Event ID 626 - User Account Enabled
Event ID | 626 |
Category | Account management |
Sub category | User account management |
Description | A user account was enabled |
When a user account is enabled in Active Directory, event ID 626 gets logged.
This log data gives the following information:
Subject: User who performed the action | Security ID Account Name Account Domain Logon ID |
Target Account: Enabled user account | Security ID Account Name Account Domain |
Why event ID 626 needs to be monitored?
- Prevention of privilege abuse
- Detection of potential malicious activity
- Operational purposes like getting information on user activity like user attendance, peak logon times, etc.
- Compliance mandates
Pro tip:
ADAudit Plus makes Active Directory auditing very easy by tracking User Status Changes like user enabled or disabled in a selected period of time in real-time with the help of pre-defined reports and instant alerts
Event 626 applies to the following operating systems:
- Windows Server 2000
- Windows 2003 and XP
Corresponding event ID for 626 in Windows Server 2008 and Vista is 4722
Explore Active Directory auditing and reporting with ADAudit Plus.
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