package com.manageengine.ts; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import com.manageengine.ts.TicketingSystemInterface; //Zendesk Implementation public class ZendeskImpl implements TicketingSystemInterface { //Error Message to be reflected in Audit String errorMsg = null; public String getErrorMsg(){ return errorMsg; } //Needed Comments to PMP. It will reflected in Audit too Properties requestProperties = null; public Properties getRequestProperties(){ return requestProperties; } //No need to implement this method for 'Others' implementation //Output will get used for showing the 'Test Configuration Setup' output & also in 'Fetch Custom Fields' public JSONObject helpdeskCheck(String tsType, String tsUrl, String authToken, String ticketId, String operation) throws Exception { System.out.println("Ticketing system name : " + tsType); System.out.println("Ticketing system Web URL : " + tsUrl); System.out.println("AuthToken : " + authToken); System.out.println("Ticket ID : " + ticketId); System.out.println("Operation : " + operation); return null; } public boolean checkViewHelpDeskRequest(String ticketId, Properties pmpColumns, Properties credentialDetails, JSONObject criteriaDetails) throws Exception{ System.out.println("Ticket ID : " + ticketId); //Ticket ID given from the user end System.out.println("PMP Columns : " + pmpColumns); //Details of the user account for which password related operations covered through ticketing system System.out.println("Credential Details : " + credentialDetails); //contains the Authtoken and ticketing system url. It will be empty in case of others implementation System.out.println("Criteria Details : " + criteriaDetails); //contains the criteria which is configured in 'Advanced Configuration' popup. It will be empty in case of others implementation // Creating & install all-trusting host name verifier HostnameVerifier allHostsValid = new HostnameVerifier() { public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { return true; } }; HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(allHostsValid); //Constructing Authstring from Zendesk login credentials String username = ""; //Zendesk username String password = "zendeskpassword"; //Zendesk password Base64 encoder = new Base64(); byte[] encodedPassword = (username + ":" + password).getBytes(); byte[] encodedString = encoder.encodeBase64(encodedPassword); String authStr = new String(encodedString); //Establish a connection to ticketing system String sUrl = ""; //REST API call Zendesk sUrl = sUrl + ticketId +".json"; //Adding the Ticket ID URL url = new URL(sUrl); HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization","Basic "+authStr); //Setting Authstring in the header //Reading output from ticketing side BufferedReader reader = null; if (connection.getResponseCode() >= 400) { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getErrorStream())); //Getting the Error stream in case of error } else { reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream())); //Getting the output stream } //Parsing the output from the ticketing side JSONParser jp = new JSONParser(); JSONObject jObj = (JSONObject)jp.parse(reader); System.out.println(jObj.toString()); //Output string from ticketing system return validateTicket(jObj,pmpColumns,criteriaDetails); //Returning the output } private boolean validateTicket(JSONObject jObj,Properties pmpColumns, JSONObject criteriaDetails) throws Exception { boolean result = false; requestProperties = new Properties(); if(jObj.containsKey("ticket")) { //Validating the given ticket ID is valid JSONObject ticket = (JSONObject)jObj.get("ticket"); String status = (String)ticket.get("status"); String subject = (String)ticket.get("subject"); String assetName = (String)pmpColumns.get("Resource Name");//PMP Asset Name for which password related operation done boolean statusCheck = "open".equalsIgnoreCase(status); //Checking whether the status of the ticket is in open state boolean descriptionCheck = subject.toLowerCase().contains(assetName.toLowerCase()); //Checking the description of the ticket contains the resource name of user account if(statusCheck || descriptionCheck) { result = true; } requestProperties.put("Ticket subject : ", subject); requestProperties.put("Ticket status : ", status); System.out.println("Status : "+status); } else if(jObj.containsKey("error")) { //Checking any error message is returned Object errorObj = jObj.get("error"); if(errorObj instanceof JSONObject) { JSONObject errorMsgObject = (JSONObject) errorObj; String title = (String) errorMsgObject.get("title"); String message = (String) errorMsgObject.get("message"); errorMsg = title; //Error message for Audit requestProperties.put("Message : ", message); //Comments on the error occured } else { errorMsg = jObj.get("error").toString(); //Error message for Audit } } return result; } }