003 412 Assign User failed
CMD0001 412 Command not applicable for Device
CMD0002 412 Unable to suspend command
APP0001 400 App Upload Regected
APP0002 412 Unable to delete app or profile
COM00020 400 Device license limit reached
FIL0001 400 File upload rejected
COM0015 412 Precondition Failed
COM0021 400 Invalid delta token
PAY0001 400 The image uploaded must be less than the size specified!
PAY0002 400 Specify all the requisite fields to proceed further!
PAY0004 400 Verify the values specified for the requisite fields!


Device Meta Information


{ "device_id": 9007199254741000, "device_capacity": 15.8, "os_version": "4.4.2", "is_lost_mode_enabled": false, "platform_type": "android", "platform_type_id": 2, "model": "Nexus 7", "device_name": "admin_Nexus 7", "product_name": "asus", "serial_number": "RZ8H60ASLHR", "imei": "357327071694307", "user": { "user_id": 9007199254741020, "user_name": "user", "user_email": "" } }


Resource ID associated to the device
Internal Storage of the device
Device OS version
Lost Mode enabled/disabled on the device
Device Platform: One of
  • ios
  • android
  • windows
ID for platform:
  1. IOS
  2. Android
  3. Windows
Device model details
Device name
Product device name
Device serial number
IMEI of the device
User Object
Resource ID associated to the user
User Name
User e-mail

Get device list

Get List of managed devices
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.READ

GET /devices

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/devices -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "devices": [ { "device_id": 9007199254741000, "device_capacity": 15.8, "os_version": "4.4.2", "is_lost_mode_enabled": false, "platform_type": "android", "platform_type_id": 2, "model": "Nexus 7", "device_name": "admin_Nexus 7", "product_name": "asus", "user": { "user_id": 9007199254741020, "user_name": "user", "user_email": "" } } ] }

Query Params

IMEI of the device
Device serial number
User e-mail
Filter the device name
Get all devices in MSP - No need of X-CUSTOMER header

Get device details

Get complete information of a particular device.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.READ

GET /devices/{device_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/devices/{device_id} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "meid": "--", "warranty_number": "--", "agent_version_code": "--", "cellular_technology": "1", "is_dnd_in_effect": "--", "used_device_space": "12.4", "is_profileowner": "--", "office": "--", "google_play_service_id": "3ad8caab1cda8495", "platform_type": "android", "model_name": "hero2ltexx", "registered_time": "--", "warranty_expiration_date": "", "purchase_order_number": "--", "model": "Nexus 7", "purchase_type": "--", "asset_tag": "--", "available_external_capacity": "0.0", "is_activation_lock_enabled": "--", "available_device_capacity": "--", "resource_type": "--", "owned_by": "2", "available_ram_memory": "2.6", "warranty_type": "--", "product_name": "asus", "agent_type": "3", "modem_firmware_version": "G935FXXU2ERD6", "user_id": 9007199254741020, "is_device_locator_enabled": "false", "name": "admin_SM-G935F", "purchase_price": "--", "purchase_date": "--", "is_modified": "--", "device_capacity": 15.8, "processor_type": "--", "managed_status": "--", "apn_user_name": "--", "added_time": 1534406564170, "processor_architecture": "--", "network_usage": { "outgoing_network_usage": "0.0", "incoming_wifi_usage": "0.0", "outgoing_wifi_usage": "0.0", "incoming_network_usage": "0.0" }, "eas_device_identifier": "JQ7V9FB4JL6ETBUT6A32MSVFD0", "is_inactive": "--", "sims": [ { "is_roaming": "--", "current_mnc": "in", "subscriber_mnc": "--", "current_carrier_network": "--", "subscriber_carrier_network": "--", "iccid": "--", "carrier_setting_version": "--", "resource_id": "2", "imei": "357327071694307", "subscriber_mcc": "--", "phone_number": "5954646764", "current_mcc": "in" } ], "is_lost_mode_enabled": false, "description": "--", "managed_device_id": "2", "firmware_version": "--", "domain_netbios_name": "--", "network": { "is_personal_hotspot_enabled": "--", "is_roaming": "--", "voice_roaming_enabled": "true", "current_mnc": "in", "subscriber_mnc": "--", "current_carrier_network": "--", "ethernet_ip": "--", "data_roaming_enabled": "true", "ethernet_macs": "--", "subscriber_carrier_network": "--", "wifi_ip": ", FE80::4E66:41FF:FE2F:910", "iccid": "--", "bluetooth_mac": "--", "carrier_setting_version": "--", "resource_id": "2", "wifi_mac": "4C:66:41:2F:09:10", "subscriber_mcc": "--", "phone_number": "5954646764", "current_mcc": "in" }, "external_capacity": "0.0", "security": { "passcode_complaint": false, "external_storage_encryption": -1, "storage_encryption": "true", "hardware_encryption_caps": "-1", "passcode_complaint_profiles": "true", "resource_id": "2", "device_rooted": "false", "passcode_present": "true" }, "processor_speed": "--", "asset_owner": "--", "udid": "--", "apn_password": "--", "last_modified_time": "--", "battery_level": "--", "is_itunes_account_active": "--", "os": { "meid": "--", "agent_version_code": "--", "processor_type": "--", "managed_status": "--", "added_time": 1534406564170, "processor_architecture": "--", "cellular_technology": "1", "is_dnd_in_effect": "--", "eas_device_identifier": "JQ7V9FB4JL6ETBUT6A32MSVFD0", "used_device_space": "12.4", "is_profileowner": "--", "firmware_version": "--", "google_play_service_id": "3ad8caab1cda8495", "external_capacity": "0.0", "processor_speed": "--", "platform_type": "android", "registered_time": "--", "udid": "--", "available_external_capacity": "0.0", "is_activation_lock_enabled": "--", "battery_level": "--", "is_itunes_account_active": "--", "build_version": "R16NW", "is_cloud_backup_enabled": "false", "is_supervised": "--", "available_device_capacity": "--", "os_version": "4.4.2", "owned_by": "2", "serial_number": "RZ8H60ASLHR", "available_ram_memory": "2.6", "model_id": "1", "last_cloud_backup_date": "--", "agent_type": "3", "agent_version": "--", "modem_firmware_version": "G935FXXU2ERD6", "is_device_locator_enabled": "false", "total_ram_memory": "3533.0", "used_external_space": "0.0", "resource_id": "2", "os_name": "OREO", "imei": "357327071694307", "notified_agent_version": "--", "device_capacity": 15.8 }, "build_version": "R16NW", "is_cloud_backup_enabled": "false", "is_supervised": "--", "os_version": "4.4.2", "model_type": "1", "serial_number": "RZ8H60ASLHR", "model_id": "1", "last_cloud_backup_date": "--", "db_added_time": "--", "agent_version": "--", "total_ram_memory": "3533.0", "used_external_space": "0.0", "resource_id": "2", "os_name": "OREO", "imei": "357327071694307", "customer_id": "--", "notified_agent_version": "--" }

Get device app list

Get the list of apps installed on the device
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.READ

GET /devices/{device_id}/apps

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/devices/{device_id}/apps -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "apps": [ { "app_name": "ZVoice", "identifier": "com.zoho.inhouse.zvoice", "app_version": "1.0.6", "app_id": 9007199254741340 } ], "installed_apps": [ { "app_name": "ZVoice", "identifier": "com.zoho.inhouse.zvoice", "app_version": "1.0.6", "app_id": 9007199254741340 } ] }

Get device profiles

Get the list of profiles installed on the device
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.READ

GET /devices/{device_id}/profiles

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/devices/{device_id}/profiles -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "profiles": [ { "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_id": 12321312312, "status": 1, "remarks": "Yet to Apply" } ] }

Get device location

Get the details of device location
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.READ

GET /devices/{device_id}/locations

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/devices/{device_id}/locations -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "locations": [ { "located_time": 1534406564167, "added_time": 1534406564170, "latitude": 12.8308, "longitude": 80.0491 } ] }

Perform action on device

Perform action on device managed by MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.CREATE

POST /devices/{device_id}/actions/{action_name}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/devices/{device_id}/actions/{action_name} -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

Path Params

Name of the action to be performed

Get status of action performed on device

Get status of action performed on device managed by MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.GET

GET /devices/{device_id}/actions/{action_name}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/devices/{device_id}/actions/{action_name} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "status_code": 2, "status_description": "Command Success" }

Remove action

Remove action if it is not peformed on the device
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMInventory.DELETE

DELETE /devices/{device_id}/actions/{action_name}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/devices/{device_id}/actions/{action_name} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


Simplify device management by organizing devices into groups.


{ "group_id": 99731238129, "name": "MDM", "description": "Group for MDM", "group_type": 1, "domain": "ZOHOCORP" }


Unique Identifier for the group
Name of the group
Description of the group
Type of group:
  1. Device Group
Domain in which the group exists (if AD is synced)

Get Group list

Get a list of Groups available in MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /groups

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "groups": [ { "group_id": 99731238129, "name": "MDM", "group_type": 1, "domain": "ZOHOCORP" } ] }

Get Group details

Get details of a particular Group available in MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /groups/{group_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "group_id": 99731238129, "name": "MDM", "group_type": 1, "domain": "ZOHOCORP", "description": "Group for MDM" }

Create a Group

Create a Group for managing devices
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /groups

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "name": "MDM", "group_type": 1, "domain": "ZOHOCORP", "description": "Group for MDM" }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "group_id": 99731238129, "name": "MDM", "group_type": 1, "domain": "ZOHOCORP", "description": "Group for MDM" }


Name of the group
Type of group:
  1. Device Group
Domain in which the group exists (if AD is synced)
Description of the group

Get members present in a Group

Get a list of members present in a particular Group
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /groups/{group_id}/members

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id}/members -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "member_ids": [ 12, 213123, 21312 ] }

Add members to a Group

Add multiple members simultaneously to an existing Group
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /groups/{group_id}/members

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id}/members -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "member_ids": [ 12, 213123, 21312 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "member_ids": [ 12, 213123, 21312 ] }


List of member IDs which may be either Device Ids or User Ids depands on the Group Type

Add a member to a Group

Add a particular member to a selected Group
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /groups/{group_id}/members/{member_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id}/members/{member_id} -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted

Remove a member from a Group

Remove a member from a particular Group
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /groups/{group_id}/members/{member_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id}/members/{member_id} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Delete an existing Group

Delete a Group available in MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /groups/{group_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Associate apps to a Group

Associate apps to a Group in MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /groups/{group_id}/apps

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id}/apps -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "app_details": [ { "app_id": 12, "release_label_id": 123 } ], "silent_install": true, "notify_user_via_email": true }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


The list of app with version details
The app Id
ID to denote whether the app version is Stable or Beta
Whether the app should be installed silently on devices
Notify user via email about the distributed app

Associate profiles to a Group

Associate profiles to a Group in MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /groups/{group_id}/profiles

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id}/profiles -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "profile_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


List of profile IDs for the profiles to be associated to the Group

Disassociate apps from a Group

Disassociate apps from a Group in MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /groups/{group_id}/apps

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id}/apps -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "app_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of app IDs

Disassociate profiles from a Group in MDM

Disassociate profiles from a Group in MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /groups/{group_id}/profiles

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id}/profiles -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "profile_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of profile IDs for the profiles to be associated to the Group

Move devices from one group to other groups

Move a set of member from one group to other Groups
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

PUT /groups/{group_id}/targetgroups

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/groups/{group_id}/targetgroups -X PUT -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "member_ids": [ 12, 213123, 21312 ], "target_group_ids": [ 123, 213, 298 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "success": true }


List of member IDs for the devices to be moved
List of member IDs for the Groups to which the devices must be moved.


Add a file to MDM for usage in other API.


{ "content_type": "image/png", "file_name": "check.png", "file_id": 123124, "expiry_time": 15987913528, "content_length": 1479 }


Content Type :
File Extension Platform Content type
apk Android application/
ipa iOS application/x-itunes-ipa
appxbundle Windows application/zip
xap Windows application/zip
appx Windows application/zip
msi Windows application/x-ms-installer
msix Windows application/zip
Name of File
Unique Identifier for the file
Timestamp until when the file is valid
Length of the file (in bytes)

Upload a file to MDM

Upload a file
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /files

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/files -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/" -H "Content-Disposition: filename="ManageEngineMDM.apk"" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "stream": "1231231234916349eq" }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "content_type": "image/png", "file_name": "check.png", "file_id": 123124, "expiry_time": 15987913528, "content_length": 1479 }


bytestream of the file


Profiles API Endpoint (for aditional help click here )


{ "creation_time": 12312321312312, "last_modified_time": 213123213123, "profile_version": 1, "payloads": [], "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "created_by": 21321312312, "collection_id": 2132131231241, "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_status": "Yet To Deploy", "platform_type": 1, "is_moved_to_trash": false, "profile_id": 12321312312, "scope": 0, "profile_status_id": 1 }


Creation time
Last modified time
Current version of the profile
list of payloads in the profile
User ID of the user who last modified the profile
User ID of the user who created the profile
Collection ID of the profile
Name of the profile
Status of the profile
Profile platform type:
  1. iOS
  2. Android
  3. Windows
  4. Chrome
Is profile trashed
Unique identifier for the profile
Scope of the profile (default - 0): Android Profile : ( 0 - devices, 1 - knox container)
Chrome Profile : (0 - devices, 2 - user)
Status ID for the profile : 1 - Yet to Deploy, 110 - Published

Create a profile

Create a profile
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /profiles

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "platform_type": 1, "scope": 0 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "creation_time": 12312321312312, "last_modified_time": 213123213123, "profile_version": 1, "payloads": [], "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "created_by": 21321312312, "collection_id": 2132131231241, "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_status": "Yet To Deploy", "platform_type": 1, "is_moved_to_trash": false, "profile_id": 12321312312, "scope": 0, "profile_status_id": 1 }


Name of the profile
Profile platform type:
  1. iOS
  2. Android
  3. Windows
  4. Chrome
Scope of the profile (default - 0): Android Profile : ( 0 - devices, 1 - knox container)
Chrome Profile : (0 - devices, 2 - user)

Get List of profiles

Get List of profiles
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "profiles": [ { "creation_time": 12312321312312, "last_modified_time": 213123213123, "profile_version": 1, "payloads": [], "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "created_by": 21321312312, "collection_id": 2132131231241, "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_status": "Yet To Deploy", "platform_type": 1, "is_moved_to_trash": false, "profile_id": 12321312312, "scope": 0, "profile_status_id": 1 } ] }

Trash or delete profile

On first API call the profile is trashed, if profile is already trashed it will be deleted permanently
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /profiles

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "profile_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of profile IDs

Get Particular profile details

Get Particular profile details
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles/{profile_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "creation_time": 12312321312312, "last_modified_time": 213123213123, "profile_version": 1, "payloads": [], "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "created_by": 21321312312, "collection_id": 2132131231241, "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_status": "Yet To Deploy", "platform_type": 1, "is_moved_to_trash": false, "profile_id": 12321312312, "scope": 0, "profile_status_id": 1 }

Modify a profile

Modify a profile
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.UDPATE

PUT /profiles/{profile_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id} -X PUT -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy" }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


Name of the profile

Get List of payloads

Get List of payloads for profile.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payloads": [ "restrictionspolicy" ] }

Add a payload to the profile

For information regarding the payload request JSON of each payload type please refer here. Example of IOS Passocde Payload is given here.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name} -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payload_id": 123123123, "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }


Maximum Passcode Age in days. Allowed values : 1-170
Mandates the use of alphanumeric values as passcode.
Maximum number of failed attempts. The device will be factory reset when the maximum number is exceeded. Allowed values 3-9
Minimum passcode length. The user must configure a password longer than the length configured here. Allowed values : 1-16
Mandates the minimum number of special characters to be used in the passcode. Allowed values : 1-4
Number of passcodes to be maintained in the history. The user cannot reuse the passcode stored in the history. Allowed values: 1-50
Allow numerical values to be configured as passcode.
Maximum idle time allowed before auto-lock. The device user can select any value less than the value configured here. (Allowed valued - 1,2,3,4,5,10,15)
Maximum time to unlock device without prompting for a passcode (in minutes). Allowed values: 0-240

Get payload IDs for particular payload type

Get payload IDs for particular payload type. refer here for payload details
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payload_name": "restrictionspolicy", "payloaditems": [ "9007199254741295" ] }

Remove Particular payload from profile.

Remove Particular payload from profile. refer here for payload details
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Get particular payload details

Get particular payload details. For information regarding the payload JSON of each payload type please refer here.
Example of IOS Passocde Payload is given here.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payload_id": 123123123, "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }

Remove Particular payload item

Remove Particular payload item. refer here for payload details
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Modify a payload in the profile

Modify a payload in the profile,For information regarding the payload request JSON of each payload type please refer here. Example of IOS Passocde Payload is given here.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

PUT /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id} -X PUT -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payload_id": 123123123, "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }


Maximum Passcode Age in days. Allowed values : 1-170
Mandates the use of alphanumeric values as passcode.
Maximum number of failed attempts. The device will be factory reset when the maximum number is exceeded. Allowed values 3-9
Minimum passcode length. The user must configure a password longer than the length configured here. Allowed values : 1-16
Mandates the minimum number of special characters to be used in the passcode. Allowed values : 1-4
Number of passcodes to be maintained in the history. The user cannot reuse the passcode stored in the history. Allowed values: 1-50
Allow numerical values to be configured as passcode.
Maximum idle time allowed before auto-lock. The device user can select any value less than the value configured here. (Allowed valued - 1,2,3,4,5,10,15)
Maximum time to unlock device without prompting for a passcode (in minutes). Allowed values: 0-240

Publish a profile

Publish a profile. Every profile needs to published so that it can be distributed
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /profiles/{profile_id}/publish

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/publish -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


Add Store or enterprise apps to the App Repository for simpler app management.


{ "app_id": 99731238129, "app_name": "ME MDM", "app_category": "Education", "app_type": 2, "bundle_identifier": "com.manageengine.mdm.iosagent", "version": "1.1.1", "platform_type": 2, "description": "The is an enterprise app", "icon": "", "store_url": "", "is_app_paid": false, "country_code": "US", "store_id": "720111835", "added_time": 192031023091, "modified_time": 192831120931, "release_labels": [ { "release_label_type": 1, "release_label_name": "Stable", "release_label_id": 12345, "app_version": "12.3.45" } ] }


A unique identifier for the app
Name of the app
Category of the app
App type:
  1. Free Store App
  2. Paid Store App
  3. Enterprise App
App's bundle identifier
Version of the app
The platform for which the app is available:
  1. iOS
  2. Android
  3. Windows
A custom description of the app
A link for the icon image (if available)
Store URL for the app (iOS only)
Select 'True' if the app is a paid app (In case of Store apps)
The country code for App Store (iOS only)
Identifier for the App Store (iOS only)
Time when the app was added to the MDM server
Time when the app was last modified
The app version details
Determines the version of the app
  1. Stable
  2. Beta
Specifies whether the app version is Stable or Beta
ID to denote whether the app version is Stable or Beta
The version of the App

Get App List

Get a list of apps available in the App Repository on the MDM server.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /apps

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "apps": [ { "app_id": 99731238129, "app_name": "ME MDM", "app_category": "Education", "app_type": 2, "version": "1.1.1", "platform_type": 2, "description": "The is an enterprise app", "icon": "", "added_time": 192031023091, "modified_time": 192831120931, "release_labels": [ { "release_label_type": 1, "release_label_name": "Stable", "release_label_id": 12345, "app_version": "12.3.45" } ] } ] }

Get App Details

Get details of a particular app
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /apps/{app_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps/{app_id} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "app_id": 99731238129, "app_name": "ME MDM", "app_category": "Education", "app_type": 2, "bundle_identifier": "com.manageengine.mdm.iosagent", "version": "1.1.1", "platform_type": 2, "description": "The is an enterprise app", "icon": "", "store_url": "", "is_app_paid": false, "country_code": "US", "store_id": "720111835", "added_time": 192031023091, "modified_time": 192831120931, "release_labels": [ { "release_label_type": 1, "release_label_name": "Stable", "release_label_id": 12345, "app_version": "12.3.45" } ] }

Add an app to MDM server

Add either a Store app or enterprise app to the MDM Server
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /apps

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "app_name": "ME MDM", "app_type": 2, "app_file": 91273987129, "app_category_id": 2, "supported_devices": 3, "display_image": 91273987129, "description": "The is an enterprise app", "app_store_country_code": "US", "bundle_identifier": "com.manageengine.mdm.iosagent", "prevent_backup": false, "full_image": 91273987129 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "app_id": 99731238129, "app_name": "ME MDM", "app_category": "Education", "app_type": 2, "bundle_identifier": "com.manageengine.mdm.iosagent", "version": "1.1.1", "platform_type": 2, "description": "The is an enterprise app", "icon": "", "store_url": "", "is_app_paid": false, "country_code": "US", "store_id": "720111835", "added_time": 192031023091, "modified_time": 192831120931 }


Name of the app
App type:
  1. Free Store App
  2. Paid Store App
  3. Enterprise App
File ID of the app package file uploaded to MDM using Files endpoint (Required for enterprise apps only)
Identifier for the app category
Supported Devices
  1. Smartphone
  2. Tablet
  3. Both Smartphone and tablet
File ID of the image uploaded to MDM using Files endpoint (Used for app icon)
A custom description of the app
Country code for the App Store (iOS Only)
App's bundle identifier
Prevent app data backup during device backup.
File ID of the image uploaded to MDM using Files endpoint (Used for app icon)

Associate an app to a device

Associate an app to a particular device
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /apps/{app_id}/devices/{device_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps/{app_id}/devices/{device_id} -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "silent_install": true, "notify_user_via_email": true }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


To allow silent installation of the app. Enter 'False' for manual installation from App Catalog.
Notify users by e-mail upon distributing the app

Associate an app to devices

Associate an existing app to multiple devices
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /apps/{app_id}/devices

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps/{app_id}/devices -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "device_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "silent_install": true, "notify_user_via_email": true }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "device_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }


List of device IDs
To allow silent installation of the app. Enter 'False' for manual installation from App Catalog.
Notify users by e-mail upon distributing the app

Associate an app to a Group

Associate an app to a particular Group
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /apps/{app_id}/groups/{group_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps/{app_id}/groups/{group_id} -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "silent_install": true, "notify_user_via_email": true }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


To allow silent installation of the app. Enter 'False' for manual installation from App Catalog.
Notify users by e-mail upon distributing the app

Associate an app to Groups

Associate an app simultaneously to multiple Groups
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /apps/{app_id}/groups

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps/{app_id}/groups -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "group_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "silent_install": true, "notify_user_via_email": true }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "group_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }


List of Group IDs
To allow silent installation of the app. Enter 'False' for manual installation from App Catalog.
Notify users by e-mail upon distributing the app

Update an app

Update an app available in the App Repository on the MDM server
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

PUT /apps/{app_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps/{app_id} -X PUT -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "app_name": "ME MDM", "app_type": 2, "app_file": 91273987129, "app_category_id": 2, "supported_devices": 3, "display_image": 91273987129, "description": "The is an enterprise app", "app_store_country_code": "US", "bundle_identifier": "com.manageengine.mdm.iosagent", "prevent_backup": false, "full_image": 91273987129 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "app_id": 99731238129, "app_name": "ME MDM", "app_category": "Education", "app_type": 2, "bundle_identifier": "com.manageengine.mdm.iosagent", "version": "1.1.1", "platform_type": 2, "description": "The is an enterprise app", "icon": "", "store_url": "", "is_app_paid": false, "country_code": "US", "store_id": "720111835", "added_time": 192031023091, "modified_time": 192831120931 }


Name of the app
App type:
  1. Free Store App
  2. Paid Store App
  3. Enterprise App
File ID of the app package file uploaded to MDM using Files endpoint (Required for enterprise apps only)
Identifier for the app category
Supported Devices
  1. Smartphone
  2. Tablet
  3. Both Smartphone and tablet
File ID of the image uploaded to MDM using Files endpoint (Used for app icon)
A custom description of the app
Country code for the App Store (iOS Only)
App's bundle identifier
Prevent app data backup during device backup.
File ID of the image uploaded to MDM using Files endpoint (Used for app icon)

Disassociate an app from a device

Disassociate an app from a particular device
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /apps/{app_id}/devices/{device_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps/{app_id}/devices/{device_id} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Disassociate an app from a Group

Disassociate an app from a Group
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /apps/{app_id}/groups/{group_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps/{app_id}/groups/{group_id} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Delete an existing app

Delete an existing app from the MDM App Repository
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /apps/{app_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/apps/{app_id} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Blacklist apps

Balcklist user installed or system apps from managed devices.


{ "identifier": "", "appgroupid": 123123213, "appname": "Manageengine MDM", "platform": 1 }


Identifier of the app
App group ID
Name of the app
App Platform: One of
  • ios
  • android
  • windows

Get the apps available for blacklisting

Apps available for blacklisting in the Inventory
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.GET

GET /blacklist/apps

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/blacklist/apps -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "apps": [ { "identifier": "", "appgroupid": 123123213, "platform": 1, "appname": "Manageengine MDM" } ] }

Query Params

App Platform: One of
  • ios
  • android
  • windows
Part or full name of the app to query

Add a new app to be blacklisted

Add a new app to the repository to be blacklisted
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /blacklist/apps

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/blacklist/apps -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "apps": [ { "identifier": "", "platform": 1, "appname": "Manageengine MDM" } ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "apps": [ { "identifier": "", "appgroupid": 123123213, "platform": 1, "appname": "Manageengine MDM" } ] }


List of apps
Identifier of the app
App Platform: One of
  • ios
  • android
  • windows
Name of the app

Blacklist apps on devices

Blacklist apps on devices managed by MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /blacklist/devices

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/blacklist/devices -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "resource_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "app_group_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "resource_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }


List of resource IDs
List of app group IDs

Remove blacklisted apps from devices

Remove blacklisted apps from devices managed by MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /blacklist/devices

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/blacklist/devices -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "resource_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "app_group_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "resource_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }


List of resource IDs
List of app group IDs

Blacklist apps from Groups

Blacklist apps from Groups containing devices managed by MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /blacklist/groups

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/blacklist/groups -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "resource_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "app_group_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "resource_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }


List of resource IDs
List of app group IDs

Remove blacklisted apps from Groups

Remove blacklisted apps from Groups
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /blacklist/groups

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/blacklist/groups -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "resource_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ], "app_group_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "resource_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }


List of resource IDs
List of app group IDs

Get blacklist status

Get the status of the blacklist action on devices
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.GET

GET /blacklist/status

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/blacklist/status -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "Blackliststatus": [ { "status": 4, "resourceId": 1232131232, "identifier": "", "appname": "Manageengine MDM" } ] }

Query Params

Resource ID of the Groups or devices
App group ID


Profiles API Endpoint (for aditional help click here )


{ "creation_time": 12312321312312, "last_modified_time": 213123213123, "profile_version": 1, "payloads": [], "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "created_by": 21321312312, "collection_id": 2132131231241, "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_status": "Yet To Deploy", "platform_type": 1, "is_moved_to_trash": false, "profile_id": 12321312312, "scope": 0, "profile_status_id": 1 }


Creation time
Last modified time
Current version of the profile
list of payloads in the profile
User ID of the user who last modified the profile
User ID of the user who created the profile
Collection ID of the profile
Name of the profile
Status of the profile
Profile platform type:
  1. iOS
  2. Android
  3. Windows
  4. Chrome
Is profile trashed
Unique identifier for the profile
Scope of the profile (default - 0): Android Profile : ( 0 - devices, 1 - knox container)
Chrome Profile : (0 - devices, 2 - user)
Status ID for the profile : 1 - Yet to Deploy, 110 - Published

Create a profile

Create a profile
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /profiles

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "platform_type": 1, "scope": 0 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "creation_time": 12312321312312, "last_modified_time": 213123213123, "profile_version": 1, "payloads": [], "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "created_by": 21321312312, "collection_id": 2132131231241, "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_status": "Yet To Deploy", "platform_type": 1, "is_moved_to_trash": false, "profile_id": 12321312312, "scope": 0, "profile_status_id": 1 }


Name of the profile
Profile platform type:
  1. iOS
  2. Android
  3. Windows
  4. Chrome
Scope of the profile (default - 0): Android Profile : ( 0 - devices, 1 - knox container)
Chrome Profile : (0 - devices, 2 - user)

Get List of profiles

Get List of profiles
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "profiles": [ { "creation_time": 12312321312312, "last_modified_time": 213123213123, "profile_version": 1, "payloads": [], "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "created_by": 21321312312, "collection_id": 2132131231241, "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_status": "Yet To Deploy", "platform_type": 1, "is_moved_to_trash": false, "profile_id": 12321312312, "scope": 0, "profile_status_id": 1 } ] }

Trash or delete profile

On first API call the profile is trashed, if profile is already trashed it will be deleted permanently
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /profiles

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "profile_ids": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of profile IDs

Get Particular profile details

Get Particular profile details
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles/{profile_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "creation_time": 12312321312312, "last_modified_time": 213123213123, "profile_version": 1, "payloads": [], "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy", "created_by": 21321312312, "collection_id": 2132131231241, "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_status": "Yet To Deploy", "platform_type": 1, "is_moved_to_trash": false, "profile_id": 12321312312, "scope": 0, "profile_status_id": 1 }

Modify a profile

Modify a profile
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.UDPATE

PUT /profiles/{profile_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id} -X PUT -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "profile_name": "IOS Restrictions Policy", "profile_description": "Test IOS Restrictions Policy" }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted


Name of the profile

Get List of payloads

Get List of payloads for profile.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payloads": [ "restrictionspolicy" ] }

Add a payload to the profile

For information regarding the payload request JSON of each payload type please refer here. Example of IOS Passocde Payload is given here.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name} -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payload_id": 123123123, "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }


Maximum Passcode Age in days. Allowed values : 1-170
Mandates the use of alphanumeric values as passcode.
Maximum number of failed attempts. The device will be factory reset when the maximum number is exceeded. Allowed values 3-9
Minimum passcode length. The user must configure a password longer than the length configured here. Allowed values : 1-16
Mandates the minimum number of special characters to be used in the passcode. Allowed values : 1-4
Number of passcodes to be maintained in the history. The user cannot reuse the passcode stored in the history. Allowed values: 1-50
Allow numerical values to be configured as passcode.
Maximum idle time allowed before auto-lock. The device user can select any value less than the value configured here. (Allowed valued - 1,2,3,4,5,10,15)
Maximum time to unlock device without prompting for a passcode (in minutes). Allowed values: 0-240

Get payload IDs for particular payload type

Get payload IDs for particular payload type. refer here for payload details
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payload_name": "restrictionspolicy", "payloaditems": [ "9007199254741295" ] }

Remove Particular payload from profile.

Remove Particular payload from profile. refer here for payload details
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Get particular payload details

Get particular payload details. For information regarding the payload JSON of each payload type please refer here.
Example of IOS Passocde Payload is given here.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payload_id": 123123123, "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }

Remove Particular payload item

Remove Particular payload item. refer here for payload details
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Modify a payload in the profile

Modify a payload in the profile,For information regarding the payload request JSON of each payload type please refer here. Example of IOS Passocde Payload is given here.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

PUT /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name}/payloaditems/{payload_id} -X PUT -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "payload_id": 123123123, "max_passcode_age": 150, "require_alphanumeric": true, "max_failed_attempts": 9, "min_passcode_length": 5, "min_complex_chars": 2, "no_of_passcode_maintained": 50, "allow_simple_value": false, "auto_lock_idle_for": 3, "max_grace_period": 0 }


Maximum Passcode Age in days. Allowed values : 1-170
Mandates the use of alphanumeric values as passcode.
Maximum number of failed attempts. The device will be factory reset when the maximum number is exceeded. Allowed values 3-9
Minimum passcode length. The user must configure a password longer than the length configured here. Allowed values : 1-16
Mandates the minimum number of special characters to be used in the passcode. Allowed values : 1-4
Number of passcodes to be maintained in the history. The user cannot reuse the passcode stored in the history. Allowed values: 1-50
Allow numerical values to be configured as passcode.
Maximum idle time allowed before auto-lock. The device user can select any value less than the value configured here. (Allowed valued - 1,2,3,4,5,10,15)
Maximum time to unlock device without prompting for a passcode (in minutes). Allowed values: 0-240

Publish a profile

Publish a profile. Every profile needs to published so that it can be distributed
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /profiles/{profile_id}/publish

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/profiles/{profile_id}/publish -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Content Management

Securely distribute documents and media to mobile devices


{ "doc_id": 99731238129, "doc_name": "ME MDM", "added_time": 192031023091, "updated_time": 192831120931, "last_modified_by_name": 21312312312312, "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "created_by_name": 21312312312312, "created_by": 21312312312312, "size": 6855, "doc_type": 4, "repository_type": 1, "description": "List of Docs" }


A unique identifier for the document or media
Name of the document or media
Time when the document or media was added to the MDM server
Time when the document or media was last modified
Name of the user who last modified the document or media
User ID of the user who last modified the document or media
Name of the usere who created the document or media
User ID of the user who created the document or media
Document or media size
Content Type
Repository from where the media or document is added
Content description

Get content list

Get a list of content available on the MDM server.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /docs

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "docs": [ { "doc_id": 99731238129, "doc_name": "ME MDM", "added_time": 192031023091, "updated_time": 192831120931, "last_modified_by_name": 21312312312312, "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "created_by_name": 21312312312312, "created_by": 21312312312312, "size": 6855, "doc_type": 4, "repository_type": 1, "description": "List of Docs" } ] }

Get content details

Get details of a particular document or media
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.READ

GET /docs/{doc_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs/{doc_id} -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "doc_id": 99731238129, "doc_name": "ME MDM", "added_time": 192031023091, "updated_time": 192831120931, "last_modified_by_name": 21312312312312, "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "created_by_name": 21312312312312, "created_by": 21312312312312, "size": 6855, "doc_type": 4, "repository_type": 1, "description": "List of Docs" }

Add content to MDM server

Add a document or media file to MDM server.
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /docs

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "tags": [ 3123, 3124 ], "description": "List of Docs", "file_id": 91273987129 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "doc_id": 99731238129, "doc_name": "ME MDM", "added_time": 192031023091, "updated_time": 192831120931, "last_modified_by_name": 21312312312312, "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "created_by_name": 21312312312312, "created_by": 21312312312312, "size": 6855, "doc_type": 4, "repository_type": 1, "description": "List of Docs" }


Tag ID to classify content
Content description
File ID of the document or media file uploaded to MDM using Files endpoint

Associate content to devices

Associate content to an individual or multiple devices
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /docs/{doc_id}/devices

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs/{doc_id}/devices -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "devices": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of device IDs

Associate content to Groups

Associate content to an individual or multiple Groups
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /docs/{doc_id}/groups

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs/{doc_id}/groups -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "groups": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of Group IDs

Associate content to users

Associate content to an individual or multiple users
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

POST /docs/{doc_id}/users

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs/{doc_id}/users -X POST -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "users": [ 12, 22, 33 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of User IDs

Update content

Update the content available on the MDM server
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.CREATE

PUT /docs/{doc_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs/{doc_id} -X PUT -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "tags": [ 3123, 3124 ], "description": "List of Docs", "file_id": 91273987129 }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "doc_id": 99731238129, "doc_name": "ME MDM", "added_time": 192031023091, "updated_time": 192831120931, "last_modified_by_name": 21312312312312, "last_modified_by": 21312312312312, "created_by_name": 21312312312312, "created_by": 21312312312312, "size": 6855, "doc_type": 4, "repository_type": 1, "description": "List of Docs" }


Tag ID to classify content
Content description
File ID of the document or media file uploaded to MDM using Files endpoint

Disassociate content from devices

Disassociate document or media from a list of devices
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /docs/{doc_id}/devices

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs/{doc_id}/devices -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "devices": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of device IDs

Disassociate content from Group

Disassociate media or document from the list of Groups
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /docs/{doc_id}/groups

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs/{doc_id}/groups -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "groups": [ 1, 2, 3 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of Group IDs

Disassociate content from user

Disassociate media or document from the list of users
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /docs/{doc_id}/users

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs/{doc_id}/users -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995" -d '{ "users": [ 12, 22, 33 ] }'

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


List of User IDs

Delete content

Delete document or media file from MDM
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMDeviceMgmt.DELETE

DELETE /docs/{doc_id}

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/docs/{doc_id} -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8" -H "X-CUSTOMER: 9007199254740995"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Customers (MSP Edition Only)

Customer Information in MSP


{ "customer_id": 99731238129, "customer_name": "MDM", "customer_email": "", "device_count": 1, "no_of_devices": 200, "added_time": 123213213213213, "updated_time": 123213213213214 }


Unique Identifier for the customer
Name of the customer
Email ID of the customer
Maximum device limit for the customer
Total number of devices limit for the customer
Time when the customer was added
Time when the customer details were last updated

Get Customer list

Get a list of Customers available in MDM MSP
oauthscope : MDMOnDemand.MDMAdmin.READ

GET /customers

Request Example

$ curl {BaseURL}/customers -H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken ba4604e8e433g9c892e360d53463oec5" -H "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"

Response Example

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type:application/json;charset=UTF-8 { "customers": [ { "customer_id": 99731238129, "customer_name": "MDM", "customer_email": "", "device_count": 1, "no_of_devices": 200, "added_time": 123213213213213, "updated_time": 123213213213214 } ] }

Profile API Help

Steps to create a profile


  1. Create a profile using POST /profiles endpoint.
  2. Add payloads to the profile using POST /profiles/{profile_id}/payloads/{payload_name} endpoint.
  3. Publish the profile using POST /profiles/{profile_id}/publish endpoint.



payload_id : 172

payload_name : passcodepolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
allow_simple_value Allow numerical values to be configured as passcode. Boolean None true true, false
auto_lock_idle_for Maximum idle time allowed before auto-lock. The device user can select any value less than the value configured here. Integer None None 1,2,3,4,5,10,15
require_alphanumeric Mandates the use of alphanumeric values as passcode. Boolean None false true, false
min_passcode_length Minimum passcode length. The user must configure a password longer than the length configured here. Integer None None 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
min_complex_chars Mandates the minimum number of special characters to be used in the passcode. Integer None None 1, 2, 3, 4
max_passcode_age Maximum Passcode Age in days Integer None None 1-170
no_of_passcode_maintained Number of passcodes to be maintained in the history. The user cannot reuse the passcode stored in the history. Integer None None 1-50
max_grace_period Maximum time to unlock device without prompting for a passcode (in minutes) Integer None None 0-240
max_failed_attempts Maximum number of failed attempts. The device will be factory reset when the maximum number is exceeded. Integer None None 3-9


payload_id : 173

payload_name : restrictionspolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
allow_airprint_credential_storage Users can store AirPrint credentials in iCloud Keychain. Boolean None true true, false
allow_explicit_content Allow explicit music & Podcasts. Boolean None true true, false
show_control_center Allow Control Center on the devices. Boolean None true true, false
show_today_view Allow Today View on the device lockscreen. Boolean None true true, false
allow_classroom_remoteview Allow AirPlay and screen viewing by teacher's device. Boolean None true true, false
allow_account_modification Allow users to add/modify iCloud, Mail and other accounts on the devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_assistant_user_content Allow Siri to query from web. Boolean None true true, false
allow_managed_book_sync Allow Enterprise book metadata sync. Boolean None true true, false
allow_airprint Allow AirPrint. Boolean None true true, false
allow_music_service Allow music services. Boolean None true true, false
allow_untrusted_tls_prompt Allow users to accept untrusted TLS certificates. Boolean None true true, false
safari_allow_popups Allow Pop-ups on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_spotlight_result Allow Spotlight internet search. Boolean None true true, false
allow_passbook_when_locked Allow Passbook when device is locked. Boolean None true true, false
force_watch_wrist_detect Force Wrist Authentication to access notifications on Apple Watch. Boolean None true true, false
allow_use_of_ibookstore Allow users to download iBooks content on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_cloud_document_sync Allow users to sync Documents and Data on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_touch_id Allow Touch ID to unlock Device Boolean None true true, false
is_rating_enabled Enable ratings by region. Boolean None true true, false
country_code Country code String None us None
movies_rating_value Movie Rating String None 1000 None
tv_shows_rating_value Allow TV rating Integer None 1000 None
apps_rating_value Apps Rating value Inetger None 1000 None
allow_ibookstore_erotica_media Allow Erotic content on iBooks Boolean None true true, false
allow_bluetooth_modification Allow users to modify the existing Bluetooth settings. Boolean None true true, false
allow_assistant_when_locked Allow users to access Siri when the device is locked. Boolean None true true, false
force_istore_pwd_entry Mandates the iTunes password will accessing iTunes and downloading apps from App Store. Boolean None true true, false
allow_app_installation Users can install unapproved apps on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_erase_content_settings Allow user to wipe device by erasing all Content and Settings. Boolean None true true, false
allow_airprint_ibeacon_discovery Devices can discover AirPrint printers using Bluetooth iBeacons Boolean None true true, false
allow_auto_app_download Automatically download apps on multiple devices with same Apple ID. Boolean None true true, false
allow_paired_watch Allow users to pair devices with Apple Watch. Boolean None true true, false
allow_vpn_creation Allow users to configure additional VPN on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_predictive_keyboard Allow predictive keyboard on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_app_removal Allow users to delete apps from the devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_activity_continuation Enable Handoff on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_news Allow users to access the News app on devices Boolean None true true, false
allow_safari Allow users to access Safari on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_radio_service Allow users to access the Radio Services on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_managed_app_trust Allow unauthorized Enterprise apps to be installed on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_spellcheck Allow Spell Check on devices. Boolean None true true, false
safari_accept_cookies Allow Cookies on device browsers. Integer None 2 0 - Never, 1 - From Visited sites, 2 - Always
force_classroom_appdevicelock Allow teachers device to lock apps and devices without prompting. Boolean None true true, false
allow_itunes Allow users to access the iTunes Store on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_managed_app_cloud_sync Sync Data and Documents from Managed apps. Boolean None true true, false
allow_assistant Allow users to use Siri on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_find_my_friends_mod Allow users to modify Find My Friends Settings on devices Boolean None true true, false
safari_allow_javascript Allow JavaScript Boolean None true true, false
force_limited_ad_tracking Force limited Ad tracking Boolean None true true, false
force_airplay_incoming_pwd Force passwords on incoming requests for AirPlay. Boolean None true true, false
allow_use_of_youtube Allow users to access YouTube on devices. (Deprecated on the MDM) Boolean None true true, false
force_encrypted_backup Force encrypted backup of data on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_voice_dialing Allow Voice Dial on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_dictionary_lookup Allow users to use inline dictionary word lookup. Boolean None true true, false
force_assist_profanity_filter Force Siri profanity filter on devices. Boolean None true true, false
force_airprint_tls Enforce TLS trusted certificates for AirPrint. Boolean None true true, false
allow_dictation Allow Dictation on devices. Boolean None true true, false
force_classroom_remoteview Allow teacher's device to AirPlay and view screen without prompting. Boolean None true true, false
allow_face_time Allow FaceTime on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_enabling_restriction Allow users to configure Restrictions/ Screen Time on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_ota_pki_updates Automatic updates for trusted certificates on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_multiplayer_gaming Allow Multiplayer Gaming on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_diagnostic_submission Send diagnostics data to Apple. Boolean None true true, false
allow_diag_sub_modification Modify Diagnostics & Usage pane settings on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_add_game_center_friend Allow users to add Game Center Friends on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_shared_stream Allow iCloud Shared Stream on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_sync_while_roaming Allow automatic sync while roaming. Boolean None true true, false
allow_open_doc_in_managed Share data from Unmanaged apps to Managed apps. Boolean None true true, false
allow_photo_stream Allow iCloud Photo Stream on devices. Boolean None true true, false
safari_force_fraud_warning Force fraudulent website warning on devices. Boolean None true true, false
show_notification_center Allow users to access the Notification Center on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_airdrop Allow users to use AirDrop on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_game_center Allow access to Game Center on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_keyboard_shortcut Shortcuts on External Keyboard Boolean None true true, false
allow_modifi_passcode Allow users to add/modify passcode on the device. Boolean None true true, false
allow_profile_installation Install configuration profiles and certificates interactively on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_modify_touch_id Allow users to add or modify fingerprint on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_cloud_keychain_sync Allow iCloud Keychain Sync on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_open_doc_in_unmanaged Share data from Managed apps to Unmanaged apps. Boolean None true true, false
allow_inapp_purchase Allow in-app purchase on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_auto_correction Allow users to configure Auto-Correction on devices. Boolean None true true, false
safari_allow_autofill Allow users to configure AutoFill on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_app_cellular_data Allow users to modify cellular data usage for apps. Boolean None true true, false
allow_imessage Allow users to use iMessage on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_podcasts Allow users to use the Podcast app on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_cloud_backup Allow users to store the device data backup on iCloud. Boolean None true true, false
allow_cloud_photo_lib Allow users to sync the Photo Library on devices to to iCloud. Boolean None true true, false
force_wifi_whitelisting Connect only to the Wi-Fi networks distributed using MDM. Boolean None true true, false
force_airplay_outgoing_pwd Force password on outgoing requests for AirPlay. Boolean None true true, false
allow_use_of_camera Allow users to use the Camera app on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_modifi_device_name Allow users to modify the device name. Boolean None true true, false
allow_managed_book_backup Allow users to backup Enterprise books. Boolean None true true, false
force_classroom_auto_join Automatically join classes without prompting. Boolean None true true, false
allow_screen_capture Allow screen capture and screen recording on devices. Boolean None true true, false
force_airdrop_unmanaged Allow users to use AirDrop to share data from Managed apps. Boolean None true true, false
force_date_time Restrict users from modifying the the Date and Time Settings on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_password_autofill Allow users to use autoFill in Safari and apps on devices. Boolean None true true, false
allow_password_proximity To restrict devices from requesting passwords from devices in proximity. Boolean None true true, false
allow_password_sharing To restrict users from sharing the device and Wi-Fi passwords to devices using AirDrop. Boolean None true true, false
allow_manade_write_unmanaged_contact Allow the managed contacts to be stored in unmanaged accounts. Boolean None true true, false
allow_unmanaged_read_managed_contact Allows unmanaged apps to access managed contacts Boolean None true true, false
allow_usb_restriction_mode Allow users to configure the USB Restricted Mode on devices. Boolean None true true, false
bluetooth_setting Configure the Bluetooth settings on devices.0 - Off 1 - On 2- Not configured Integer None 2 0,1,2


payload_id : 174

payload_name : emailpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_name Account name of the e-mail account to be configured on devices. String None None None
account_type Type of the e-mail account to be configured on devices. String None None None
account_path_prefix Path prefix for the account to be configured on devices. String None None None
account_user_name Username of the account to be configured on the devices. String None None None
mail_address E-mail address of the account to be configured on the devices. String None None None
prevent_move Restrict the movement of mails from one account to another. Boolean None false true, false
disable_mail_recents_syncing Prevent users from syncing the e-mails in the configured account. Boolean None false true, false
incoming_server_hostname Incoming host name of the account to be configured on the devices. String Required None None
incoming_server_port Incoming host server port of the account to be configured on the devices. Integer None 143 None
incoming_server_username Username of the incoming host server of the account to be configured on the devices. Required None None None
incoming_server_auth Authentication type of incoming server. String Required password none,password,md5,ntlm,htpmd5
incoming_password Password for the IMAP server. String None None None
incoming_server_use_ssl Use SSL for communication. Boolean None false true, false
outgoing_server_hostname Outging server host name of the account to be configured on the devices. String Required None None
outgoing_server_port Outgoing server port of the account to be configured on the devices. Integer None 587 None
outgoing_server_username Username for outgoing server of the account to be configured on the devices. String Required None None
outgoing_server_auth Authentication type for outgoing server. String Required password none,password,md5,ntlm,htpmd5
outgoing_password Password for the outgoing server. String None None None
outgoing_pwd_as_income_pwd Use common passwords for both incoming and outgoing servers. Boolean None false true, false
use_only_mail_app Mandates the use of default Mail app available on devices. Boolean None false true, false
outgoing_server_use_ssl Use SSL for outgoing communication. Boolean None false true, false
use_mime_encrypt Use S/MIME encrypt the mails on devices. Boolean None false true, false
signing_cert_id S/MIME signing certificate ID for the certificates uploaded using the Certificates endpoint. Long None None None

S/MIME encryption certificate ID for the certificates uploaded using the Certificates endpoint.

Long None None None


payload_id : 175

payload_name : exchangeactivesyncpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_name Account name of the e-mail account to be configures on the devices. String None Exchange ActiveSync None
active_sync_host Host name of the e-mail account to be configured ont he devices. String Required None None
prevent_move Restrict the users from moving mails from one account to another. Boolean None false true, false
disable_mail_recents_syncing Restrict users from syncing mails to iCloud. Boolean None false true, false
use_only_mail_app Mandates the use of the default Mail app available in devices. Boolean None false true, false
use_mime_encrypt Use S/MIME encrypt the mails on devices. Boolean None false true, false
signing_cert_id S/MIME signing certificate ID for the certificates uploaded using the Certificates endpoint. Long None None None
encryption_cert_id S/MIME encryption certificate ID for the certificates uploaded using the Certificates endpoint. Long None None None
domain Domain name of the account to be configured on the devices. String None None None
user_name Username of the account to be configured on the devices. String Required None None
email_address E-mail address of the account to be configured on the devices. String Required None None
password Password for the account to be configured on the devices. String None None None
past_days_mail_to_sync Number of daysfor which the mails are to be synced to the app. 0-Unlimited,1-one day,2-three day,3-one week,4-two week,5-one month Integer Required 2 0,1,2,3,4,5
identity_cert_id Certificate identifier for the certificates configured using the Certificates endpoint. Long None None None
cert_compatible_ios4 To make the account compatible to iOS 4. Boolean None false true, false
oauth Mandate if OAuth must be used for authentication. Boolean None false true, false


payload_id : 176

payload_name : vpnpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
connection_name Name of the VPN connection to be configured on devices. String Required None None
vpn_type Type of the VPN to be configured on the devices. By default 1 is selected. Integer Required None None
connection_type Type of VPN connection to be configured on the devices. 1-L2TP,2-PPTP or IPSec,3-Cisco IPSec(Legacy cisco),4-JuniperSSL,5-F5SSL,6-custom SSL,7-Pulse secure,8-IKEv2,9-Cisco Anyconnect,10-Sonciwall Mobile connect,11- Arubia Via &12- Checkpoint Mobile VPN Intger Required 1 None
send_all_nw_traffic Mandates all the traffic must be routed through the configured VPN Boolean None false true, false
enable_vpn_on_demand To enable VPN on-demand, which automatically enables the VPN when accessing specified websites. Boolean None false true,false
ondemandrule The webpages for which a VPN must be enabled automatically. Array of JSONObject None None None
proxy_type Type of the proxy for the VPN. 0-None, 1-Manual,2-Auto Integer None None None
proxy_server Server address of the proxy. String Required if proxy type is 1 None None
proxy_server_port Sever port of the proxy. String Required if proxy type is 1 None None
proxy_user_name Username for authentication while configuring the VPN. Applicable only if proxy type is 1. String None None None
proxy_password Credential for authentication while configuring VPN. Applicable only if proxy type is 1. String None None None
proxy_pac_url Proxy pac URL while configuring VPN. Applicable only if proxy type is 2 String None None None
l2tp L2TP configuration JSONObject None None None
pptp PPTP configuration. (Deprecated for devices running iOS 10 or above.) JSONObject None None None
ipsec IPSEC configuration JSONObject None None None
cisco Cisco legacy configuration JSONObject None None None
juniperssl Juniper SSL configuration JSONObject None None None
f5ssl F5 SSL configuration JSONObject None None None
ikev2 IKEv2 configuration JSONObject None None None
ciscoanyconnect Cisco AnyConnect configuration JSONObject None None None
sonicwall Sonicwall configuration JSONObject None None None
arubavia Aruba VIA configuration JSONObject None None None
checkpoint Check Point configuration JSONObject None None None
customssl CustomSSL configuration JSONObject None None None
custom_data Custom data of the VPN types. Not applicable for VPN type 1&2 JSONObject None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
connectifneeded The webpages for which the VPN must be connected when needed. Array of JSONObject None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
vpnodrulesforconeval OnDemad url rules JSONObject None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
domain_name Domain Name of the URL String Required None None
dns_server_address DNS sever addresss. Not used now String None None None
url_probe url probe. Not used now. String None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
user_authentication Type of authentication to be used while enabling the VPN. 0- Password 1-RSA Secure ID Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used for configuring the VPN. String None None None
shared_secret Shared secret for account used for configuring the VPN. String None None None
send_all_nw_traffic Mandates if all the traffic must be routed through the configured VPN. Boolean None false false,true


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address for the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
user_authentication Type of authentication to be used while enabling the VPN. 0- Password 1-RSA Secure ID Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used to configure the VPN String None None None
encryption_level Encryption level of communication between server and device. 0 -None 1- Automatic & 2- Maximum Integer None 0 0,1,2
send_all_nw_traffic Mandates if all the traffic must be routed through the configured VPN. Boolean None false false,true


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name/ host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
password Password credential for account used to configure the VPN. String None None None
machine_authentication Type of authentication to be used while enabling the VPN. 0- Shared secret/Group Name 1-Certificate Integer Required 0 0,1
group_name Group name for authentication while enabling the VPN. String None None None
shared_secret Shared secret for account used to configure the VPN. String None None None
use_hybrid_auth Mandates if hybrid authentication must be used while enabling VPN. Boolean None false true,false
prompt_for_password Mandates if the users must be prompted to enter their password. Boolean None false true,false
certificate_id Certificate ID for authentication of the certificate configured using the Certificate endpoint. Long None None None
include_user_pin Mandates if the user must be prompted to enter the VPN pin. Boolean None false true,false


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
group_name Group name for authentication while enabling the VPN. String None None None
user_authentication Type of authentication to be used while enabling VPN. 0- Password and 1-Certificate Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used to configure VPN. String None None None
certificate_id Certificate ID of the certificate configured for authentication, using the Certificate endpoint. Long None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
realm Realm name for the VPN to be configured. String None None None
role Role for VPN to be configured. String None None None
user_authentication Type of authentication to be used while enabling the VPN. 0- Password and 1-Certificate Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used to configure the VPN. String None None None
certificate_id Certificate ID of the certificate configured for authentication, using the Certificate endpoint. Long None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
user_authentication Type of authentication to be used while configuring VPN. 0- Password and 1-Certificate Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used to configure the VPN. String None None None
certificate_id Certificate ID of the certificate created for authentication, using the Certificates endpoint. Long None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name/host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
local_id FQDN, User FQDN, or the address of the client String None None None
remote_id FQDN, UserFQDN, or the address of the remote server String None None None
authentication_method Type of authentication to be used while enabling the VPN. 0- None, 1-Certificate and 2-Shared secret Integer Required 0 0,1
eap_username Username for authentication while enabling VPN. String None None None
eap_password Password credential for account used to configure VPN. String None None None
client_cert_id Certificate ID for the certificate configured for authentication using the Certificates endpoint. Long None None None
eap_enabling To enable extended authentication while enabling the VPN. 0-No/ 1-Certificate/ 2-Username Integer None 0 0,1,2
shared_secret Shared secret for account used for configuring the VPN. String None None None
pfs Mandates the use of Perfect Forward Secrecy. 0-Disable/ 1-Enable Integer None 0 0,1
internal_ip_subnet Enable or disable the internal IP subnet while configuring the VPN. 0-Disable/ 1-Enable Integer None 0 0,1
mobike Mandates the use of MOBIKE while configuring VPN. 0-Disable/ 1-Enable Integer None 0 0,1
redirect Enable or disable redirection of content from one VPN gateway to another. 0-Disable/ 1-Enable Integer None 0 0,1
certificate_revocation_check To check whether the certificate is revoked by the CA. 0-Disable /1-Enable Integer None 0 0,1
dead_per_detection To detect whether the connection is interrupted.0-None/ 1-low/ 2-medium/ 3-high Integer None 2 0,1,2
child_sa_id Child security association to secure the communication. JSONObject None None None
ike_sa_id IKE security association for establishing communication. JSONObject None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
encryption_algorithm Encryption algorithm for establishing communication. 0-DES/1-3DES/2-AES-128/3-AES-128-GCM/4-AES-256-GCM Integer None 2 0,1,2,3,4
integrity_algorithm Integrity algorithm for establishing communication. 0-SHA1-96/1-SHA1-160/2-SHA2-256/3-SHA2-384/4-SHA2-512 Integer None 2 0,1,2,3,4
diffie_hellman_group Group of the Diffie-Hellman algorithm to be used for key exchange. 1,2,5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 or 21 Integer None 2 1,2,5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21
life_time_in_minutes Maximum duration of an active connection. Integer None 1440 10 to 1440


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
encryption_algorithm Encryption algorithm for establishing communication. 0-DES/1-3DES/2-AES-128/3-AES-128-GCM/4-AES-256-GCM Integer None 2 0,1,2,3,4
integrity_algorithm Integrity algorithm for establishing communication. 0-SHA1-96/1-SHA1-160/2-SHA2-256/3-SHA2-384/4-SHA2-512 Integer None 2 0,1,2,3,4
diffie_hellman_group Group of the Diffie-Hellman algorithm to be used for key exchange. 1,2,5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 or 21 Integer None 2 1,2,5,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21
life_time_in_minutes Maximum duration of an active connection. Integer None 1440 10 to 1440


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
identifier App identifier for the VPN connection being configured. String Required None None
server_name Server name / host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
user_authentication Type of authentication while enabling the configured VPN. 0- Password and 1-Certificate Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used while configuring the VPN. String None None None
certificate_id Certificate ID of the certificate configured for authentication, using the Certificate endpoint. Long None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
group_name Group name for authentication while enabling the VPN. String None None None
user_authentication Type of authentication while enabling the VPN. 0- Password and 1-Certificate Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used to configure the VPN. String None None None
certificate_id Certificate ID of the certificate configured for authentication, using the Certificate endpoint. Long None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
group_name Group name for authentication while enabling the VPN. String None None None
user_authentication Type of authentication to be used while enabling the VPN. 0- Password and 1-Certificate Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used to configure the VPN String None None None
certificate_id Certificate ID of the certificate configured for authentication, using the Certificate endpoint. Long None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
user_authentication Type of authentication to be used while enabling the VPN. 0- Password and 1-Certificate Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used to configure the VPN. String None None None
certificate_id Certificate ID of the certificate configured for authentication using the Certificate endpoint. Long None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
account Username of the VPN to be configured. String Required None None
user_authentication Type of authentication to be used while enabling the VPN. 0- Password and 1-Certificate Integer Required 0 0,1
password Password credential for account used to configure the VPN. String None None None
certificate_id Certificate ID of the certificate configured for authentication using the Certificate endpoint. Long None None None

sample json

{ "provider_type": 1, "connection_type": 3, "ondemandrule": [{ "connectifneeded":[{ "vpnodrulesforconeval":{ "domain_name":"*", "dns_server_address":"", "url_probe":"" } }] }], "proxy_type": 0, "send_all_nw_traffic": false, "proxy_server_port": 0, "proxy_server": "", "vpn_type": 1, "sub_config": "cisco", "config_id": 176, "ondemand_match_app_enabled": true, "proxy_pac_url": "", "config_type": 3, "config_name": "vpn_policy", "cisco": { "group_name": "", "account": "", "password": "", "user_authentication": 0, "server_name": "", "certificate_id": -1 }, "enable_vpn_on_demand": true, "proxy_user_name": "", "certificate_uuid": "", "proxy_password": "" }

sample json 2

{ "provider_type": 1, "connection_type": 8, "ondemandrule": "", "proxy_type": 0, "send_all_nw_traffic": false, "proxy_server_port": 0, "proxy_server": "", "vpn_type": 1, "sub_config": "ikev2", "config_id": 176, "ondemand_match_app_enabled": true, "proxy_pac_url": "", "config_type": 3, "config_name": "vpn_policy", "ikev2": { "table_name": "vpnikev2", "shared_secret": "", "nat_alive_offload_enable": 1, "ike_sa_id": { "life_time_in_minutes": 1440, "table_name": "ikesaparams", "integrity_algorithm": 2, "encryption_algorithm": 3, "diffie_hellman_group": 2 }, "internal_ip_subnet": 0, "client_cert_id": -1, "nat_alive_interval": 20, "dead_per_detection": 2, "authentication_method": 0, "eap_enabling": 2, "certificate_revocation_check": 0, "server_name": "", "eap_username": "%username%", "pfs": 0, "local_id": "localid", "eap_password": "", "child_sa_id": { "life_time_in_minutes": 1440, "table_name": "ikesaparams", "integrity_algorithm": 2, "encryption_algorithm": 3, "diffie_hellman_group": 2 }, "mobike": 0, "redirect": 0, "remote_id": "remoteid" }, "connection_name": "vpn configuration", "enable_vpn_on_demand": false, "proxy_user_name": "", "certificate_uuid": "", "proxy_password": "" }


payload_id : 177

payload_name : wifipolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
service_set_identifier SSID of the Wi-Fi to be configured for the devices. String Required None None
hidden_network Select whether the Wi-Fi is broadcasting or not. Boolean Required None None
auto_join Enable to ensure the devices connect to the configured Wi-Fi when detected. Boolean None true true,false
security_type Security type of the Wi-Fi. 0-None,1-WEP,2- WPA/WPA2 Personal,3-Any personal,4-WEP Enterprise,5-WPA/WPA2 Enterprise,6- Any Enterprose Integer Required None None
proxy_type Type of the proxy to be configured.. 0-None, 1-Manual,2-Auto Integer None None None
proxy_server Server address of the proxy to be configured. String Required if proxy type is 1 None None
proxy_server_port Sever port of the proxy to be configured. String Required if proxy type is 1 None None
proxy_user_name Username for authentication. Applicable only if proxy type is 1 String None None None
proxy_password Credential for authentication. Applicable only if proxy type is 1 String None None None
proxy_pac_url Proxy PAC URL. Applicable only if proxy type is 2. String None None None
wifi_enterprise Wi-Fi enterprise configuration details. JSONObject Required if security_type is 4,5,6 None None
wifi_non_enterprise Wi-Fi non-enterprise configuration details JSONObject Required if security_type is 1,2,3 None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
ttls Whether the Wi-Fi to be configured supports TTLS protocol Boolean Required true true,false
eap_sim Whether the Wi-Fi to be configured supports EAP-SIM protocol Boolean Required true true,false
peap Whether the Wi-Fi to be configured supports PEAP protocol Boolean Required true true,false
eap_fast Whether the Wi-Fi to be configured supports EAP-FAST protocol Boolean Required true true,false
leap Whether the Wi-Fi to be configured supports LEAP protocol Boolean Required true true,false
tls Whether the Wi-Fi to be configured supports TLS protocol Boolean Required true true,false
use_per_connection_pwd Mandates whether the user must be prompted to enter the password everytime they connect to the Wi-Fi. Boolean None true true,false
user_name Username for the Wi-Fi connection to be configured. String None None None
password Password for Wi-Fi connection to be configured. String None None None
certificate_id Server certificate ID of the certificate configured using the Certificates endpoint. Long None None None
identity_certificate_id Identity certificate ID of the certificate configured using the Certificates endpoint. Refer ceritificate detail. Supported in TLS,EAP_FAST_TTLS,PEAP Long None None None
inner_identity - Integer None 3 None
outer_identity The alternative name for the authentication. Supported in TTLS,PEAP,EAP-FAST String None None None
use_pac Allow exitinf pac url.Supported in EAP-FAST Boolean None false true,false
provision_pac To enable PAC while configuring Wi-fi.Supported in EAP-FAST Boolean None false true,false
provision_pac_anonymous Enables PAC anonymously. Supported in EAP-FAST Boolean None false true,false


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
password Password for non-enterprise Wi-Fi connections. String None None None

sample json 1

{ "auto_join": true, "proxy_type": 0, "proxy_pac_url": "", "security_type": 3, "wifi_enterprise": { "ttls": false, "eap_sim": false, "peap": false, "eap_fast": false, "provision_pac": false, "identity_certificate_id": -1, "leap": false, "user_name": "", "provision_pac_anonymous": false, "inner_identity": 3, "password": "", "use_pac": false, "outer_identity": "", "tls": false, "certificate_id": -1, "use_per_connection_pwd": false }, "proxy_server_port": 0, "proxy_server": "", "hidden_network": false, "service_set_identifier": "temp", "proxy_user_name": "", "proxy_password": "" }

sample json 2

{ "auto_join": true, "proxy_type": 0, "proxy_pac_url": "", "security_type": 3, "sub_config":"WIFI_NON_ENTERPRISE", "proxy_server_port": 0, "proxy_server": "", "hidden_network": false, "wifi_non_enterprise": { "password": "" }, "service_set_identifier": "temp", "proxy_user_name": "", "proxy_password": "" }


payload_id : 178

payload_name : ldappolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_display_name Display name / description for the account to be confgiured. String None None None
account_hostname Host name of the LDAP server. String Required None None
account_username Username for authentication. Supports dynamic variable to fetch user specific information. String None None None
account_password Password of the configured account, for authentication String None None None
use_ssl Mandates the use of SSL for improved security. Boolean None true true, false


payload_id : 179

payload_name : caldavpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_name Display name / description for the account to be configured. String None None None
account_hostname Host name for the calendar sync server. String Required None None
account_port Port number for the server. Integer Required 8843 None
principal_url Principal URL for the calendar to be synced. String None None None
account_username Username for authentication. Supports dynamic variable to fetch user specific information. String None None None
account_password Password of the configured account, for authentication String None None None
use_ssl Mandates the use of SSL for improved security. Boolean None true true, false


payload_id : 180

payload_name : subscribedcalendarspolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_description Display name / description for the account to be configured. String None None None
calendar_url URL of the calender file to be synced. String Required None None
account_username Username for authentication. Supports dynamic variable to fetch user specific information. String None None None
account_password Password of the configured account, for authentication String None None None
use_ssl Mandates the use of SSL for improved security. Boolean None true true, false


payload_id : 181

payload_name : carddavpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_display_name Display name / description for the account to be configured. String None None None
account_hostname Host Name for the contact sync server. String Required None None
account_port Port number of the server. Integer Required 8843 None
principal_url Principal URL for the contact sync server. String None None None
account_username Username for authentication. Supports dynamic variable to fetch user specific information. String None None None
account_password Password of the configured account, for authentication String None None None
use_ssl Mandates the use of SSL for improved security. Boolean None true true, false


payload_id : 182

payload_name : webclipspolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
webclip_label Title for the web shortcuts to be displayed on the devices. String Required None None
webclip_url URL for creating the web shortcuts String Required None None
is_removal Prevents the user from removing the web shortcuts from the devices. Boolean None true true, false
webclips_file_upload Image to be used as the web shortcut icon. Enter the File ID of the uploaded file using the Files endpoint. Long None None None
icon_file_name FileId of the image. No need to post only in the return should consider as file url Long None None None
use_precomp_icon Restricts special effects on web shortcuts. Boolean None false true, false
allow_full_screen Determines whether the web shortcut should open in Safari or a different app. Boolean None false true, false


payload_id : 183

payload_name : applockpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
kiosk_mode Type of Kiosk. 1- single app 2- multiple app Integer required 1 1,2
disable_touch Disables touch in the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false
disable_device_rotation Disables screen rotation. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false
disable_volume_buttons Disables volume button on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false
disable_ringer_switch Disables the ringer switch on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false
disable_sleep_button Disables the sleep button on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false
disable_auto_lock Disables Auto-Lock on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false
voice_over Disable VoiceOver on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None true true, false
zoom Disable zoom on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false
invert_colors Disable invert colors on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false
asst_touch Disable Assitive Touch on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false
enable_speak_selection Enable Speak Selection on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1. Boolean None false true, false

Enable Mono Audio on the device. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 1.

Boolean None false true, false
allowed_apps The apps that should be available on devices in Kiosk. Only one array for kiosk_mode 1. JSONArray - - -
autonomous_kiosk_apps Autonomous kiosk apps. Applicable only for kiosk_mode 2. JSONArray - - -


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
app_id App ID of the app. Long Required None None
is_system_app Whether the app is a system app. Boolean Required false true,false
group_display_name Display name of the app. String Required None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
app_id App ID of the app. Long Required None None
is_system_app Whether the app is a system app. Boolean Required false true,false
group_display_name Display name of the app. String Required None None

sample json 1

{ "kiosk_mode": 2, "allowed_apps": "[{ "app_id":9007199254741861, "is_system_app":false, "group_display_name":"dock" } ,{ "app_id":9007199254741335, "is_system_app":false, "group_display_name":"zoho expense" }]", }

sample json 2

{ "disable_touch": false, "disable_ringer_switch": false, "invert_colors": false, "disable_volume_buttons": false, "kiosk_mode": 1, "allowed_apps": "[ { "app_id":9007199254741861, "is_system_app":false, "group_display_name":"dock" }]", "enable_mono_audio": false, "asst_touch": false, "disable_sleep_button": false, "disable_auto_lock": true, "config_name": "app_lock_policy", "enable_speak_selection": false, "zoom": false, "disable_device_rotation": false, "voice_over": false }


payload_id : 184

payload_name : globalhttpproxypolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
proxy_type Type of proxy connection. 0 - None 1 - Manual 2 - Auto. If Manual connection is selected proxy_server & proxy_server_port is required. Integer Required 1 0,1,2
proxy_server Proxy server host name / IP address. String Required if proxy_type is 1 None -
proxy_server_port Proxy server port details. Integer Required if proxy_type is 1 None None
proxy_user_name Username for the proxy server. String None None None
proxy_password Password of the configured account for the proxy server. String None None None
proxy_pac_url The URL of the PAC with proxy configurations. String None None None


payload_id : 187

payload_name : apnpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
access_point_name Name of the access point configured in the device. String Required None None
access_point_username Username for configuring the access points. Supports dynamic variable to fetch user specific information. String None None None
access_point_password Password for configuring the access points. String None None None
proxy_server Proxy server(if any) to connect to while configuring the access point. String None None None
proxy_server_port Port for the proxy server. Integer None None None


payload_id : 188

payload_name : webcontentfilterpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
enable_auto_filter Enables auto filter. Boolean None true true, false
malicious_content_filter Madates if all malicious content must be blacklisted. Boolean None true true, false
url_filter_type Whether the mentioned URLs must be blacklisted or whitelisted. Boolean None true true, false
create_bookmarks Create bookmarks for the whitelisted URL. Applicable only if url_filter_type is true Boolean None true true, false
url_details List of URL that need to be blacklisted or whitelisted. JSONArray Required None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url URL to be whitelisted or blacklisted. String Requried None None
bookmark_path Bookmark path of the URL. String None None None
bookmark_titile Title of the bookmark to be created. String None None None

sample json

{ "url_details": "[ { "bookmark_path":"home/", "url":"", "bookmark_titile":"temp" },{ "bookmark_path":"home/", "url":"", "bookmark_titile":"temp" } ]", "malicious_content_filter": true, "create_bookmarks": false, "url_filter_type": true "enable_auto_filter": true }


payload_id : 515

payload_name : ioscertificatepolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
certificate_id Certificate ID of the certificate created for authentication using the Certificates endpoint. Long None None None


payload_id : 516

payload_name : iossceppolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
scep_config_id SCEP Config ID of the configuration. Refer SCEP details Long None None None


payload_id : 517

payload_name : managedwebdomainpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url_details URL details of the webpages to be added as managed web domains. JSONArray Required - -


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url URL for managed domain. String Requried None None

sample json

{ "url_details": [ { "url":"" }, { "url":"https://*" }]" }


payload_id : 518

payload_name : ioswallpaperpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
set_wallpaper_position Position of the wallpaper on the devices. 1-Lockscreen, 2- Homescreen and 3 - common for both 4 - Different for both Integer Required - -
below_hdpi_wallpaper Wallpaper/File ID for the homescreen wallpaper. Long Required if set_wallpaper_position is 2,3 & 4 - -
below_hdpi_lock_wallpaper Wallpaper/ File ID for the lockscreen wallpaper. Long Required if set_wallpaper_position is 1 & 4 - -
is_below_hdpi_wall_modified Specifies whether the homescreen wallpaper is modified. Boolean Required false true, false
is_below_hdpi_lock_wall_modified Specifies whether the lockscreen wallpaper is modified. Boolean Required false true, false
allow_wallpaper_change Mandates whether the user can modify the applied wallpaper. Boolean None false true, false


payload_id : 519

payload_name : airprintpolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
host_address Specify the host name/ IP address of the printer to be configured. String None None None
resource_path Specify the resouce path of the printer to be configured. String None None None
port Port for the printer. Applicable only for iOS 11 & above. Integer None None None
forcetls Secure the printer communication by TLS. Applicable only for iOS 11 & above. Boolean None false true, false


payload_id : 520

payload_name : iosssopolicy

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_display_name Display name for the account to be configured. String Required None None
account_type Type of the account to be configured. 1.kerberos Integer None None None
auth_type Type of authentication. 1-Password & 2-Certificate Integer None None None
kerberos_prinicpal_name Principal name of kerberos. String None None None
kerberos_realm Relam of the kerberos. String Required None None
client_cert_id Identity certificate ID. Long None None None
allowed_apps List of allowed apps. Applicable only if all the apps are not specified. JSONArray None None None
url_details List of URL for which SSO should be enabled. JSONArray None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
group_display_name App display name for SSO policy. String Requried None None
identifier App identifier for SSO policy. String Required None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url URL for configuring the SSO policy. String Requried None None

sample json

{ "account_type": 1, "account_display_name": "applesso", "url_details": [ { "url":"" }]", "kerberos_realm": "msdam", "allowed_apps": [{ "group_display_name":"corelocationagent", "identifier":"" }]", "client_cert_id": -1, "kerberos_prinicpal_name": "principal", "auth_type": 2 }


payload_id : 521

payload_name : iosperappvpn

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
connection_name Name of the connection to be configured. String Required - -
vpn_type Type of the VPN to be configured. By default it is 1. Integer Required - -
connection_type Type of VPN connection. 3-Cisco IPSec(Legacy cisco),4-JuniperSSL,5-F5SSL,6-custom SSL,7-Pulse secure,9-Cisco Anyconnect,10-Sonciwall Mobile connect,11- Arubia Via &12- Checkpoint Mobile VPN Integer Required 1 -
send_all_nw_traffic Mandates if all the traffic should be routed through the VPN. Boolean None false true, false
enable_vpn_on_demand Mandates whether VPN on-demand must be enabled. Boolean None false true,false
ondemandrule - - - - -
proxy_type Type of the proxy. 0-None, 1-Manual,2-Auto Integer None None None
proxy_server Server address of the proxy to be configured. String Required if proxy type is 1 None None
proxy_server_port Sever port of the proxy to be configured. String Required if proxy type is 1 None None
proxy_user_name Username for authentication. Applicable only if proxy type is set to1 String None None None
proxy_password Credential used for authentication. Applicable only if proxy type is set to 1. String None None None
proxy_pac_url Proxy PAC URL. Applicable only if proxy type is set to 2. String None None None
allowed_apps Refer APP_LOCK_POLICY /KIOSK_POLICY JSONObject Required None None
cisco Cisco legacy configuration. Refer VPN_POLICY JSONObject Required if specific type. None None
juniperssl Juniper SSL configuration. Refer VPN_POLICY JSONObject Required if specific type. None None
f5ssl F5 SSL configuration. Refer VPN_POLICY JSONObject Required if specific type. None None
ciscoanyconnect Cisco Anyconnect configuration. Refer VPN_POLICY JSONObject Required if specific type. None None
sonicwall Sonicwall configuration. Refer VPN_POLICY JSONObject Required if specific type. None None
arubavia Arubavia configuration. Refer VPN_POLICY JSONObject Required if specific type. None None
checkpoint Checkpoint configuration. Refer VPN_POLICY JSONObject Required if specific type. None None
customssl CustomSSL configuration. Refer VPN_POLICY JSONObject Required if specific type. None None

sample json

{ "provider_type": 1, "connection_type": 9, "ondemandrule": "", "send_all_nw_traffic": false, "ciscoanyconnect": { "always_on": false, "table_name": "vpncisco", "fips_mode": false, "vpn_connection_protocol": "", "allowed_apps": "", "strict_mode": false, "group_name": "", "keychain_cert_alias": "", "account": "", "password": "", "user_authentication": 0, "cert_revocation": false, "server_name": "", "certificate_id": -1, "ipsec_auth_type": "", "ike_identity": "" }, "proxy_type": 0, "proxy_server": "", "proxy_server_port": 0, "proxy_user_name": "", "proxy_password": "", "proxy_pac_url": "", "vpn_type": 2, "sub_config": "ciscoanyconnect", "allowed_apps": "[{ "app_id":9007199254741295, "is_system_app":false, "group_display_name":"mosyle manager mdm for schools" }]", "ondemand_match_app_enabled": true, "connection_name": "per-app vpn configuration", "enable_vpn_on_demand": false }


payload_id : 522

payload_name : ioslockscreenmessage

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
wallpaper_type Type of wallpaper to be displayed on the device. 1-Custom wallpaper 2- uploaded wallpaper Integer Required 1 1,2
bg_colour Background colour of custom wallpaper. Value must be entered in Hex colour code. Applicable only if wallpaper_type is set to 1. String Required if wallpaper_type is 1 None None
wallpaper Wallpaper File ID for the wallpaper to be configured on the device. Long Required if wallpaper_type is 2 None None
wallpaper_modified Specifies whether the wallpaper can be modified. Boolean Required if wallpaper_type is 2 false true, false
orientation Orientation of the message to be displayed on the device lockscreen. Integer None 1 1,2
messages The message to be displayed on the device. Array of JSONObject Required None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
message Message to be displayed on the device. String Requried None None
text_colour Color of the text. Value must be specified in Hex colour code. String Required None None
offset_position Offset position at which the text should be writtern. Usually specified in percentage. For first message, 35 is considered as the default value. Integer None None None

sample json

{ "messages": [ { "message": "this is fahath device .", "text_colour": "#f2580c", "offset_position": 35 }, { "message": "dasd", "text_colour": "#f2580c" } ], "wallpaper_type": 2, "wallpaper": "9007199254741299", "wallpaper_modified": true, "orientation": 1 }


payload_id : 523

payload_name : macfilevault

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
encryption_settings_id Encryption setting ID. Refer MacFilevault. Long None None None



payload_id : 561


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
malicious_content_filter Automatic restriction of malicious content
true-- Yes
false-- No
Boolean Required true true,false
url_filter_type Filter type
true-- Whitelist
false-- Blacklist
Boolean None true true,false
url_details URL details String None JSONArray string. Format as mentioned below
enable_auto_filter Should enable automatic enabling of explicit content filter - Hidden Boolean Required true true,false
create_bookmarks Should create bookmarks for whitelisted URLs - Hidden Boolean Required true true,false


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url Url for whtelist or blacklist String Requried None None
bookmark_path Bookmark path
Opens is url_filter_type is true and create_bookmarks is true
String None None None
bookmark_titile Title of the bookmark
Opens is url_filter_type is true and create_bookmarks is true
String None None None

Sample json for url_details for url_filter_type true

[ { "URL": "", "BOOKMARK_TITILE": "dnsfj", "BOOKMARK_PATH": "kjn" } { "URL": "", } ]


payload_id : 555



payload_id : 553


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_name Account Name String None
account_type Configure Email For
2-- Single User
1-- Multiple Users
Integer Required 1 1,2
default_account Set as Default Account Boolean Required false true,false
incoming_protocol Incoming Protocol
String Required IMAP IMAP,POP3
incoming_server_hostname Incoming Server Host Name String Required
incoming_server_port Incoming Port Integer Required 143
incoming_user_name Incoming User Name. %username% fetched appropriate username mapped to the device String None %username%
incoming_server_password Password String None
incoming_server_use_ssl Secure Incoming Mail Communication - Use SSL Boolean None true true,false
incoming_server_use_tls Secure Incoming Mail Communication - Use TLS Boolean None false true,false
incoming_server_certificate Secure Incoming Mail Communication - Accept all certificate(s) Boolean None true true,false
outgoing_protocol Outgoing Protocol
String Required SMTPsss SMTP,POP3
outgoing_server_hostname Outgoing Server Host Name String Required
outgoing_server_port Outgoing Port Integer Required 587
outgoing_user_name Outgoing User Name %username% fetched appropriate username mapped to the device String None %username%
outgoing_server_password Password String None
outgoing_server_use_ssl Secure outgoing Mail Communication - Use SSL Boolean None true true,false
outgoing_server_use_tls Secure outgoing Mail Communication - Use TLS Boolean None false true,false
outgoing_server_certificate Secure outgoing Mail Communication - Accept all certificate(s) Boolean None true true,false
allow_html_content Allow HTML Format Boolean Required true true,false
allow_forward Allow Forwarding Mails Boolean Required true true,false
allow_notify Allow Notifications Boolean Required true true,false
allow_change_setting Allow User to change settings Boolean Required true true,false
signature Signature to be appended in email String None
mail_address Email Address
Opens only when account_type is 2
String Required when account_type is 2
sender_name Sender Name
Opens only when account_type is 2
String None


payload_id : 557


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
kiosk_mode Kiosk Mode
0-- Single App
1-- Multi App
Integer Required 0 0 , 1
allowed_apps List of apps String Required JSONObject string of list of apps. See below for format
launcher_type Choose the launcher to be used in kiosk mode
Applicable for Non-Samsung devices provisioned as Device Owner and Samsung devices running 5.0 and above
1-- Default device launcher-Selecting device launcher will ensure the device retains the same look and feel. Only the apps selected in kiosk mode will be displayed and the rest of the apps and functionalities will be hidden.
2-- MDM launcher - A new MDM launcher will be added to the device. The apps selected in kiosk mode will be available on this launcher.
Opens only if kiosk_mode is 1
Integer Required 2 2 , 1
wallpaper Wallpaper image
[Best Resolution: 960x800; Maximum size: 1 MB; Image Format: PNG,JPG;]
FormFile False
is_wallpaper_removed Is wallpaper image removed - Hidden Boolean required false true,false
wallpaper_path Wallpaper image path - Hidden String No
show_me_mdm_app Show ME MDM App
Opens only if kiosk_mode is 1
Boolean Required true true , false
allow_status_bar Status Bar Boolean Required true true , false
allow_status_bar_expansion Status Bar Expansion
Samsung 4.3 or above

Restricted - Users cannot access settings by expanding the status bar. You can however, allow the user to view/modify certain basic settings using custom settings app.
Boolean Required true. False if allow_status_bar is false true , false
allow_volume_button Volume Button Boolean Required true true , false
allow_power_button Power Button
Restricted - When restricted, device needs to be restarted every time to turn the display on. For Non-Samsung devices running 9.0 or above, this prevents the device from being switched off.
Boolean Required true true , false
allow_shutdown Allow shutdown - Hidden Boolean Required Same as value of allow_power_button true,false
allow_back_button Back Button
Samsung 4.3 and above
Boolean Required true true , false
allow_key_guard Unlock device without any passcode Boolean Required true true , false
allow_system_error_dialog Display app crash dialogs
Note:Android 9.0 and above
Boolean Required false true , false
allow_task_manager Task Manager
It is recommended to restrict Task Manager to prevent users from accessing App Settings and exiting Kiosk Mode on device.
Samsung 4.3 and above
Boolean Required true true , false
allow_home_button Home Button-Hidden Boolean Required true true , false
allow_notification Allow notification -Hidden Boolean Required true true,false
allow_recent_apps Allow recent apps - Hidden Boolean Required true true,false
allow_custom_settings Custom settings enabled or not
Use Custom Settings app to allow the users to view/modify certain basic settings
Use Custom Settings app to allow the users to view/modify certain basic settings.
Boolean Required true true,false
kiosk_custom_settings Custom settings configuration JSONObject No

allowed_apps Sample JSON format

{ "9007199254741039": { "SHOW_APP_ICON": false, "APP_GROUP_ID": "9007199254741039", "GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME": "MyProfile2", "IDENTIFIER": "com.facebook.katana", "APP_TYPE": 1, "DISPLAY_IMAGE_LOC": "" } }


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
allow_wifi Wi-Fi settings Boolean Required true true , false
allow_flash_light Flashlight Boolean Required true true , false
allow_brightness Brightness settings Boolean Required true true , false
screen_orientation Screen Rotation 4-- Landscape, 1-- Auto rotate, 2-- User Controlled, 3-- Portrait Integer Required 2 2 , 1 , 3 , 4
screen_timeout 0--user controlled
Integer Required 0 0,15,30,60,300,1800,2147483647


payload_id : 559


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values Supported for
proxy_type Proxy Settings 1- Manual
2- Automatic
Integer Required 1 2,1 Automatic - Samsung : 5.1.1 and above
Non-Samsung : Device Owner 5.0 and above
Manual - Samsung : 4.4 and above
Non-Samsung : Device Owner 5.0 and above
proxy_server Server. Opens if proxy_type is 1 String Required if proxy_type is 1 None None
proxy_server_port Port. Opens if proxy_type is 1 Integer Required if proxy_type is 1 None None
proxy_user_name Hidden String None
proxy_password Hidden String None
proxy_pac_url Server URL. Opens if proxy_type is 2 String Required if proxy_type is 2 None None
bypass_proxy_url Bypass URLs String False None None Android 5.0 and above


payload_id : 186


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
allow_camera Camera
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Note: Android 4.0 or later
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_video_record Video Recording
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Camera
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_microphone Microphone
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Microphone If this is disabled, users can use the microphone only for receiving and making calls. All other voice applications which requires microphone usage will be restricted.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_audio_record Audio Recording
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Microphone
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_firmware_recovery Firmware Recovery
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_ota_upgrade OS Upgrade
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
OS Upgrade By enabling this, users will be allowed to upgrade the OS on the device.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_screen_capture Screen Capture
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Screen Capture Screen capture is restricted only in work profile for devices enrolled as Profile Owner.
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_smart_clip_mode Smart Clip Mode
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 5.0 or later)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_s_voice S Voice
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_user_add_accounts Add Accounts
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_storage_encryption Enforce Storage Encryption
1 - Yes
2 - No
Android 3.0 or later
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 2 1, 2
external_storage_encryption Enforce SD Card Encryption
1 - Yes
2 - No
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 2 1, 2
allow_factory_reset Restore Factory Settings
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Restore Factory Settings By enabling this option, user will be allowed to reset factory settings.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_activation_lock Reactivation Lock
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Reactivation Lock Reactivation Lock prevents device activation by anyone else when the device is stolen or missing. With Reactivation Lock turned on, users will be required to enter their Samsung account credentials prior to starting a factory reset of the device.
Samsung (OS 4.4 or later)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_non_market_apps Installing Non Market Apps
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Installing Non Market Apps Apps that are not available on Google Play Store
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_clipboard Clip Board
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_clipboard_share Clipboard Share
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Clip Board
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_safe_mode Safe Mode
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Safe Mode Users enter this mode to boot device when the OS is corrupt or the device malfunctions.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_developer_mode Developer Mode
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_share_list "Share via" list
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
"Share via" list A list of Apps that can be used to share photos, videos etc.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_play_protect_monitoring Google Play Protect
0 - User Controlled
1 - Always On
Google Play Protect Google Play Protect regularly checks your apps and device for harmful behavior. If approved, it prompts the user to allow Google Play Protect to scan device for security threats.
Integer None 0 0, 1
allow_google_backup Backup data in Google Server
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Backup data in Google Server By enabling this option, user will be allowed to back the device data in Google server.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_google_account_auto_sync Google Account Auto Sync
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.4 or later)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_google_crash_report Report Crash to Google
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_sd_card SD Card
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_sd_card_write Storing Data in SD Card
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of SD Card
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_sdcard_move Move Apps to SD Card
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Move Apps to SD Card Move applications installed in device memory to SD card.
Samsung (OS 4.4 or later)
Note : This is dependent of SD Card
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_usb_media_player USB
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_usb_debug Connections Using USB
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Connections Using USB This option will allow you to use USB devices, for debugging purpose.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of USB
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_usb_host_storage Connect a USB Storage Device
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of USB
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_install_app Users can install unapproved Apps
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Installing Apps Disabling this option will restrict the end user from installing Apps. However Apps can still be distributed via MDM App Repository.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_uninstall_app Uninstalling Apps
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_android_market Play Store
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_stop_system_app Stop System App
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_app_notification_mode Application Notification Mode
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_you_tube You Tube
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_gmail Gmail
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_s_finder S Finder
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
app_permission_policy Global App Permission Policy
6 - Auto Deny
4 - User Prompt
5 - Auto Grant
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Integer None 4 4, 5, 6
allow_android_browser Android Browser
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
browser_allow_fraud_warning Fraud Warning Setting
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Fraud Warning Setting
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Android Browser
Integer None 1 0, 1
browser_allow_popups Pop-ups
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Android Browser
Integer None 1 0, 1
browser_allow_javascript JavaScript
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Android Browser
Integer None 1 0, 1
browser_allow_autofill Autofill
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Android Browser
Integer None 1 0, 1
browser_allow_cookies Cookies
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Android Browser
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_airplane_mode Airplane Mode
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.4.2 or later)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_background_data Background Data
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_disabling_cellular_data Disabling Cellular Data
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Disabling Cellular Data Cellular data on the device will be used, only when the device is not connected to WiFi
Samsung (OS 5.0 or below)
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_wifi Wifi
6 - Always Off
4 - User Controlled
5 - Always On
Android 2.3 or later
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Wifi If WiFi is disabled on the device, end users will not have permissions to enable it. The managed mobile device will be out of network connectivity and even MDM server cannot reach the device until cellular data is enabled on the device
Integer None 1 4, 5, 6
allow_wifi_direct Wifi Direct
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Wifi
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_whitelist_wifi_only Connect to wifi, only if distributed via MDM
0 - No
1 - Yes
Android 2.3 or later
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Wifi
Integer None 0 0, 1
allow_vpn Allow users to configure VPN
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
VPN If restricted, only VPN configurations distributed via MDM can be used on the device.In Samsung devices, any previously user-configured VPNs will be deleted.
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_roaming_data Roaming Data
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_roaming_sync Sync Data while Roaming
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Roaming Data
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_roaming_push Roaming Push
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Roaming Data
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_roaming_voice_calls Voice Call While Roaming
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_nfc NFC
4 - User Controlled
2 - Always Off
1 - Always On
NFC Near-Field Communication (NFC) allows to establish a connection with a device in close proximty
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 4 1, 2, 4
allow_android_beam Android Beam
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Android Beam Allows to establish a Bluetooth connection to rapidly share files and content such as web bookmarks, contacts etc. with other Android devices.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of NFC
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_s_beam S Beam
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
S Beam Allows to establish a Wifi Direct connection between two Samsung devices for data transfer.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of NFC
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_bluetooth Bluetooth
4 - User Controlled
2 - Always Off
1 - Always On
Android 2.3 or later
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Profile Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Profile Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 4 1, 2, 4
allow_bt_discoverable Bluetooth Discoverable
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Bluetooth
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_bt_pairing Bluetooth Pairing
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Bluetooth
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_bt_outgoing_calls Bluetooth Outgoing Calls
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Bluetooth
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_bt_pc_connection Bluetooth Desktop/Laptop Connection
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Bluetooth
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_bt_data_transfer Bluetooth Data Transfer
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Bluetooth
Integer None 1 1, 2
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Bluetooth Tethering
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of
Integer None 1 0, 1
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
WiFi Tethering
Note : This is dependent of
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_usb_tethering USB Tethering
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
USB Tethering By enabling this option end user will be allowed to share the cellular network data through USB
Note : This is dependent of
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_disabling_gps Location Services
6 - Always Off
4 - User Controlled
5 - Always On
Android 2.3 or later
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 4, 5, 6
allow_mock_location Mock Location
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_google_maps Google Maps
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_voice_dialer Google Voice search
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_sms SMS
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_incoming_sms Incoming SMS
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of SMS
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_outgoing_sms Outgoing SMS
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of SMS
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_mms MMS
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_incoming_mms Incoming MMS
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of MMS
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_outgoing_mms Outgoing MMS
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of MMS
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_call Call
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_incoming_call Incoming Call
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Call
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_outgoing_call Outgoing Call
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Note : This is dependent of Call
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_use_network_time Device time settings
0 - Select timezone manually
1 - Use network provider time
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Use Network Time This restriction can be modified by the user. To restrict the device to use only Network time, enable this option and disable the Date/Time change option
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_timezone Time Zone
Samsung (OS 4.0 or later)
Time Zone This option allows you to set the selected time zone to the user. This time zone cannot be modified by the user.
String None None Specific format , None
allow_date_time_change Date/Time Change
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_user_creation Add User
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Add User Add User functionality can create multiple user in devices which support multi user functionality
Device Owner Enrolling device running Android 5.0 or later as Device Owner provides advance configuration and management capabilities. Learn More.
Samsung (OS 4.4.2 or later)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_power_off Turn Off the device using Power Button
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_background_process_limit Background Process Limit
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_kill_activity_on_leave Killing Activity On Leave
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Killing Activity On Leave End the current activity/app on the device, when the user exits.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_settings Modify Devices default Settings
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Modify Devices default Settings Disabling this option, end users will not be able access or modify any of the default settings on the mobile device.
Samsung (OS 4.3 or above)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_air_command Air Command
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.4.4 or later)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_air_view Air View
0 - Restrict
1 - Allow
Samsung (OS 4.4.4 or later)
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_date_time_settings Modify Date/Time Settings
false - Restrict
true - Allow
Android 9.0 and above running as Device Owner
Modify Date/Time Settings Restricting this option prevents users from modifying timezone, time format etc.
Boolean None true false, true
screen_timeout Screen Timeout
Android 9.0 and above running as Device Owner
Integer None 5
allow_config_screen_timeout Modifying Screen Timeout settings
false -
true -
Android 9.0 and above running as Device Owner
Modifying Screen Timeout settings Restricting this ensures screen timeout duration given above or on the device, cannot be modified.
Boolean None true false, true
brightness_value Set Brightness
Android 9.0 and above running as Device Owner
Integer None 126 0 - 255
allow_brightness_config Modifying Brightness settings
false -
true -
Android 9.0 and above running as Device Owner
Modifying Brightness settings Restricting this ensures brightness given above or on the device, cannot be modified.
Boolean None true false, true
allow_ambient_display Ambient Display
false -
true -
Ambient Display Ambient Display is used for configuring notification settings on the lockscreen, when the device is asleep.
Android 9.0 and above running as Device Owner
Boolean None true false, true
adaptive_brightness Adaptive Brightness Boolean None true true, false
allow_printing Printing
false - Restrict
true - Allow
Android 9.0 and above
Boolean None true false, true


payload_id : 560


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
webclip_label Name of Web Shortcuts Label String Required None
webclip_url URL to be web clipped String Required None
webclips_file_upload Icon image as file FormFile False None
allow_full_screen Open Web Shortcuts in full screen or not
1.true-- Browser with restricted access - Restricted Access ensures the user can only access the contents of the specified URL and the links associated and prevents any other browser-related action. /help/profile_management/android/mdm_android_webclips.html#web_clips_display
2. false-- Browser
Boolean Required false true,false
is_removal Is image removed - Hidden Boolean Required false


payload_id : 556

payload_name : ANDROID_WIFI_POLICY

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
service_set_identifier Wireless Network Identification String Required
auto_join Connect to this Wi-Fi automatically Boolean Required true true,false
security_type Security Type
3-- 802.1x EAP
0-- None
1-- WEP
Integer Required 0 0,1,2,3
proxy_type Proxy Settings
1-- None
2-- Manual
Integer None 0 1,2
proxy_server Server.
Opens if proxy_type is 2
String Required if proxy_type is 2
proxy_server_port Port.
Opens if proxy_type is 2
Integer Required if proxy_type is 2
bypass_proxy_url Bypass URLs.
Opens if proxy_type is 2
String None
wifi_non_enterprise Wifi Non Enteprise configuration JSONObject Required if security_type is 1 or 2
wifi_enterprise Wifi Enteprise configuration JSONObject Required if security_type is 3


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
password Password
[Note : Minimum length should be 8] if security_type is 2
String Required


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
peap EAP method PEAP.
Any one and only one of peap, tls, ttls, eap_fast must be true
boolean Required true true,false
tls EAP method TLS
Any one and only one of peap, tls, ttls, eap_fast must be true
boolean Required false true,false
ttls EAP method TLES
Any one and only one of peap, tls, ttls, eap_fast must be true
boolean Required false true,false
eap_fast EAP method EAP_PWD
Any one and only one of peap, tls, ttls, eap_fast must be true
boolean Required false true,false
inner_identity Phase 2 Authentication
0-- None
4-- GTC
1-- PAP
Opens if eap_fast is false
Integer Required 3 0,4,3,2,1
user_name Identity
Specifying %username% fetches the user name, mapped to the device.
String None
outer_identity Anonymous Identity String None
identity_certificate_id Identity Certificate - Hidden Long None -1,-3
password Password String None
certificate_id CA Certificate (Android 4.3 and above) Long None -1


payload_id : 554


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_name Account Name String False Corporate E-mail
host_type Exchange Host type
True-Office 365 / Exchange Online
False-Exchange On-Premise
Boolean Required true true,false
active_sync_host Exchange Server.
Not editable if host_type is true - Value
String Required if host_type is true - Value
account_type Configure Exchange Account For
1-- Multiple Users
2-- Single User
Opens only if host_type is false
Integer Required only if host_type is false 1 1,2
user_name User Name
Use %upn% to map the appropriate user name associated with device
Opens if host_type is true
Opens if host_type is false and account_type is 2
String Required only if host_type is true %upn%
identity_cert_id Identity Certificate Long Required -1
use_ssl Use SSL Boolean Required true true,false
accept_all_certificates Accept All Certificate(s) Boolean Required true true,false
default_account Set as Default Account Boolean Required true true,false
retrival_size Email Retrieval Size
1-- 0.5 KB
6-- 20 KB
5-- 10 KB
3-- 2 KB
9-- Unlimited
2-- 1 KB
4-- 5 KB
0-- Header Only
7-- 50 KB
8-- 100 KB
Integer Required 9 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
allow_change_mail_settings Allow Users To Modify Account Settings Boolean Required true true,false
allow_forward_email Allow forwarding mails to mailboxes on the same device Boolean Required true true,false
allow_html_content Allow HTML Format Boolean Required true true,false
incoming_attachment_max_size Allow Incoming Attachments 1-- Upto 1 MB
5-- Upto 5 MB
100-- Upto 100 MB
200-- Upto 200 MB
50-- Upto 50 MB
0-- Unlimited
20-- Upto 20 MB
10-- Upto 10 MB
-1-- Never
Integer Required 0 -1,1,5,10,20,50,100,200,0
signature Signature to append in emails
Enter the details to be added to the pre-defined signature. Make use of dynamic variables %username%, %email% to fetch the username and email mapped to the devices.x
String Required
allow_notify Notifications on incoming emails Boolean Required true true,false
allow_always_vibrate Vibrate on incoming mails Boolean Required false true,false
sync_mail Sync Mail. Cannot disable Boolean. Required true true
sync_calandar Sync calendar Boolean Required true true,false
sync_contacts Sync contacts Boolean Required true true,false
sync_notes Sync notes Boolean Required true true,false
sync_tasks Sync tasks Boolean Required true true,false
off_peak_days_sycn_frequency Sync Schedule
1-- Manually
240-- 4 Hrs
60-- 60 Minutes
30-- 30 Minutes
15-- 15 Minutes
2-- Automatically
Integer False 2 1,2,15,30,60,240
past_days_mail_to_sync Sync Mails From
1-- Last One day
5-- Last month
3-- Last week
2-- Last Three days
4-- Last Two weeks
0-- Unlimited
Integer False 2 1,2,3,4,5,0
past_days_to_calander_sync Sync Calendar From
5-- Last month
6-- Last Three months
4-- Last Two weeks
0-- Unlimited
7-- Last Six months
Opens only if sync_calandar is true
Integer False 5 4,5,6,7,0
roaming_settings Sync While Roaming 1-- Use the above settings
0-- Manual
Integer False 1 0,1
peak_days_sycn_frequency Sync Schedule during Peak Days
1-- Manually
240-- 4 Hrs
60-- 60 Minutes
30-- 30 Minutes
15-- 15 Minutes
2-- Automatically
Integer Required 2 1,2,15,30,60,240
peak_start_mins Peak Hours Start time Integer False 8 1 to 24
peak_end_mins Peak Hours end time Integer False 17 1 to 24
domain Domain - Opens only if host_type is false and account_type is 2
%domainname% will fetch appropriate domain name mapped to device
String False %domainname%
email_address E-mail
%email% will fetch appropriate domain name mapped to device
Opens only if host_type is false and account_type is 2
String Required if %email%
password Password
Opens only if host_type is false and account_type is 2
String No
peak_days Peak days for advanced sync settings
Value should be sum of selcted values -64-Saturday, 32-Friday, 16-Thurs, 8-Wed, 4-Tue,
%domainname%-Mon, 1-Sun
Integer No 0 - if no days selected Sum of any combination of 1,2,4,8,16,32,64


payload_id : 185


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
scope_for_passcode Specify the Scope in which this Passcode Policy should gets enforeced
1 - Work profile
0 - Device
Integer Required 0 0,1
passcode_type Minimum Passcode Type Reuired
-1 - None
1 - Simple Value(Pattern)
2 - Numbers
3 - Alphabets
4 - AlphaNumeric
5 - Complex Value
Integer Required -1 -1,1,2,3,4,5
min_passcode_length Minimum Passcode Length to be set
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 2,3,4,5)
Integer None -1 -1, 4-16
max_failed_attempts Maximum number of failed attempts
-1 - None
(Note : Device will be completely wiped if the number of failed attempts exceeds the limit defined)
Integer None -1 -1, 4-16
auto_lock_idle_for Maximum idle time allowed before auto-lock, (seconds) Integer None 0 5 - 1800
no_of_passcode_maintained Number of passcodes to be maintained in history Integer None 0 0 - 100
max_passcode_age Maximum passcode age in days after which password will get expired and prompt for new Integer None 0 0 - 1000
grace_period Minutes after which passcode policy will get enforced (Minutes) Integer None 60 1 - 1000
max_chars Maximum Repetition of Characters
(Applicable for passcode_type 5 )
Integer None 0 1 - 16
max_numeric_sequence Maximum Numeric Sequence
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None 0 1 - 16
min_upper_case_length Minimum Uppercase length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_lower_case_length Minimum lowercase letter length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_letter_length Minimum letter length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_non_letter_length Minimum Non-Alphabetic Characters
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_numeric_length Minimum numeric length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_symbol_length Minimum symbol length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
allow_one_lock Prevent usage of same passcode for both device and work profile
false - Yes
true - No
Boolean None true true, false
allow_fingerprint Unlock Device using Fingerprint 1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_iris_scan Iris scanning false - Restrict
true - Allow
Boolean None true true, false
allow_face_unlock Face Scanning false - Restrict
true - Allow
Boolean None true true, false


payload_id : 562

payload_name : ANDROID_APN_POLICY

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
access_point_name Access Point Name String Required None None
access_point_user_name APN User Name. Opens only when android_apn_extension.auth_type is 1,2 or 3
Use the dynamic variables if APN details has been uploaded previously. You can add the details for each device or add it in bulk, by clicking Bulk Edit Device Details under Devices in the Inventory tab.
String False %apn_username% None
access_point_passowrd APN Password. Opens only when android_apn_extension.auth_type is 1,2 or 3
Use the dynamic variables if APN details has been uploaded previously. You can add the details for each device or add it in bulk, by clicking Bulk Edit Device Details under Devices in the Inventory tab.
String False %apn_password% None
proxy_server Proxy Server name String False None None
proxy_server_port Proxy Port Name Integer False None None
android_apn_extension other APN configuration JSONObject None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
name APN Configuration display Name String True Same as value of access_point_name None
auth_type Authentication Type
1- PAP
-1- Not set
0- None
Integer Required -1 -1,0,1,2,3
server Server Address String None None None
protocol Protocol
1- IPV6
3- PPP
0- IPV4
2- IPV4 Or IPV6
Integer Required 0 0,1,2,3
mcc Mobile Country Code (MCC) Refer to this for identifying the MCC and MNC of your country- https://en-wikipedia-org/wiki/Mobile_country_code String Required None None
mnc Mobile Network Code (MNC) Refer to this for identifying the MCC and MNC of your country- https://en-wikipedia-org/wiki/Mobile_country_code String Required None None
type Access Point Type String Required Default Comma separated combinations of Default,MMS,SUPL,DUN,HIPRI,CBS,Emergency,FOTA,IA,IMS
mmsc MMS Server Address- Opens only if type contains MMS String Required if type contains MMS None None
mms_proxy MMS Proxy Address- Opens only if type contains MMS String None None None
mms_port MMS Port Number- Opens only if type contains MMS String None None None
roaming_protocol Roaming Protocol 1- IPV6
3- PPP
0- IPV4
2- IPV4 Or IPV6
Integer Required 0 0,1,2,3
is_prefered_apn Use as Default APN true- Yes
false- No
Boolean False true true,false
mvno Mobile Virtual Network Operator(MVNO) 1- ICCID
-1- Select
0- GID
3- SPN
Integer Required -1 -1,0,1,2,3


payload_id : 558


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values Supported for
below_hdpi_wallpaper Low density image file FormFile No None None
above_hdpi_wallpaper High density image file FormFile No None None
allow_wallpaper_change Allow User to change Wallpaper
false No
true Yes
Boolean None true true,false Samsung 4.3 and above
below_hdpi_wallpaper_path Low density wallpaper path String No None
above_hdpi_wallpaper_path High density wallpaper path String No None
is_below_hdpi_wall_modified Whether low density wallpaper is modified Boolean Required None
is_above_hdpi_wall_modified Whether high density wallpaper is modified Boolean Required None
set_wallpaper_position Hidden 3


payload_id : 564

payload_name : ANDROID_VPN_POLICY

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values Supported for
connection_name Connection Name String Required VPN Configuration
connection_type Connection Type
19-- L2TP PSK
5-- F5 SSL
9-- Cisco AnyConnect
14-- IPSec XAuth PSK
7-- Pulse Secure
16-- IPSec IKEv2 PSK
1-- PPTP
13-- Palo Alto
Integer Requied 19 '19', '1', '16', '14', '9', '13', '5', '7' 19,1,16,14-Applicable only for Samsung devices running Android 6.0 or later versions.
Others-Needs respective app to be installed
l2tp L2TP configuration JSONObject Required if connection_type is 19 None None
pptp PPTP configuration JSONObject Required if connection_type is 1 None None
ipsec IPSEC configuration JSONObject Required if connection_type is 16,14 None None
juniperssl juniperssl configuration JSONObject Required if connection_type is 7 None None
f5ssl F5SSL configuration JSONObject Required if connection_type is 5 None None
ciscoanyconnect Cisco anyconnect configuration JSONObject Required if connection_type is 9 None None
paloalto Palo alto configuration JSONObject Required if connection_type is 13 None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server Name/IP Address string Required
account Username
Specifying %username% fetches the user name, mapped to the device
string No
password Password string No
shared_secret Shared Secret string Required
is_l2tp_secret_enabled Enable/disable Secret Key boolean Required false true,false
l2tp_secret L2TP secret key string No None
ipsec_identifier IPSec Identifier String No


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server Name/IP Address String Required
account Username
Specifying %username% fetches the user name, mapped to the device.
string No
password Password string No


field name description type required default value allowed values
server_name Server Name/IP Address String Required
account Username
Specifying %username% fetches the user name, mapped to the device.
String No
password Password string No
shared_secret Shared Secret string Required
ipsec_identifier IPSec Identifier String No


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server Name/IP Address String Required
auth_type Authentication Type
2-- Account based authentication
3-- Dual authentication
1-- Certificate based authentication
Integer False 3 1,2,3
account Username
Specifying %username% fetches the user name, mapped to the device.
Opens if auth_type is 3,2
String No
password Password
Opens if auth_type is 3,2
string No
certificate_id Identity Certificate
Pre-requisites -The device must be passcode-protected for the certificate to be associated to the device.
Opens if auth_type is 3,1
long No -1
realm Realm String False
role Role String False
is_deafault_vpn Make this VPN Configuration default Boolean Required false true,false
route_type Route type.
integer Required 0 0,1
uiless_auth UI-less auth boolean Required False true,false
keychain_cert_alias Key chain certificate alias - Hidden string None


field name description type required default value allowed values
server_name Server Name/IP Address String Required
account Username String No
password Password string No
certificate_id Identity Certificate
Pre-requisites - The device must be passcode-protected for the certificate to be associated to the device.
long No -1
fips_mode FIPS Mode boolean Required false true,false
web_logon_mode Web logon boolean Required false true,false
disallow_user_config Allow user to configure VPN boolean Required false true,false
user_message Restriction Message to be displayed string None
keychain_cert_alias Key chain certificate alias - Hidden string None


field name description type required default value allowed values
server_name Server Name/IP Address String Required
vpn_connection_protocol Connection Protocol
vpn_connection_protocol_ipsec-- IPsec
vpn_connection_protocol_ssl-- SSL
string Required vpn_connection_protocol_ssl vpn_connection_protocol_ssl,vpn_connection_protocol_ipsec
ipsec_auth_type Authentication Type
EAP-AnyConnect-- EAP-AnyConnect
string Required EAP-AnyConnect EAP-AnyConnect,EAP-GTC,EAP-MD5,EAP-MSCHAPv2,IKE-RSA
ike_identity IKE Identity string No
certificate_id Identity Certificate long No -1
cert_revocation Certificate Revocation boolean Required false true,false
fips_mode FIPS Mode boolean Required false true,false
strict_mode Strict Mode boolean Required false true,false
keychain_cert_alias Key chain certificate alias - Hidden string None


field name description type required default value allowed values
server_name Server Name/IP Address String Required
account Username
Specifying %username% fetches the user name, mapped to the device.
string No
password Password string No
certificate_id Identity Certificate long No -1
keychain_cert_alias Key chain certificate alias - Hidden string None


payload_id : 565

payload_name : ANDROID_EFRP_POLICY

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
efrp_details Account details for the accounts added String Required None JSONArray string of JSONObject of format efrp_detail. See below for format


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
email_user_id Email user ID got from steps /help/profile_management/android/android_enterprise_factory_reset_protection.html?mdmpi#google_link String Required --
email_id Email ID String Required --

efrp_details- Sample JSON format

[ { "EMAIL_USER_ID": "358797364893708434", "EMAIL_ID": "" } { "EMAIL_USER_ID": "3587897364893708434", "EMAIL_ID": "" } ]

Android Knox profiles


payload_id : 185


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
Integer Required 0 0,1
passcode_type Minimum Passcode Type Reuired
-1 - None
1 - Simple Value(Pattern)
2 - Numbers
3 - Alphabets
4 - AlphaNumeric
5 - Complex Value
Integer Required -1 -1,1,2,3,4,5
min_passcode_length Minimum Passcode Length to be set
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 2,3,4,5)
Integer None -1 -1, 4-16
max_failed_attempts Maximum number of failed attempts
-1 - None
(Note : Device will be completely wiped if the number of failed attempts exceeds the limit defined)
Integer None -1 -1, 4-16
auto_lock_idle_for Maximum idle time allowed before auto-lock, (seconds) Integer None 0 5 - 1800
no_of_passcode_maintained Number of passcodes to be maintained in history Integer None 0 0 - 100
max_passcode_age Maximum passcode age in days after which password will get expired and prompt for new Integer None 0 0 - 1000
grace_period Minutes after which passcode policy will get enforced (Minutes) Integer None 60 1 - 1000
max_chars Maximum Repetition of Characters
(Applicable for passcode_type 5 )
Integer None 0 1 - 16
max_numeric_sequence Maximum Numeric Sequence
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None 0 1 - 16
min_upper_case_length Minimum Uppercase length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_lower_case_length Minimum lowercase letter length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_letter_length Minimum letter length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_non_letter_length Minimum Non-Alphabetic Characters
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_numeric_length Minimum numeric length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
min_symbol_length Minimum symbol length
-1 - None
(Applicable for passcode_type 5)
Integer None -1 -1, 1 - 5
allow_one_lock Prevent usage of same passcode for both device and work profile
false - Yes
true - No
Boolean None true true, false
allow_fingerprint Unlock Device using Fingerprint 1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1


payload_id : 186


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
allow_camera Camera
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_video_record Video Recording
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_microphone Microphone
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Microphone If this is disabled, users can use the microphone only for receiving and making calls. All other voice applications which requires microphone usage will be restricted.
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_audio_record Audio Recording
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_s_voice S Voice
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_install_app Installing Apps
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Installing Apps Disabling this option will restrict the end user from installing Apps. However Apps can still be distributed via MDM App Repository.
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_uninstall_app Uninstalling Apps
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_stop_system_app Stop System App
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_android_market Play Store
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_knox_app_store KNOX app store
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_you_tube You Tube
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_app_notification_mode Application Notification Mode
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_screen_capture Screen Capture
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_android_browser Android Browser
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Fraud Warning Setting
Integer None 1 0, 1
browser_allow_popups Pop-ups
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
browser_allow_javascript JavaScript
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
browser_allow_autofill Autofill
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
browser_allow_cookies Cookies
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_voice_dialer Google Voice search
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_clipboard Clip Board
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_clipboard_share Clipboard Share
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_non_secure_keypad Third Party Keypad
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_contact_to_device Share "Contacts" with the device
1 - Allow
2 - Restrict
Integer None 1 1, 2
allow_share_list Share List
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Share List A list of Apps that can be used to share photos, videos etc.
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_google_account_auto_sync Google Account Auto Sync
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_google_crash_report Report Crash to Google
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Report Crash to Google By enabling this option Google crash reports will be notified.
Integer None 1 0, 1
allow_sdcard_move Move Apps to SD Card
1 - Allow
0 - Restrict
Move Apps to SD Card Move applications installed in device memory to SD card.
Integer None 1 0, 1


payload_id : 564

payload_name : ANDROID_VPN_POLICY



payload_id : 553




payload_id : 564

payload_name : ANDROID_VPN_POLICY


Chrome device profiles


payload_id : 706


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
guest_mode Guest Mode
1 -Disable
2 - Enable
0 - Unspecifed - Hidden value
Integer Required 2 0, 1, 2
epheremal_mode Ephemeral Mode
1 - Disable
2- Enable
0 - Unspecified - Hidden value
Integer Required 2 0, 1, 2
forced_reenrollment Forced Re-Enrollment
1 - Disable
2- Enable
0 - Unspecified - Hidden value
Integer Required 2 0, 1, 2
redirect_to_saml Redirect to SAML
1 - Disable
2- Enable
0 - Unspecified - Hidden value
Integer Required 2 0, 1, 2
transfer_saml_cookies Transfer SAML Cookies
1 - Disable
2- Enable
0 - Unspecified - Hidden value
Integer Required 2 0, 1, 2
allowed_users_to_signin Users permitted to sign in String No
autocomplete_domain_name Auto-complete domain name when logging in String No
time_zone_mode Mode of setting timezone
0--Select timezone manually
1--Automatic timezone detection
Integer Required 1 0,1
time_zone Timezone to set in device manually. Opens only if time_zone_mode is 0 String Required if time_zone_mode is 0 Greenwich All timezones. Refer time zone values for available zones
time_zone_detection Automatic detection of timezone
1--User Controlled
2--Automatic Detection disabled
3--Automatic Detection using IP only
4--Automatic Detection by using visible APNs
5--Automatic detection by using all location info
Opens only if time_zone_mode is 1
Integer Required if time_zone_mode is 1 1 1,2,3,4,5


payload_id : 701

payload_name : CHROME_WIFI_POLICY

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
service_set_identifier Wireless Network Identification String Required
auto_join Connect to this Wi-Fi automatically
false - No
true - Yes
Boolean No true false, true
hidden_network Hidden Network (SSID is broadcast or not)
false - No
true - Yes
Boolean No false false, true
security_type Security Type
5 - WPA/WPA2 Enterprise
4 - Dynamic WEP
0 - None
2 - WPA/WPA2
1 - WEP
Integer No 3 0, 1, 2, 4, 5
wifi_non_enterprise Wifi non enterprise configuration JSONObject Required if security_type is 1 or 2
wifi_enterprise Wifi enterprise configuration JSONObject Required if security_type is 4 or 5
proxy_settings Proxy configuration JSONObject Required


payload_id : 702


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
type Authentication Type
4 - Enterpise(802.1X)
0 - None
Integer False 0 0, 4
ethernet_enterprise Ethernet enterprise configuration JSONObject Required if type is 4
proxy_settings Proxy configuration JSONObject Required


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
peap Protocol supported PEAP.
Any one and only one of peap, tls, ttls, leap must be true
boolean Required true true,false
tls Protocol supported TLS
Any one and only one of peap, tls, ttls, leap must be true
boolean Required false true,false
ttls Protocol supported TTLS
Any one and only one of peap, tls, ttls, leap must be true
boolean Required false true,false
leap Protocol supported LEAP
Any one and only one of peap, tls, ttls, leap must be true
boolean Required false true,false
inner_identity Inner Protocol
4 - Automatic
5 - MD5
6 - GTC
0 - PAP
Opens if ttls is true or peap is true
Integer Required if ttls is true or peap is true 3 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
user_name User Name
Specifying %username% fetches the user name, mapped to the device
String No
password Password
Opens if tls is false
String No
certificate_id CA certificate
Opens if either ttls is true or peap is true
Long None -1
outer_identity Externally Visible identification
Opens if either ttls is true or peap is true
String No


payload_id : 705

payload_name : CHROME_KIOSK_POLICY

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
kiosk_mode Kiosk Mode
1 - Multi App
0 - Single App
Integer Required 0 0, 1
allowed_apps Allowed Apps String Required JSONObject string. Format mentioned below
bailout_enabled Bailout
false - Disable
true - Enable
Opens only if kiosk_mode is 0
Allow/Restrict users from preventing auto-provisioning of Kiosk by using the key combination(Ctrl+Alt+S) within 3 seconds
Boolean False true false, true
prompt_network Prompt Network
false - Restrict
true - Allow
Opens only if kiosk_mode is 0
Boolean False true false, true
health_monitor_enabled Health Monitor
false - Disable
true - Enable
Opens only if kiosk_mode is 0
Boolean False true false, true
log_upload_enabled Log Upload
false - Disable
true - Enable
Opens only if kiosk_mode is 0
Boolean False false false, true
allow_os_update Update OS
false - No
true - Yes
Opens only if kiosk_mode is 0
Boolean False true false, true
status_alert_email E-mail address(es) for notifying Admin
Opens only if kiosk_mode is 0
String False
status_alert_phno Contact number(s) for notifying Admin
Opens only if kiosk_mode is 0
String False

allowed_apps Sample JSON format

One and only app if kiosk_mode is 0.
Atleast one app if kiosk_mode is 1

{ "9007199254741039": { "SHOW_APP_ICON": false, "APP_GROUP_ID": "9007199254741039", "GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME": "MyProfile2", "IDENTIFIER": "com.facebook.katana", "APP_TYPE": 1, "DISPLAY_IMAGE_LOC": "" } }


payload_id : 703



payload_id : 711


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
verified_access_mode Skip boot mode check for verified access - Hidden Boolean Required true true,false
verified_access_for_extensions Verified Access for Enterprise Extensions - Hidden Boolean Required true true,false
verified_access_for_content Verified Access for content protection
Applicable only for device profile
Boolean Required true true,false
allowed_service_accounts Service accounts which can verify devices but do not receive device ID
Multiple patterns must be comma separated
String No
allowed_service_accounts_with_data Service accounts which are allowed to receive device ID
Multiple patterns must be comma separated
String No

Chrome user profiles


payload_id : 710


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
allow_incognito Incognito mode
Boolean Required true false, true
show_home_button Show home button
Boolean Required true false, true
allow_end_process Terminate processes using Task Manager
Boolean Required false false, true
allow_printing Allow printing
Boolean Required true false, true
external_storage_accessibility Mount external storage device
2-Read only
Integer Required 3 1,2,3


payload_id : 701

payload_name : CHROME_WIFI_POLICY

Same as CHROME_WIFI_POLICY in device profiles


payload_id : 702


Same as CHROME_ETHERNET_POLICY in device profiles


payload_id : 704

payload_name : CHROME_VPN_POLICY

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
connection_name Connection Name String False
connection_type Type of the VPN.
0 - L2TP
13 - Open VPN
Integer False 0 0, 13
l2tp L2TP configuration JSONObject Required if connection_type is 0
open_vpn_policy Open VPN configuration JSONObject Required if connection_type is 1
proxy_settings Proxy settings JSONObject Required


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server Name/IP Address (Host)
Host name or IP address of server to connect to.
String Required
account Username String False
password Password String False


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
remote_host Remote host String No
remote_host_port Remote host port Integer No
username Username String No
password Password String No
protocol Protocol
0 - TCP
1 - UDP
Integer False 0 0, 1
certificate_id Certificate Long False -1 -1, -3


payload_id : 703



payload_id : 708


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
idle_action_ac Action for timeout for General timeout settings (in seconds) (AC)
3 - Do nothing
1 - Logout
0 - Suspend
2 - Shutdown
Integer False 0 0, 1, 2, 3
idle_action_dc Action for timeout for Timeout settings when connected to a power source (in seconds)(DC)
3 - Do nothing
1 - Logout
0 - Suspend
2 - Shutdown
Integer False 0 0, 1, 2, 3
idle_warning_timeout_ac Timeout for idle warning for General timeout settings (in seconds) (AC)
-1--User controlled
0--No timeout
Any other speficied timeout as integer in seconds
Integer required 0 0,-1,Any positive integer
screenoff_timeout_ac Screen dim timeout for General timeout settings (in seconds) (AC)
-1--User controlled
0--No timeout
Any other speficied timeout as integer in seconds
Integer required 0 0,-1,Any positive integer
idle_timeout_ac Timeout for idle for General timeout settings (in seconds) (AC)
-1--User controlled
0--No timeout
Any other speficied timeout as integer in seconds
Integer required 0 0,-1,Any positive integer
screen_dim_timeout_ac Timeout for screenoff for General timeout settings (in seconds) (AC)
-1--User controlled
0--No timeout
Any other speficied timeout as integer in seconds
Integer required 0 0,-1,Any positive integer
idle_warning_timeout_dc Timeout for idle warning for Timeout settings when connected to a power source (in seconds)(DC)
-1--User controlled
0--No timeout
Any other speficied timeout as integer in seconds
Integer required 0 0,-1,Any positive integer
screenoff_timeout_dc Screen dim timeout for Timeout settings when connected to a power source (in seconds)(DC)
-1--User controlled
0--No timeout
Any other speficied timeout as integer in seconds
Integer required 0 0,-1,Any positive integer
idle_timeout_dc Timeout for idle for Timeout settings when connected to a power source (in seconds)(DC)
-1--User controlled
0--No timeout
Any other speficied timeout as integer in seconds
Integer required 0 0,-1,Any positive integer
screen_dim_timeout_dc Timeout for screenofffor Timeout settings when connected to a power source (in seconds)(DC)
-1--User controlled
0--No timeout
Any other speficied timeout as integer in seconds
Integer required 0 0,-1,Any positive integer


payload_id : 712


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
incognito_mode Incognito mode
0--User controlled(Hidden)
Integer Required 1 0,1,2
popup_settings Popups
0--User controlled(Hidden)
Integer Required 1 0,1,2
popup_block_url URLs for which the pop-ups must be blocked
Multiple URLs must be comma separated
String No
popup_allow_url URLs for which the pop-ups must be permitted
Multiple URLs must be comma separated
String No
safe_browsing Safe Browsing
0--User controlled(Hidden)
Integer Required 1 0,1,2
prevent_malicious_sites Malicious site Boolean Required false true,false
saving_history Saving history allowed Boolean Required false true,false
deleting_history Deleting history allowed Boolean Required false true,false
bookmarks_enabled Bookmarks enabled
0--User controlled(Hidden)
Integer Required 1 0,1,2
bookmarks_editable Can edit bookmarks
0--User controlled(Hidden)
Integer Required 1 0,1,2
home_page_settings Browser home page
0--User Control
1--Show a blank page
2--Show specific URL
Integer Required 1 0,1,2
home_page_url Home page URL
should be proper URL
Opens if home_page_settings is 2
String Required if home_page_settings is 2
startup_urls URLs to open on startup. Multiple URLs should be comma separated String No


payload_id : 707


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url_filter_type Filter type
true - Whitelist
false - Blacklist
Boolean Required true false, true
create_bookmarks Create bookmarks for whitelisted URL
Opens if url_filter_type is true
Boolean Required if url_filter_type is true false true,false
url_details URL details String Required JSONArray String of mentioned format


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url Url for whtelist or blacklist String Requried None None
bookmark_path Bookmark path- Hidden String None None None
bookmark_titile Title of the bookmark
Opens is url_filter_type is true and create_bookmarks is true
String None None None


payload_id : 709


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
folder_name Folder name
If folder name is not specified, the domain name will be used as bookmark folder name
String No
url_details URL details String Required JSONArray String of mentioned format
is_bookmark_editable Allow modify bookmarks Boolean Required true true,false
bookmarks_bar Should show bookmarks bar or not-Hidden
0-User control
Integer Required 0 0,1,2


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url Url for whtelist or blacklist String Requried None None
bookmark_path Bookmark path- Hidden String None None None
bookmark_titile Title of the bookmark String None None None


payload_id : 713


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url_details URL details String Required JSONArray String of mentioned format


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
url Url for whtelist or blacklist String Requried None None
bookmark_path Bookmark path- Hidden String None None None
bookmark_titile Title of the bookmark - Hidden String None None None


payload_id : 711


Same as CHROME_VERIFY_ACCESS_API in device profile


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
proxy_type Proxy Settings
0 - Direct connection to internet (No proxy)
2 - Automatic
1 - Manual
Integer Required 0 0, 1, 2
proxy_server Server
Opens if proxy_type is 1
String Required if proxy_type is 1
proxy_server_port Port
Opens if proxy_type is 1
Integer Required if proxy_type is 1
https_proxy_server Secure HTTP Proxy server
Opens if proxy_type is 1
String Required if proxy_type is 1 Same as proxy_server
https_proxy_port Secure HTTP Proxy port
Opens if proxy_type is 1
Integer Required if proxy_type is 1 Same as proxy_server_port
ftp_proxy_server Secure FTP Proxy server
Opens if proxy_type is 1
String Required if proxy_type is 1 Same as proxy_server
ftp_proxy_port Secure FTP Proxy port
Opens if proxy_type is 1
Integer Required if proxy_type is 1 Same as proxy_server_port
socks_proxy_server Secure SOCKS Proxy server
Opens if proxy_type is 1
String Required if proxy_type is 1 Same as proxy_serverSame as proxy_server
socks_proxy_port Secure SOCKS Proxy port
Opens if proxy_type is 1
Integer Required if proxy_type is 1 Same as proxy_server_port
proxy_pac_url Autoconfiguration URL (leave blank for WPAD protocol)
Opens if proxy_type is 2


value description
Africa/Abidjan ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Abidjan )
Africa/Accra ( GMT+0:0 ) Ghana Mean Time( Africa/Accra )
Africa/Addis_Ababa ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Addis_Ababa )
Africa/Algiers ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Africa/Algiers )
Africa/Asmara ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Asmara )
Africa/Asmera ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Asmera )
Africa/Bamako ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Bamako )
Africa/Bangui ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Bangui )
Africa/Banjul ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Banjul )
Africa/Bissau ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Bissau )
Africa/Blantyre ( GMT+2:0 ) Central African Time( Africa/Blantyre )
Africa/Brazzaville ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Brazzaville )
Africa/Bujumbura ( GMT+2:0 ) Central African Time( Africa/Bujumbura )
Africa/Cairo ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Africa/Cairo )
Africa/Casablanca ( GMT+0:0 ) Western European Time( Africa/Casablanca )
Africa/Ceuta ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Africa/Ceuta )
Africa/Conakry ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Conakry )
Africa/Dakar ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Dakar )
Africa/Dar_es_Salaam ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Dar_es_Salaam )
Africa/Djibouti ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Djibouti )
Africa/Douala ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Douala )
Africa/El_Aaiun ( GMT+0:0 ) Western European Time( Africa/El_Aaiun )
Africa/Freetown ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Freetown )
Africa/Gaborone ( GMT+2:0 ) Central African Time( Africa/Gaborone )
Africa/Harare ( GMT+2:0 ) Central African Time( Africa/Harare )
Africa/Johannesburg ( GMT+2:0 ) South Africa Standard Time( Africa/Johannesburg )
Africa/Juba ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Juba )
Africa/Kampala ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Kampala )
Africa/Khartoum ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Khartoum )
Africa/Kigali ( GMT+2:0 ) Central African Time( Africa/Kigali )
Africa/Kinshasa ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Kinshasa )
Africa/Lagos ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Lagos )
Africa/Libreville ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Libreville )
Africa/Lome ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Lome )
Africa/Luanda ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Luanda )
Africa/Lubumbashi ( GMT+2:0 ) Central African Time( Africa/Lubumbashi )
Africa/Lusaka ( GMT+2:0 ) Central African Time( Africa/Lusaka )
Africa/Malabo ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Malabo )
Africa/Maputo ( GMT+2:0 ) Central African Time( Africa/Maputo )
Africa/Maseru ( GMT+2:0 ) South Africa Standard Time( Africa/Maseru )
Africa/Mbabane ( GMT+2:0 ) South Africa Standard Time( Africa/Mbabane )
Africa/Mogadishu ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Mogadishu )
Africa/Monrovia ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Monrovia )
Africa/Nairobi ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Africa/Nairobi )
Africa/Ndjamena ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Ndjamena )
Africa/Niamey ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Niamey )
Africa/Nouakchott ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Nouakchott )
Africa/Ouagadougou ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Ouagadougou )
Africa/Porto-Novo ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Time( Africa/Porto-Novo )
Africa/Sao_Tome ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Sao_Tome )
Africa/Timbuktu ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Africa/Timbuktu )
Africa/Tripoli ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Africa/Tripoli )
Africa/Tunis ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Africa/Tunis )
Africa/Windhoek ( GMT+1:0 ) Western African Summer Time( Africa/Windhoek )
America/Adak ( GMT-10:0 ) Hawaii Standard Time( America/Adak )
America/Anchorage ( GMT-9:0 ) Alaska Standard Time( America/Anchorage )
America/Anguilla ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Anguilla )
America/Antigua ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Antigua )
America/Araguaina ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Time( America/Araguaina )
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires )
America/Argentina/Catamarca ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/Catamarca )
America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia )
America/Argentina/Cordoba ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/Cordoba )
America/Argentina/Jujuy ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/Jujuy )
America/Argentina/La_Rioja ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/La_Rioja )
America/Argentina/Mendoza ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/Mendoza )
America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos )
America/Argentina/Salta ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/Salta )
America/Argentina/San_Juan ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/San_Juan )
America/Argentina/San_Luis ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/San_Luis )
America/Argentina/Tucuman ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/Tucuman )
America/Argentina/Ushuaia ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Argentina/Ushuaia )
America/Aruba ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Aruba )
America/Asuncion ( GMT-4:0 ) Paraguay Summer Time( America/Asuncion )
America/Atikokan ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Atikokan )
America/Atka ( GMT-10:0 ) Hawaii Standard Time( America/Atka )
America/Bahia ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Time( America/Bahia )
America/Bahia_Banderas ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Bahia_Banderas )
America/Barbados ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Barbados )
America/Belem ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Time( America/Belem )
America/Belize ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Belize )
America/Blanc-Sablon ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Blanc-Sablon )
America/Boa_Vista ( GMT-4:0 ) Amazon Time( America/Boa_Vista )
America/Bogota ( GMT-5:0 ) Colombia Time( America/Bogota )
America/Boise ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Boise )
America/Buenos_Aires ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Buenos_Aires )
America/Cambridge_Bay ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Cambridge_Bay )
America/Campo_Grande ( GMT-4:0 ) Amazon Summer Time( America/Campo_Grande )
America/Cancun ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Cancun )
America/Caracas ( GMT-4:30 ) Venezuela Time( America/Caracas )
America/Catamarca ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Catamarca )
America/Cayenne ( GMT-3:0 ) French Guiana Time( America/Cayenne )
America/Cayman ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Cayman )
America/Chicago ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Chicago )
America/Chihuahua ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Chihuahua )
America/Coral_Harbour ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Coral_Harbour )
America/Cordoba ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Cordoba )
America/Costa_Rica ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Costa_Rica )
America/Creston ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Creston )
America/Cuiaba ( GMT-4:0 ) Amazon Summer Time( America/Cuiaba )
America/Curacao ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Curacao )
America/Danmarkshavn ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( America/Danmarkshavn )
America/Dawson ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( America/Dawson )
America/Dawson_Creek ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Dawson_Creek )
America/Denver ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Denver )
America/Detroit ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Detroit )
America/Dominica ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Dominica )
America/Edmonton ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Edmonton )
America/Eirunepe ( GMT-5:0 ) Acre Time( America/Eirunepe )
America/El_Salvador ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/El_Salvador )
America/Ensenada ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( America/Ensenada )
America/Fort_Wayne ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Fort_Wayne )
America/Fortaleza ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Time( America/Fortaleza )
America/Glace_Bay ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Glace_Bay )
America/Godthab ( GMT-3:0 ) Western Greenland Time( America/Godthab )
America/Goose_Bay ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Goose_Bay )
America/Grand_Turk ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Grand_Turk )
America/Grenada ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Grenada )
America/Guadeloupe ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Guadeloupe )
America/Guatemala ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Guatemala )
America/Guayaquil ( GMT-5:0 ) Ecuador Time( America/Guayaquil )
America/Guyana ( GMT-4:0 ) Guyana Time( America/Guyana )
America/Halifax ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Halifax )
America/Havana ( GMT-5:0 ) Cuba Standard Time( America/Havana )
America/Hermosillo ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Hermosillo )
America/Indiana/Indianapolis ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Indiana/Indianapolis )
America/Indiana/Knox ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Indiana/Knox )
America/Indiana/Marengo ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Indiana/Marengo )
America/Indiana/Petersburg ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Indiana/Petersburg )
America/Indiana/Tell_City ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Indiana/Tell_City )
America/Indiana/Vevay ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Indiana/Vevay )
America/Indiana/Vincennes ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Indiana/Vincennes )
America/Indiana/Winamac ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Indiana/Winamac )
America/Indianapolis ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Indianapolis )
America/Inuvik ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Inuvik )
America/Iqaluit ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Iqaluit )
America/Jamaica ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Jamaica )
America/Jujuy ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Jujuy )
America/Juneau ( GMT-9:0 ) Alaska Standard Time( America/Juneau )
America/Kentucky/Louisville ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Kentucky/Louisville )
America/Kentucky/Monticello ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Kentucky/Monticello )
America/Knox_IN ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Knox_IN )
America/Kralendijk ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Kralendijk )
America/La_Paz ( GMT-4:0 ) Bolivia Time( America/La_Paz )
America/Lima ( GMT-5:0 ) Peru Time( America/Lima )
America/Los_Angeles ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( America/Los_Angeles )
America/Louisville ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Louisville )
America/Lower_Princes ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Lower_Princes )
America/Maceio ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Time( America/Maceio )
America/Managua ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Managua )
America/Manaus ( GMT-4:0 ) Amazon Time( America/Manaus )
America/Marigot ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Marigot )
America/Martinique ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Martinique )
America/Matamoros ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Matamoros )
America/Mazatlan ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Mazatlan )
America/Mendoza ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Mendoza )
America/Menominee ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Menominee )
America/Merida ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Merida )
America/Metlakatla ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( America/Metlakatla )
America/Mexico_City ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Mexico_City )
America/Miquelon ( GMT-3:0 ) Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time( America/Miquelon )
America/Moncton ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Moncton )
America/Monterrey ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Monterrey )
America/Montevideo ( GMT-3:0 ) Uruguay Summer Time( America/Montevideo )
America/Montreal ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Montreal )
America/Montserrat ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Montserrat )
America/Nassau ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Nassau )
America/New_York ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/New_York )
America/Nipigon ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Nipigon )
America/Nome ( GMT-9:0 ) Alaska Standard Time( America/Nome )
America/Noronha ( GMT-2:0 ) Fernando de Noronha Time( America/Noronha )
America/North_Dakota/Beulah ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/North_Dakota/Beulah )
America/North_Dakota/Center ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/North_Dakota/Center )
America/North_Dakota/New_Salem ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/North_Dakota/New_Salem )
America/Ojinaga ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Ojinaga )
America/Panama ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Panama )
America/Pangnirtung ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Pangnirtung )
America/Paramaribo ( GMT-3:0 ) Suriname Time( America/Paramaribo )
America/Phoenix ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Phoenix )
America/Port-au-Prince ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Port-au-Prince )
America/Port_of_Spain ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Port_of_Spain )
America/Porto_Acre ( GMT-5:0 ) Acre Time( America/Porto_Acre )
America/Porto_Velho ( GMT-4:0 ) Amazon Time( America/Porto_Velho )
America/Puerto_Rico ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Puerto_Rico )
America/Rainy_River ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Rainy_River )
America/Rankin_Inlet ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Rankin_Inlet )
America/Recife ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Time( America/Recife )
America/Regina ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Regina )
America/Resolute ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Resolute )
America/Rio_Branco ( GMT-5:0 ) Acre Time( America/Rio_Branco )
America/Rosario ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( America/Rosario )
America/Santa_Isabel ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( America/Santa_Isabel )
America/Santarem ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Time( America/Santarem )
America/Santiago ( GMT-3:0 ) Chile Time( America/Santiago )
America/Santo_Domingo ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Santo_Domingo )
America/Sao_Paulo ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Summer Time( America/Sao_Paulo )
America/Scoresbysund ( GMT-1:0 ) Eastern Greenland Time( America/Scoresbysund )
America/Shiprock ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Shiprock )
America/Sitka ( GMT-9:0 ) Alaska Standard Time( America/Sitka )
America/St_Barthelemy ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/St_Barthelemy )
America/St_Johns ( GMT-3:30 ) Newfoundland Standard Time( America/St_Johns )
America/St_Kitts ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/St_Kitts )
America/St_Lucia ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/St_Lucia )
America/St_Thomas ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/St_Thomas )
America/St_Vincent ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/St_Vincent )
America/Swift_Current ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Swift_Current )
America/Tegucigalpa ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Tegucigalpa )
America/Thule ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Thule )
America/Thunder_Bay ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Thunder_Bay )
America/Tijuana ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( America/Tijuana )
America/Toronto ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( America/Toronto )
America/Tortola ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Tortola )
America/Vancouver ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( America/Vancouver )
America/Virgin ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( America/Virgin )
America/Whitehorse ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( America/Whitehorse )
America/Winnipeg ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( America/Winnipeg )
America/Yakutat ( GMT-9:0 ) Alaska Standard Time( America/Yakutat )
America/Yellowknife ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( America/Yellowknife )
Antarctica/Casey ( GMT+8:0 ) Australian Western Standard Time( Antarctica/Casey )
Antarctica/Davis ( GMT+7:0 ) Davis Time( Antarctica/Davis )
Antarctica/DumontDUrville ( GMT+10:0 ) Dumont-d'Urville Time( Antarctica/DumontDUrville )
Antarctica/Macquarie ( GMT+11:0 ) Macquarie Island Standard Time( Antarctica/Macquarie )
Antarctica/Mawson ( GMT+5:0 ) Mawson Time( Antarctica/Mawson )
Antarctica/McMurdo ( GMT+12:0 ) New Zealand Daylight Time( Antarctica/McMurdo )
Antarctica/Palmer ( GMT-3:0 ) Chile Time( Antarctica/Palmer )
Antarctica/Rothera ( GMT-3:0 ) Rothera Time( Antarctica/Rothera )
Antarctica/South_Pole ( GMT+12:0 ) New Zealand Daylight Time( Antarctica/South_Pole )
Antarctica/Syowa ( GMT+3:0 ) Syowa Time( Antarctica/Syowa )
Antarctica/Troll ( GMT+0:0 ) Coordinated Universal Time( Antarctica/Troll )
Antarctica/Vostok ( GMT+6:0 ) Vostok Time( Antarctica/Vostok )
Arctic/Longyearbyen ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Arctic/Longyearbyen )
Asia/Aden ( GMT+3:0 ) Arabia Standard Time( Asia/Aden )
Asia/Almaty ( GMT+6:0 ) Alma-Ata Time( Asia/Almaty )
Asia/Amman ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Asia/Amman )
Asia/Anadyr ( GMT+12:0 ) Anadyr Time( Asia/Anadyr )
Asia/Aqtau ( GMT+5:0 ) Aqtau Time( Asia/Aqtau )
Asia/Aqtobe ( GMT+5:0 ) Aqtobe Time( Asia/Aqtobe )
Asia/Ashgabat ( GMT+5:0 ) Turkmenistan Time( Asia/Ashgabat )
Asia/Ashkhabad ( GMT+5:0 ) Turkmenistan Time( Asia/Ashkhabad )
Asia/Baghdad ( GMT+3:0 ) Arabia Standard Time( Asia/Baghdad )
Asia/Bahrain ( GMT+3:0 ) Arabia Standard Time( Asia/Bahrain )
Asia/Baku ( GMT+4:0 ) Azerbaijan Time( Asia/Baku )
Asia/Bangkok ( GMT+7:0 ) Indochina Time( Asia/Bangkok )
Asia/Beirut ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Asia/Beirut )
Asia/Bishkek ( GMT+6:0 ) Kirgizstan Time( Asia/Bishkek )
Asia/Brunei ( GMT+8:0 ) Brunei Time( Asia/Brunei )
Asia/Calcutta ( GMT+5:30 ) India Standard Time( Asia/Calcutta )
Asia/Chita ( GMT+8:0 ) Irkutsk Time( Asia/Chita )
Asia/Choibalsan ( GMT+8:0 ) Choibalsan Time( Asia/Choibalsan )
Asia/Chongqing ( GMT+8:0 ) China Standard Time( Asia/Chongqing )
Asia/Chungking ( GMT+8:0 ) China Standard Time( Asia/Chungking )
Asia/Colombo ( GMT+5:30 ) India Standard Time( Asia/Colombo )
Asia/Dacca ( GMT+6:0 ) Bangladesh Time( Asia/Dacca )
Asia/Damascus ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Asia/Damascus )
Asia/Dhaka ( GMT+6:0 ) Bangladesh Time( Asia/Dhaka )
Asia/Dili ( GMT+9:0 ) Timor-Leste Time( Asia/Dili )
Asia/Dubai ( GMT+4:0 ) Gulf Standard Time( Asia/Dubai )
Asia/Dushanbe ( GMT+5:0 ) Tajikistan Time( Asia/Dushanbe )
Asia/Gaza ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Asia/Gaza )
Asia/Harbin ( GMT+8:0 ) China Standard Time( Asia/Harbin )
Asia/Hebron ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Asia/Hebron )
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh ( GMT+7:0 ) Indochina Time( Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh )
Asia/Hong_Kong ( GMT+8:0 ) Hong Kong Time( Asia/Hong_Kong )
Asia/Hovd ( GMT+7:0 ) Hovd Time( Asia/Hovd )
Asia/Irkutsk ( GMT+8:0 ) Irkutsk Time( Asia/Irkutsk )
Asia/Istanbul ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Asia/Istanbul )
Asia/Jakarta ( GMT+7:0 ) West Indonesia Time( Asia/Jakarta )
Asia/Jayapura ( GMT+9:0 ) East Indonesia Time( Asia/Jayapura )
Asia/Jerusalem ( GMT+2:0 ) Israel Standard Time( Asia/Jerusalem )
Asia/Kabul ( GMT+4:30 ) Afghanistan Time( Asia/Kabul )
Asia/Kamchatka ( GMT+12:0 ) Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski Time( Asia/Kamchatka )
Asia/Karachi ( GMT+5:0 ) Pakistan Time( Asia/Karachi )
Asia/Kashgar ( GMT+6:0 ) Xinjiang Standard Time( Asia/Kashgar )
Asia/Kathmandu ( GMT+5:45 ) Nepal Time( Asia/Kathmandu )
Asia/Katmandu ( GMT+5:45 ) Nepal Time( Asia/Katmandu )
Asia/Khandyga ( GMT+9:0 ) Khandyga Time( Asia/Khandyga )
Asia/Kolkata ( GMT+5:30 ) India Standard Time( Asia/Kolkata )
Asia/Krasnoyarsk ( GMT+7:0 ) Krasnoyarsk Time( Asia/Krasnoyarsk )
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur ( GMT+8:0 ) Malaysia Time( Asia/Kuala_Lumpur )
Asia/Kuching ( GMT+8:0 ) Malaysia Time( Asia/Kuching )
Asia/Kuwait ( GMT+3:0 ) Arabia Standard Time( Asia/Kuwait )
Asia/Macao ( GMT+8:0 ) China Standard Time( Asia/Macao )
Asia/Macau ( GMT+8:0 ) China Standard Time( Asia/Macau )
Asia/Magadan ( GMT+10:0 ) Magadan Time( Asia/Magadan )
Asia/Makassar ( GMT+8:0 ) Central Indonesia Time( Asia/Makassar )
Asia/Manila ( GMT+8:0 ) Philippines Time( Asia/Manila )
Asia/Muscat ( GMT+4:0 ) Gulf Standard Time( Asia/Muscat )
Asia/Nicosia ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Asia/Nicosia )
Asia/Novokuznetsk ( GMT+7:0 ) Krasnoyarsk Time( Asia/Novokuznetsk )
Asia/Novosibirsk ( GMT+6:0 ) Novosibirsk Time( Asia/Novosibirsk )
Asia/Omsk ( GMT+6:0 ) Omsk Time( Asia/Omsk )
Asia/Oral ( GMT+5:0 ) Oral Time( Asia/Oral )
Asia/Phnom_Penh ( GMT+7:0 ) Indochina Time( Asia/Phnom_Penh )
Asia/Pontianak ( GMT+7:0 ) West Indonesia Time( Asia/Pontianak )
Asia/Pyongyang ( GMT+9:0 ) Korea Standard Time( Asia/Pyongyang )
Asia/Qatar ( GMT+3:0 ) Arabia Standard Time( Asia/Qatar )
Asia/Qyzylorda ( GMT+6:0 ) Qyzylorda Time( Asia/Qyzylorda )
Asia/Rangoon ( GMT+6:30 ) Myanmar Time( Asia/Rangoon )
Asia/Riyadh ( GMT+3:0 ) Arabia Standard Time( Asia/Riyadh )
Asia/Saigon ( GMT+7:0 ) Indochina Time( Asia/Saigon )
Asia/Sakhalin ( GMT+10:0 ) Sakhalin Time( Asia/Sakhalin )
Asia/Samarkand ( GMT+5:0 ) Uzbekistan Time( Asia/Samarkand )
Asia/Seoul ( GMT+9:0 ) Korea Standard Time( Asia/Seoul )
Asia/Shanghai ( GMT+8:0 ) China Standard Time( Asia/Shanghai )
Asia/Singapore ( GMT+8:0 ) Singapore Time( Asia/Singapore )
Asia/Srednekolymsk ( GMT+11:0 ) Srednekolymsk Time( Asia/Srednekolymsk )
Asia/Taipei ( GMT+8:0 ) China Standard Time( Asia/Taipei )
Asia/Tashkent ( GMT+5:0 ) Uzbekistan Time( Asia/Tashkent )
Asia/Tbilisi ( GMT+4:0 ) Georgia Time( Asia/Tbilisi )
Asia/Tehran ( GMT+3:30 ) Iran Standard Time( Asia/Tehran )
Asia/Tel_Aviv ( GMT+2:0 ) Israel Standard Time( Asia/Tel_Aviv )
Asia/Thimbu ( GMT+6:0 ) Bhutan Time( Asia/Thimbu )
Asia/Thimphu ( GMT+6:0 ) Bhutan Time( Asia/Thimphu )
Asia/Tokyo ( GMT+9:0 ) Japan Standard Time( Asia/Tokyo )
Asia/Ujung_Pandang ( GMT+8:0 ) Central Indonesia Time( Asia/Ujung_Pandang )
Asia/Ulaanbaatar ( GMT+8:0 ) Ulaanbaatar Time( Asia/Ulaanbaatar )
Asia/Ulan_Bator ( GMT+8:0 ) Ulaanbaatar Time( Asia/Ulan_Bator )
Asia/Urumqi ( GMT+6:0 ) Xinjiang Standard Time( Asia/Urumqi )
Asia/Ust-Nera ( GMT+10:0 ) Ust-Nera Time( Asia/Ust-Nera )
Asia/Vientiane ( GMT+7:0 ) Indochina Time( Asia/Vientiane )
Asia/Vladivostok ( GMT+10:0 ) Vladivostok Time( Asia/Vladivostok )
Asia/Yakutsk ( GMT+9:0 ) Yakutsk Time( Asia/Yakutsk )
Asia/Yekaterinburg ( GMT+5:0 ) Yekaterinburg Time( Asia/Yekaterinburg )
Asia/Yerevan ( GMT+4:0 ) Armenia Time( Asia/Yerevan )
Atlantic/Azores ( GMT-1:0 ) Azores Time( Atlantic/Azores )
Atlantic/Bermuda ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( Atlantic/Bermuda )
Atlantic/Canary ( GMT+0:0 ) Western European Time( Atlantic/Canary )
Atlantic/Cape_Verde ( GMT-1:0 ) Cape Verde Time( Atlantic/Cape_Verde )
Atlantic/Faeroe ( GMT+0:0 ) Western European Time( Atlantic/Faeroe )
Atlantic/Faroe ( GMT+0:0 ) Western European Time( Atlantic/Faroe )
Atlantic/Jan_Mayen ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Atlantic/Jan_Mayen )
Atlantic/Madeira ( GMT+0:0 ) Western European Time( Atlantic/Madeira )
Atlantic/Reykjavik ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Atlantic/Reykjavik )
Atlantic/South_Georgia ( GMT-2:0 ) South Georgia Standard Time( Atlantic/South_Georgia )
Atlantic/St_Helena ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Atlantic/St_Helena )
Atlantic/Stanley ( GMT-3:0 ) Falkland Is. Time( Atlantic/Stanley )
Australia/ACT ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (New South Wales)( Australia/ACT )
Australia/Adelaide ( GMT+9:30 ) Australian Central Daylight Time (South Australia)( Australia/Adelaide )
Australia/Brisbane ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Queensland)( Australia/Brisbane )
Australia/Broken_Hill ( GMT+9:30 ) Australian Central Daylight Time (South Australia/New South Wales)( Australia/Broken_Hill )
Australia/Canberra ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (New South Wales)( Australia/Canberra )
Australia/Currie ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (New South Wales)( Australia/Currie )
Australia/Darwin ( GMT+9:30 ) Australian Central Standard Time (Northern Territory)( Australia/Darwin )
Australia/Eucla ( GMT+8:45 ) Australian Central Western Standard Time( Australia/Eucla )
Australia/Hobart ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Tasmania)( Australia/Hobart )
Australia/LHI ( GMT+10:30 ) Lord Howe Daylight Time( Australia/LHI )
Australia/Lindeman ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Queensland)( Australia/Lindeman )
Australia/Lord_Howe ( GMT+10:30 ) Lord Howe Daylight Time( Australia/Lord_Howe )
Australia/Melbourne ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Victoria)( Australia/Melbourne )
Australia/NSW ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (New South Wales)( Australia/NSW )
Australia/North ( GMT+9:30 ) Australian Central Standard Time (Northern Territory)( Australia/North )
Australia/Perth ( GMT+8:0 ) Australian Western Standard Time( Australia/Perth )
Australia/Queensland ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Standard Time (Queensland)( Australia/Queensland )
Australia/South ( GMT+9:30 ) Australian Central Daylight Time (South Australia)( Australia/South )
Australia/Sydney ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (New South Wales)( Australia/Sydney )
Australia/Tasmania ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Tasmania)( Australia/Tasmania )
Australia/Victoria ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (Victoria)( Australia/Victoria )
Australia/West ( GMT+8:0 ) Australian Western Standard Time( Australia/West )
Australia/Yancowinna ( GMT+9:30 ) Australian Central Daylight Time (South Australia/New South Wales)( Australia/Yancowinna )
Brazil/Acre ( GMT-5:0 ) Acre Time( Brazil/Acre )
Brazil/DeNoronha ( GMT-2:0 ) Fernando de Noronha Time( Brazil/DeNoronha )
Brazil/East ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Summer Time( Brazil/East )
Brazil/West ( GMT-4:0 ) Amazon Time( Brazil/West )
CET ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( CET )
CST6CDT ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( CST6CDT )
Canada/Atlantic ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( Canada/Atlantic )
Canada/Central ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( Canada/Central )
Canada/East-Saskatchewan ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( Canada/East-Saskatchewan )
Canada/Eastern ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( Canada/Eastern )
Canada/Mountain ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( Canada/Mountain )
Canada/Newfoundland ( GMT-3:30 ) Newfoundland Standard Time( Canada/Newfoundland )
Canada/Pacific ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( Canada/Pacific )
Canada/Saskatchewan ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( Canada/Saskatchewan )
Canada/Yukon ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( Canada/Yukon )
Chile/Continental ( GMT-3:0 ) Chile Time( Chile/Continental )
Chile/EasterIsland ( GMT-5:0 ) Easter Is. Time( Chile/EasterIsland )
Cuba ( GMT-5:0 ) Cuba Standard Time( Cuba )
EET ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( EET )
EST5EDT ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( EST5EDT )
Egypt ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Egypt )
Eire ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Eire )
Etc/GMT ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Etc/GMT )
Etc/GMT+0 ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Etc/GMT+0 )
Etc/GMT+1 ( GMT-1:0 ) GMT-01:00( Etc/GMT+1 )
Etc/GMT+10 ( GMT-10:0 ) GMT-10:00( Etc/GMT+10 )
Etc/GMT+11 ( GMT-11:0 ) GMT-11:00( Etc/GMT+11 )
Etc/GMT+12 ( GMT-12:0 ) GMT-12:00( Etc/GMT+12 )
Etc/GMT+2 ( GMT-2:0 ) GMT-02:00( Etc/GMT+2 )
Etc/GMT+3 ( GMT-3:0 ) GMT-03:00( Etc/GMT+3 )
Etc/GMT+4 ( GMT-4:0 ) GMT-04:00( Etc/GMT+4 )
Etc/GMT+5 ( GMT-5:0 ) GMT-05:00( Etc/GMT+5 )
Etc/GMT+6 ( GMT-6:0 ) GMT-06:00( Etc/GMT+6 )
Etc/GMT+7 ( GMT-7:0 ) GMT-07:00( Etc/GMT+7 )
Etc/GMT+8 ( GMT-8:0 ) GMT-08:00( Etc/GMT+8 )
Etc/GMT+9 ( GMT-9:0 ) GMT-09:00( Etc/GMT+9 )
Etc/GMT-0 ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Etc/GMT-0 )
Etc/GMT-1 ( GMT+1:0 ) GMT+01:00( Etc/GMT-1 )
Etc/GMT-10 ( GMT+10:0 ) GMT+10:00( Etc/GMT-10 )
Etc/GMT-11 ( GMT+11:0 ) GMT+11:00( Etc/GMT-11 )
Etc/GMT-12 ( GMT+12:0 ) GMT+12:00( Etc/GMT-12 )
Etc/GMT-13 ( GMT+13:0 ) GMT+13:00( Etc/GMT-13 )
Etc/GMT-14 ( GMT+14:0 ) GMT+14:00( Etc/GMT-14 )
Etc/GMT-2 ( GMT+2:0 ) GMT+02:00( Etc/GMT-2 )
Etc/GMT-3 ( GMT+3:0 ) GMT+03:00( Etc/GMT-3 )
Etc/GMT-4 ( GMT+4:0 ) GMT+04:00( Etc/GMT-4 )
Etc/GMT-5 ( GMT+5:0 ) GMT+05:00( Etc/GMT-5 )
Etc/GMT-6 ( GMT+6:0 ) GMT+06:00( Etc/GMT-6 )
Etc/GMT-7 ( GMT+7:0 ) GMT+07:00( Etc/GMT-7 )
Etc/GMT-8 ( GMT+8:0 ) GMT+08:00( Etc/GMT-8 )
Etc/GMT-9 ( GMT+9:0 ) GMT+09:00( Etc/GMT-9 )
Etc/GMT0 ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Etc/GMT0 )
Etc/Greenwich ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Etc/Greenwich )
Etc/UCT ( GMT+0:0 ) Coordinated Universal Time( Etc/UCT )
Etc/UTC ( GMT+0:0 ) Coordinated Universal Time( Etc/UTC )
Etc/Universal ( GMT+0:0 ) Coordinated Universal Time( Etc/Universal )
Etc/Zulu ( GMT+0:0 ) Coordinated Universal Time( Etc/Zulu )
Europe/Amsterdam ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Amsterdam )
Europe/Andorra ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Andorra )
Europe/Athens ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Athens )
Europe/Belfast ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Europe/Belfast )
Europe/Belgrade ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Belgrade )
Europe/Berlin ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Berlin )
Europe/Bratislava ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Bratislava )
Europe/Brussels ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Brussels )
Europe/Bucharest ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Bucharest )
Europe/Budapest ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Budapest )
Europe/Busingen ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Busingen )
Europe/Chisinau ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Chisinau )
Europe/Copenhagen ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Copenhagen )
Europe/Dublin ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Europe/Dublin )
Europe/Gibraltar ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Gibraltar )
Europe/Guernsey ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Europe/Guernsey )
Europe/Helsinki ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Helsinki )
Europe/Isle_of_Man ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Europe/Isle_of_Man )
Europe/Istanbul ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Istanbul )
Europe/Jersey ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Europe/Jersey )
Europe/Kaliningrad ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Kaliningrad )
Europe/Kiev ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Kiev )
Europe/Lisbon ( GMT+0:0 ) Western European Time( Europe/Lisbon )
Europe/Ljubljana ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Ljubljana )
Europe/London ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Europe/London )
Europe/Luxembourg ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Luxembourg )
Europe/Madrid ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Madrid )
Europe/Malta ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Malta )
Europe/Mariehamn ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Mariehamn )
Europe/Minsk ( GMT+3:0 ) Moscow Standard Time( Europe/Minsk )
Europe/Monaco ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Monaco )
Europe/Moscow ( GMT+3:0 ) Moscow Standard Time( Europe/Moscow )
Europe/Nicosia ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Nicosia )
Europe/Oslo ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Oslo )
Europe/Paris ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Paris )
Europe/Podgorica ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Podgorica )
Europe/Prague ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Prague )
Europe/Riga ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Riga )
Europe/Rome ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Rome )
Europe/Samara ( GMT+4:0 ) Samara Time( Europe/Samara )
Europe/San_Marino ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/San_Marino )
Europe/Sarajevo ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Sarajevo )
Europe/Simferopol ( GMT+3:0 ) Moscow Standard Time( Europe/Simferopol )
Europe/Skopje ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Skopje )
Europe/Sofia ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Sofia )
Europe/Stockholm ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Stockholm )
Europe/Tallinn ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Tallinn )
Europe/Tirane ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Tirane )
Europe/Tiraspol ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Tiraspol )
Europe/Uzhgorod ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Uzhgorod )
Europe/Vaduz ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Vaduz )
Europe/Vatican ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Vatican )
Europe/Vienna ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Vienna )
Europe/Vilnius ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Vilnius )
Europe/Volgograd ( GMT+3:0 ) Moscow Standard Time( Europe/Volgograd )
Europe/Warsaw ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Warsaw )
Europe/Zagreb ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Zagreb )
Europe/Zaporozhye ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Europe/Zaporozhye )
Europe/Zurich ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Europe/Zurich )
GB ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( GB )
GB-Eire ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( GB-Eire )
GMT ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( GMT )
GMT0 ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( GMT0 )
Greenwich ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Greenwich )
Hongkong ( GMT+8:0 ) Hong Kong Time( Hongkong )
Iceland ( GMT+0:0 ) Greenwich Mean Time( Iceland )
Indian/Antananarivo ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Indian/Antananarivo )
Indian/Chagos ( GMT+6:0 ) Indian Ocean Territory Time( Indian/Chagos )
Indian/Christmas ( GMT+7:0 ) Christmas Island Time( Indian/Christmas )
Indian/Cocos ( GMT+6:30 ) Cocos Islands Time( Indian/Cocos )
Indian/Comoro ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Indian/Comoro )
Indian/Kerguelen ( GMT+5:0 ) French Southern & Antarctic Lands Time( Indian/Kerguelen )
Indian/Mahe ( GMT+4:0 ) Seychelles Time( Indian/Mahe )
Indian/Maldives ( GMT+5:0 ) Maldives Time( Indian/Maldives )
Indian/Mauritius ( GMT+4:0 ) Mauritius Time( Indian/Mauritius )
Indian/Mayotte ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( Indian/Mayotte )
Indian/Reunion ( GMT+4:0 ) Reunion Time( Indian/Reunion )
Iran ( GMT+3:30 ) Iran Standard Time( Iran )
Israel ( GMT+2:0 ) Israel Standard Time( Israel )
Jamaica ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( Jamaica )
Japan ( GMT+9:0 ) Japan Standard Time( Japan )
Kwajalein ( GMT+12:0 ) Marshall Islands Time( Kwajalein )
Libya ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Libya )
MET ( GMT+1:0 ) Middle Europe Time( MET )
MST7MDT ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( MST7MDT )
Mexico/BajaNorte ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( Mexico/BajaNorte )
Mexico/BajaSur ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( Mexico/BajaSur )
Mexico/General ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( Mexico/General )
NZ ( GMT+12:0 ) New Zealand Daylight Time( NZ )
NZ-CHAT ( GMT+12:45 ) Chatham Daylight Time( NZ-CHAT )
Navajo ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( Navajo )
PRC ( GMT+8:0 ) China Standard Time( PRC )
PST8PDT ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( PST8PDT )
Pacific/Apia ( GMT+13:0 ) West Samoa Daylight Time( Pacific/Apia )
Pacific/Auckland ( GMT+12:0 ) New Zealand Daylight Time( Pacific/Auckland )
Pacific/Bougainville ( GMT+11:0 ) Bougainville Standard Time( Pacific/Bougainville )
Pacific/Chatham ( GMT+12:45 ) Chatham Daylight Time( Pacific/Chatham )
Pacific/Chuuk ( GMT+10:0 ) Chuuk Time( Pacific/Chuuk )
Pacific/Easter ( GMT-5:0 ) Easter Is. Time( Pacific/Easter )
Pacific/Efate ( GMT+11:0 ) Vanuatu Time( Pacific/Efate )
Pacific/Enderbury ( GMT+13:0 ) Phoenix Is. Time( Pacific/Enderbury )
Pacific/Fakaofo ( GMT+13:0 ) Tokelau Time( Pacific/Fakaofo )
Pacific/Fiji ( GMT+12:0 ) Fiji Summer Time( Pacific/Fiji )
Pacific/Funafuti ( GMT+12:0 ) Tuvalu Time( Pacific/Funafuti )
Pacific/Galapagos ( GMT-6:0 ) Galapagos Time( Pacific/Galapagos )
Pacific/Gambier ( GMT-9:0 ) Gambier Time( Pacific/Gambier )
Pacific/Guadalcanal ( GMT+11:0 ) Solomon Is. Time( Pacific/Guadalcanal )
Pacific/Guam ( GMT+10:0 ) Chamorro Standard Time( Pacific/Guam )
Pacific/Honolulu ( GMT-10:0 ) Hawaii Standard Time( Pacific/Honolulu )
Pacific/Johnston ( GMT-10:0 ) Hawaii Standard Time( Pacific/Johnston )
Pacific/Kiritimati ( GMT+14:0 ) Line Is. Time( Pacific/Kiritimati )
Pacific/Kosrae ( GMT+11:0 ) Kosrae Time( Pacific/Kosrae )
Pacific/Kwajalein ( GMT+12:0 ) Marshall Islands Time( Pacific/Kwajalein )
Pacific/Majuro ( GMT+12:0 ) Marshall Islands Time( Pacific/Majuro )
Pacific/Marquesas ( GMT-9:30 ) Marquesas Time( Pacific/Marquesas )
Pacific/Midway ( GMT-11:0 ) Samoa Standard Time( Pacific/Midway )
Pacific/Nauru ( GMT+12:0 ) Nauru Time( Pacific/Nauru )
Pacific/Niue ( GMT-11:0 ) Niue Time( Pacific/Niue )
Pacific/Norfolk ( GMT+11:30 ) Norfolk Time( Pacific/Norfolk )
Pacific/Noumea ( GMT+11:0 ) New Caledonia Time( Pacific/Noumea )
Pacific/Pago_Pago ( GMT-11:0 ) Samoa Standard Time( Pacific/Pago_Pago )
Pacific/Palau ( GMT+9:0 ) Palau Time( Pacific/Palau )
Pacific/Pitcairn ( GMT-8:0 ) Pitcairn Standard Time( Pacific/Pitcairn )
Pacific/Pohnpei ( GMT+11:0 ) Pohnpei Time( Pacific/Pohnpei )
Pacific/Ponape ( GMT+11:0 ) Pohnpei Time( Pacific/Ponape )
Pacific/Port_Moresby ( GMT+10:0 ) Papua New Guinea Time( Pacific/Port_Moresby )
Pacific/Rarotonga ( GMT-10:0 ) Cook Is. Time( Pacific/Rarotonga )
Pacific/Saipan ( GMT+10:0 ) Chamorro Standard Time( Pacific/Saipan )
Pacific/Samoa ( GMT-11:0 ) Samoa Standard Time( Pacific/Samoa )
Pacific/Tahiti ( GMT-10:0 ) Tahiti Time( Pacific/Tahiti )
Pacific/Tarawa ( GMT+12:0 ) Gilbert Is. Time( Pacific/Tarawa )
Pacific/Tongatapu ( GMT+13:0 ) Tonga Time( Pacific/Tongatapu )
Pacific/Truk ( GMT+10:0 ) Chuuk Time( Pacific/Truk )
Pacific/Wake ( GMT+12:0 ) Wake Time( Pacific/Wake )
Pacific/Wallis ( GMT+12:0 ) Wallis & Futuna Time( Pacific/Wallis )
Pacific/Yap ( GMT+10:0 ) Chuuk Time( Pacific/Yap )
Poland ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( Poland )
Portugal ( GMT+0:0 ) Western European Time( Portugal )
ROK ( GMT+9:0 ) Korea Standard Time( ROK )
Singapore ( GMT+8:0 ) Singapore Time( Singapore )
SystemV/AST4 ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( SystemV/AST4 )
SystemV/AST4ADT ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( SystemV/AST4ADT )
SystemV/CST6 ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( SystemV/CST6 )
SystemV/CST6CDT ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( SystemV/CST6CDT )
SystemV/EST5 ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( SystemV/EST5 )
SystemV/EST5EDT ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( SystemV/EST5EDT )
SystemV/HST10 ( GMT-10:0 ) Hawaii Standard Time( SystemV/HST10 )
SystemV/MST7 ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( SystemV/MST7 )
SystemV/MST7MDT ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( SystemV/MST7MDT )
SystemV/PST8 ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( SystemV/PST8 )
SystemV/PST8PDT ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( SystemV/PST8PDT )
SystemV/YST9 ( GMT-9:0 ) Alaska Standard Time( SystemV/YST9 )
SystemV/YST9YDT ( GMT-9:0 ) Alaska Standard Time( SystemV/YST9YDT )
Turkey ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( Turkey )
UCT ( GMT+0:0 ) Coordinated Universal Time( UCT )
US/Alaska ( GMT-9:0 ) Alaska Standard Time( US/Alaska )
US/Aleutian ( GMT-10:0 ) Hawaii Standard Time( US/Aleutian )
US/Arizona ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( US/Arizona )
US/Central ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( US/Central )
US/East-Indiana ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( US/East-Indiana )
US/Eastern ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( US/Eastern )
US/Hawaii ( GMT-10:0 ) Hawaii Standard Time( US/Hawaii )
US/Indiana-Starke ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( US/Indiana-Starke )
US/Michigan ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( US/Michigan )
US/Mountain ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( US/Mountain )
US/Pacific ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( US/Pacific )
US/Pacific-New ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( US/Pacific-New )
US/Samoa ( GMT-11:0 ) Samoa Standard Time( US/Samoa )
UTC ( GMT+0:0 ) Coordinated Universal Time( UTC )
Universal ( GMT+0:0 ) Coordinated Universal Time( Universal )
W-SU ( GMT+3:0 ) Moscow Standard Time( W-SU )
WET ( GMT+0:0 ) Western European Time( WET )
Zulu ( GMT+0:0 ) Coordinated Universal Time( Zulu )
EST ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( EST )
HST ( GMT-10:0 ) Hawaii Standard Time( HST )
MST ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( MST )
ACT ( GMT+9:30 ) Australian Central Standard Time (Northern Territory)( ACT )
AET ( GMT+10:0 ) Australian Eastern Daylight Time (New South Wales)( AET )
AGT ( GMT-3:0 ) Argentine Time( AGT )
ART ( GMT+2:0 ) Eastern European Time( ART )
AST ( GMT-9:0 ) Alaska Standard Time( AST )
BET ( GMT-3:0 ) Brasilia Summer Time( BET )
BST ( GMT+6:0 ) Bangladesh Time( BST )
CAT ( GMT+2:0 ) Central African Time( CAT )
CNT ( GMT-3:30 ) Newfoundland Standard Time( CNT )
CST ( GMT-6:0 ) Central Standard Time( CST )
CTT ( GMT+8:0 ) China Standard Time( CTT )
EAT ( GMT+3:0 ) Eastern African Time( EAT )
ECT ( GMT+1:0 ) Central European Time( ECT )
IET ( GMT-5:0 ) Eastern Standard Time( IET )
IST ( GMT+5:30 ) India Standard Time( IST )
JST ( GMT+9:0 ) Japan Standard Time( JST )
MIT ( GMT+13:0 ) West Samoa Daylight Time( MIT )
NET ( GMT+4:0 ) Armenia Time( NET )
NST ( GMT+12:0 ) New Zealand Daylight Time( NST )
PLT ( GMT+5:0 ) Pakistan Time( PLT )
PNT ( GMT-7:0 ) Mountain Standard Time( PNT )
PRT ( GMT-4:0 ) Atlantic Standard Time( PRT )
PST ( GMT-8:0 ) Pacific Standard Time( PST )
SST ( GMT+11:0 ) Solomon Is. Time( SST )
VST ( GMT+7:0 ) Indochina Time( VST )


payload_id : 524

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
bind_policy_id Bind policy template ID used for Mac binding. Long true
object_name Client ID of the device that will be shown in the Active Directory String false [Host Name of the device]
adbindou OU available in the Active Directory to which the device must be added. String true
adminprivilegeadgroup Security groups, whose members should have administrator privilege on the device. Array of Strings false



payload_id : 172

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
max_inactivity_time_devlock Maximum idle time allowed before auto-lock (in minutes). The user can choose any value less than the one specified here. Integer None None 1-999
alphanumeric_pwd_required Mandates the use of alphanumeric values in the passcode. Integer None false 0-Alphanumeric, 1 - Numbers
min_pwd_length The minimum length of the passcode to be configured on the device. Integer None None 4-18
min_pwd_complex_char Specifies the minimum number of special characters that must be present in the passcode. Integer None None 2, 3, 4
pwd_expiration The number of days after which the user must change the passcode. Integer None None 1-730
pwd_history Number of passcodes to be maintained in the history. The user cannot reuse the passcode stored in history. Integer None None 1-50
max_pwd_failed_attempts Maximum Number of failed attempts. The device will be reset after the user exceeds the specified value. Integer None None 1-999


payload_id : 172

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value **Allowed Values **
enforce_device_encription Enforce Device Encryption. 'true'-- 'Yes', 'false'-- ' No ' java.lang.Boolean False false ['true', 'false']
disable_sd_card Disable SD Card.'true'-- 'Yes', 'false'-- ' No ' java.lang.Boolean False false ['true', 'false']
allow_use_of_camera Restrict the use of Camera on the device.'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_screen_capture Restrict Screen Capture on the device.'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_storage_card Allow data to be stored on the Storage Card. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_telemetry Allow sending data to Windows for fixing issues on devices.'1'-- 'Partial data', '0'-- 'Do not allow', '2'-- 'All data' java.lang.Integer False 2 ['2', '1', '0']
allow_store Restrict the use of Microsoft Windows App Store on devices.'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_usb Allow device connections using USB. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
ms_feedback_notif Restrict feedback notifications from Microsoft.'0'-- 'User Control', '1'-- 'Disabled' java.lang.Integer False 0 ['0', '1']
allow_date_time Prevent users from modifying the device date & time 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_edit_device_name Prevent users from modifying device name. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_internet_sharing Restrict managed devices from sharing Internet with unmanaged devices.'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_vpn_setting Allow users to configure VPN on the device.'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_vpn_over_data Allow users to configure VPN over cellular data. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'userConfig'-- 'User Control', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.String False userConfig ['true', 'false', 'userConfig']
allow_vpn_over_data_roaming Allow VPN Roaming while using cellular data. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'userConfig'-- 'User Control', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.String False userConfig ['true', 'false', 'userConfig']
allow_cellular_data Configure cellular network on devices.'1'-- 'Turn On', '0'-- 'Turn Off', '2'-- 'Force On' java.lang.Integer False 1 ['1', '0', '2']
allow_data_roaming Allow the use of cellular data while Roaming 'true'-- 'Allow ', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_wifi Allow the use of Wi-Fi on devices.'true'-- 'Allow ', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_manual_wifi_config Allow users to add Wi-Fi configurations manually to devices. 'true'-- 'Yes', 'false'-- ' No' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_auto_wifi_hotspot Automatically connect devices to Wi-Fi Sense Hotspots. 'true'-- 'Yes ', 'false'-- ' No ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_copy_paste Allow the use of Clipboard Share to copy/paste.'true'-- 'Allow ', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_location Enable Location Services on devices.'true'-- 'Allow ', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_microsoft_account Restrict users from adding Microsoft accounts on devices.'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_adding_non_microsoft Restrict users from manually adding non-Microsoft accounts on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_root_certificate_install Install root certificates on devices'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_developer_unlock_new Prevent users from performing Developer Unlock on devices for additional control.'true'-- 'Allow', 'userConfig'-- 'User Control', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.String False userConfig ['true', 'false', 'userConfig']
allow_user_reset_phone Prevent users resetting the device to factory settings. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_action_notification Prevent Action Center Notifications on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_toast Restrict Toast notifications on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_fips_policy Allow FIPS Algorithm to secure device communication. 'true'-- 'Yes', 'false'-- ' No ' java.lang.Boolean False false ['true', 'false']
allow_add_prov_package Allow users to add provisioning package on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_remove_prov_package Remove existing provisioning package from devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
enable_anti_theft_mode Allow users to enable Anti-theft mode on devices. '1'-- 'Allow', '0'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Integer False 1 ['1', '0']
allow_cortana Allow users to use Cortana on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow ', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_voice_recording Allow Voice Recording on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow ', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_save_as_office_files Allow users to save "Office Files" on the device. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_sharing_office_files Allow users to share "Office Files" from the device. 'true'-- 'Allow ', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_sync_my_settings Allow users to sync settings across all devices. 'true'-- 'Allow ', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_storing_image_search Allow users to store Image from "Vision Search" on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow ', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
safe_search_permissions Safe Search Permissions '1'-- 'Moderate', '0'-- 'Strict', '-1'-- 'None' java.lang.Integer False -1 ['1', '0', '-1']
allow_search_use_location Allow "Search" to use Location Services 'true'-- 'Yes ', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_all_trusted_apps Restrict users from installing Non-Store apps on devices.'1'-- 'Allow', '0'-- ' Deny ', '65535'-- ' User Control ' java.lang.Integer False 65535 ['1', '0', '65535']
limit_appinstall_to_sys_vol Allow users to install apps only on the device memory. 'true'-- 'Yes', 'false'-- ' No ' java.lang.Boolean False false ['true', 'false']
limit_appdata_to_sys_vol Allow users to store app data only on device memory. 'true'-- 'Yes', 'false'-- ' No ' java.lang.Boolean False false ['true', 'false']
allow_appstore_auto_update Allow users to auto-update store apps. '1'-- 'Yes', '0'-- ' No ', '-999'-- ' User Control ' java.lang.Integer False -999 ['1', '0', '-999']
require_private_store_only Restrict users from downloading apps from Private Store. 'true'-- 'Yes', 'false'-- ' No ' java.lang.Boolean False false ['true', 'false']
allow_browser Restrict Internet Explorer/ Edge Browser on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
browser_allow_cookies Allow the use of Cookies on devices.'1'-- 'Block only third-party cookies', '0'-- 'Block all cookies', 'userConfig'-- 'User Control', '2'-- 'Allow all cookies' java.lang.String False userConfig ['userConfig', '2', '1', '0']
browser_allow_inprivate Allow In-Private Browsing on devices.'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
browser_allow_passmgr Restrict users from saving passwords locally on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'userConfig'-- ' User Control ', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.String False userConfig ['true', 'false', 'userConfig']
browser_allow_searchsuggest Restrict search suggestions in the browser address bar. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'userConfig'-- ' User Control ', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.String False userConfig ['true', 'false', 'userConfig']
browser_allow_smartscreen Force fraudulent website warning on devices. 'true'-- 'Yes', 'userConfig'-- ' User Control ', 'false'-- ' No ' java.lang.String False userConfig ['true', 'false', 'userConfig']
browser_smartscreen_prompt Override fraudulent website warning on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'userConfig'-- ' User Control ', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.String False userConfig ['true', 'false', 'userConfig']
browser_smartscreen_files Override malicious file warning on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'userConfig'-- ' User Control ', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.String False userConfig ['true', 'false', 'userConfig']
browser_allow_donot_track Allow "Do not track" request on devices. 'true'-- 'Yes', 'userConfig'-- ' User Control ', 'false'-- ' No ' java.lang.String False userConfig ['true', 'false', 'userConfig']
browser_allow_address_bar_dropdown Restrict website suggestions in the address bar dropdown. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
browser_allow_extensions Restrict Browser extensions on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
browser_clear_browsing_data_exit Restrict automatic deletion of browsing history on exiting browser. '1'-- 'Allow', '0'-- ' Restrict ', '-999'-- ' User Control ' java.lang.Integer False -999 ['1', '0', '-999']
browser_about_flags_access Allow access to "about:flags" page on the browser. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
browser_allow_flash Allow Flash to run on the browser. '1'-- 'Yes', '0'-- ' No ', '-999'-- ' User Control ' java.lang.Integer False -999 ['1', '0', '-999']
browser_run_flash_automatically Run Flash without user intervention on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False false ['true', 'false']
browser_allow_autofill Allow automatic pre-filling of websites on the browser.'1'-- 'Allow', '0'-- ' Restrict ', '-999'-- ' User Control ' java.lang.Integer False -999 ['1', '0', '-999']
browser_allow_popups Allow display of browser popups. '1'-- 'Allow', '0'-- ' Restrict ', '-999'-- ' User Control ' java.lang.Integer False -999 ['1', '0', '-999']
browser_allow_developer_tools Restrict access to Developer Tools. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' Restrict ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_nfc Restrict NFC on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_bluetooth Restrict Bluetooth on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_bluetooth_discoverable Restrict Bluetooth discovery on devices'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_bluetooth_prepairing Restrict Bluetooth pre-pairing on devices. 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']
allow_bluetooth_advertising Restrict advertising Bluetooth services 'true'-- 'Allow', 'false'-- ' ' java.lang.Boolean False true ['true', 'false']


payload_id : 603

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
account_type Type of the Account to be configured. String Email Email, VVM
smtp_alt_password User must specify an alternate password. Applicable only for smtp_alt_enabled , String FALSE None
auth_secret User password for the configured accoutn. String FALSE None
smtp_alt_auth_name Alternate name for SMTP. Applicable only for smtp_alt_enabled , String FALSE None
out_server SMTP out server details. String TRUE None
auth_name user name of the account to be configured. String TRUE None
account_icon_path Details about the account path to be configured. FormFile FALSE None
in_server in server URL /IP. String TRUE None
in_server_port Port details for the in server. Integer TRUE None
reply_addr Specify the email address to which the reply mails to be sent. String FALSE None
out_server_port Port for the outgoing mail server. Integer TRUE None
payload_id Long FALSE None
dwn_day Specify the number of days for which the mails need to be downloaded. Integer FALSE -1 7,14,30
auth_req Specify the authentication to send mails. Integer TRUE FALSE
linger Frequency to sync mails(in minutes) Integer FALSE 15 153060120
service_name Account Display Name. String TRUE None
use_ssl_in use SSL to secure inbound mails Boolean FALSE false
service_type Type of mail service to be used. String TRUE imap4 imap4,pop3
smtp_alt_enabled Specify if SMPT alternative is to be used. Boolean TRUE false
domain Domain of the email account to be configured. String FALSE None
smtp_alt_domain Alternate domain name for SMTP. Applicable if smtp_alt_enabled. String FALSE None
name Dispaly name of the account to be configured. String FALSE None
use_ssl_out Mandates the use of SSL to secure outgoing mail. Boolean TRUE false
guid Auto generated ID. String FALSE None


payload_id : 604

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Exchange Server to be configured. String TRUE None None
payload_id Long TRUE None None
account_type Account Type to be configured. String TRUE Exchange None
is_con_type_task_enabled Enable syncing of tasks from the configured account. Boolean FALSE false None
user_name User Name of the account to be configured. String TRUE %upn% None
use_ssl Mandates the use of SSL to secure communication. Boolean FALSE true None
content_type_contact_name Enable syncing of contacts from the configured account. String FALSE Contacts None
domin_name Domain Name. (Applicable only if Exchange on-premises is selected) String TRUE %domainname% None
is_con_type_email_enabled Enable syncing of emails from the configured account. Boolean FALSE true None
is_con_type_cal_enabled Enable syncing of calendar from the configured account. Boolean FALSE false None
mail_age_filter Specify the number of days the mails need to be synced for. Integer FALSE 3 0-AllMails, 2-lat 3 days, 3-last 1 week , 4- last two weeks, 5 - last 1 month
schedule Specify the schedule to sync Calendar/Contacts/Tasks/Notes. Integer FALSE -1 -1,15,0- manually,30,60,120
password Specify the account password. (Applicable if Exchange on-premises is selected) String TRUE None None
email_address Specify the e-mail sddress. (Applicable if Exchange on-premises is selected) String TRUE %email% None
account_name Account dispaly name String TRUE None None
is_con_type_contact_enabled Enable syncing of contacts from the configured account. Boolean FALSE false None
logging Enable advanced login for the account configured. Integer FALSE 0 2,0
host_type Exchange Host type for the account to be configured. Boolean TRUE FALSE - true , Exchange On-Premise - false


payload_id : 609

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
payload_id Long TRUE None None
proxy_server Proxy server URL. (Applicable only if manual proxy is configured.) String TRUE None None
auto_join Mandates whether the devices must connect to the configured Wi-Fi automatically. Boolean FALSE true None
proxy_server_port Proxy server port. (Applicable only if manual proxy is configured.) Integer None
service_set_identifier Wi-Fi identifier String TRUE None None
security_type Security type configured on the selected Wi-Fi. Integer TRUE 0 0-None , 1- WPA2 PSK, 2 - 802.1x EAP
proxy_type Proxy configuration type. Integer TRUE 0 1- Automatic, 2-Manual
wifi_enterprise Wifi enterprise configuration JSONObject Required if security_type is 4,5,6 None None
wifi_non_enterprise Wifi non-enterprise configuration JSONObject Required if security_type is 1,2,3 None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
peap Specifies whether the wifi supports PEAP protocol. Boolean Required true true,false
tls Whether the Wi-FI supports TLS protocol. Boolean Required true true,false
certificate_id Server certificate ID configured for authentication using the Certificates endpoint. Long None None None
inner_identity Applicable only for PEAP. Long True 3 3-MSCHAP V2


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
password Specify the password for non-enterprise. String None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
payload_id Long TRUE None None
allowed_apps Specify the app to be configured in Kiosk. JSONArray - - -
user Specify the user for whom Kiosk must be enabled. String TRUE %username% None
kiosk_mode Type of kiosk to be enabled on the device. (Currently only single app is supported) Integer TRUE 0 0,1


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
app_id App ID of the app. Long Required None None
is_system_app Whether the selected app is a system app. Boolean Required false true,false
group_display_name Display name of the app. String Required None None
aumid Manually enter the Aumid if necessary. String TRUE None None
storeId Manually enter the Store ID if necessary. (This value is required if phone product ID is not present) String TRUE None None
productID Product ID that is available in the list. String TRUE None None


payload_id : 609

Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
connection_name Name of the connection String Required None None
vpn_type Type of the VPN. By default it is set to 1. Integer Required None None
connection_type Type of VPN connection. 1-L2TP,2-PPTP or IPSec,6-Plugin SSL,8-IKEv2 Intger Required 1 None
sub_config Current subconfiguration. String Required None L2TP, PPTP, CUSTOMSSL, IKEV2
proxy_type Type of the proxy. 0-None, 1-Manual,2-Auto Integer None None 0,1,2
proxy_server Server address of the proxy to be configured. String Required if proxy type is 1 None None
proxy_server_port Sever port of the proxy to be configured. String Required if proxy type is 1 None None
proxy_pac_url Proxy PAC URL. Applicable only if proxy type is set to 2 String None None None
l2tp L2TP configuration JSONObject None None None
pptp PPTP configuration. JSONObject None None None
ikev2 IKEv2 configuration JSONObject None None None
customssl CustomSSL configuration JSONObject None None None
custom_data Custom data of the vendors. (Applicable if customSLL is used. JSON should contain key value pairs.) JSONObject None None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address to be configured. String Required None None
user_authentication Type of authentication. 0- Password 1-shared secret, 2 - EAP Integer Required 0 0,1
shared_secret Shared secret for account to be configured. String None None None
ca_certificate_id Applicable for EAP type. CA cert of the issuing authority. String false None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address to be configured. String Required None None
user_authentication Type of authentication. 0- Password , 2 - EAP Integer Required 0 0,2
ca_certificate_id Applicable for EAP type. CA cert of the issuing authority. String false None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
server_name Server name / host IP address to be configured. String Required None None
user_authentication Type of authentication. 0- Password , 2 - EAP Integer Required 0 0,2
ca_certificate_id Applicable for EAP type. CA cert of the issuing authority. String false None None


Field Name Description Type Required Default Value Allowed Values
identifier Package family name of the plug-in profile. string true - Any VPN PFN
server_name Server name / host IP address. String Required None None