Virtual Server Reports

OpManager's Virtual server monitoring supports Citrix Xen Sever systems, Microsoft HyperV and VMware virtual environments containing Hosts and VMs. OpManager provides the monitoring data in comprehensive virtual server reports, offering insights into resource allocation, performance, and health of virtualized environments. These reports enable administrators to optimize resource usage, identify bottlenecks, and ensure smooth operations in virtualized infrastructures.

Virtual server reports in OpManager provide monitoring information of only the virtual machines and hosts and give a comprehensive view of metrics up to a granular level. Following are the default virtual server reports that are available in OpManager.

VirtualMachine reports

1. Hyper-V Host vs Disk mapping:

This report allows users to know the disk space available in Hyper V hosts. Based on the disk space available, users can make the necessary changes to improve performance and allocate resources accordingly.

2. VMware idle VMs:

The ultimate aim of virtualisation is to optimize resources. Idle VMs are virtual machines with very low CPU and network usage. These virtual machines affect resource optimization since they draw in network resources. To combat this, you can get a list of all the idle VMs in your network and take appropriate action that's suited to you.

3. Top VMware VMs by CPU under allocated:

Gets users a list of the VMs that are under allocated. Virtual machines who have their CPU usage under allocated, tend to be overloaded which might impact the performance of the VM and ultimately the network. Hence network admins can identify such VMs and take suitable actions at the earliest.

4. Top VMware VMs by CPU over allocated:

Gets users a list of the VMs that are over allocated. Virtual Machines with their CPU over allocated will not be functioning at their optimum capacity which affects resource optimization. With lots of such VMs, network admins can take appropriate actions.

5. Top VMware VMs by memory over allocated:

Gets users a list of the VMs whose memory are over allocated. When memory is over-allocated to a VM, it might be drawing in more resources than it needs since another VM in the same host might be overloaded. To prevent such instances, network admins can visualise their memory over-allocated VMs and take actions at their will.

6. Top VMware VMs by memory under allocated:

Gets users a list of the VMs whose memory are under allocated. Under allocating memory will lead to possible overload of virtual machines. Hence, to avoid such bottlenecks, get a list of the memory underallocated VMs and take suitable actions at the earliest.

7. All virtual machines:

An enterprise network might consist of a hybrid environent consisting of Virtual Machines from different vendors. Hence the need to monitor the VMs from different vendors under a single console arises and that's exactly what this report does. It gets you a list of VMs along with their power state, parent host info and basic VM configuration details .

8. Datastore vs VMware-VM mapping:

Every VMware host will have a datastore. Visualising this critical metric will help you know about your VM's data availability so that you can optimise resources accordingly. Additionally, this report also helps you understand which VMs are present under which datastore.

9. Datastore vs VMware-host mapping:

Visualising your datastore vs VMware host will help you find out the data consumed by your VMware host so that you can improve resource allocation and utilization while not compromising on the performance of your VMware host.

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