Create Zoho Account

These are the steps, which needs to be performed before managing a mobile device:

ManageEngine MDM MSP is powered by Zoho. Names like "Zoho" and "ManageEngine" are used interchangeably, however both Zoho and ManageEngine are divisions of Zoho Corporation.

Creating an account with MDM MSP (ZOHO)

The first thing you need to do, is to create an account with MDM MSP. In fact this account is created with ZOHO, which in turn is used to access MDM MSP. Registering your company details for account creation is only for your management purpose. Only the first user/admin is prompted to register your company details with Zoho. Users added subsequently have to sign up or sign in using their email, and accept the invitation sent by the administrator.

Sign Up

You have to provide the following details to register your organization and sign up for the MDM MSP account:

After filling in the above mentioned details, you are redirected to the MDM MSP product. You can view the features supported and navigate across the product, however you have to confirm the registration link, sent to your email address to enroll a mobile device.

NOTE:Only an administrator of an organization can create a MDM MSP account. If you are not an administrator, you will be prompted to request Administrator privilege from the admin or the superadmin of your organization, during the MDM MSP account creation.

Account Verification

Admin/first user has to accept the mail sent from MDM MSP and confirm the account creation. Once you have successfully verified your MDM MSP account, then you can start enrolling devices and adding technicians. When you start enrollment process, users is sent two emails, one would be to join the organization and the second to accept the enrollment invitation. When technicians are added, they receive an invite, to join the organization. Organization here refers to your MDM MSP account.


You can login to Mobile Device Manager, by accessing this URL : https://MDM and signing in with your login credentials.


1. Is my personal and company information secure?

Yes, all your personal and company data are secure and cannot be accessed by anyone, including our internal employees.

2. Can anyone access my personal data stored on MDM MSP server?

No one can access your personal data, it can be accessed only with your login credentials.

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