
Active Directory Auditing Tool

The Who, Where and When information is very important for an administrator to have complete knowledge of all activities that occur on their Active Directory. This helps them identify any desired / undesired activity happening. ADAudit Plus assists an administrator with this information in the form of reports. In real-time, ensure critical resources in the network like the Domain Controllers are audited, monitored and reported with the entire information on AD objects - Users, Groups, GPO, Computer, OU, DNS, AD Schema and Configuration changes with 200+ detailed event specific GUI reports and email alerts.

Account Management » Remove-AzureRmAutoscaleSetting




-ResourceGroupName  <String>



[ <CommonParameters>]


The Remove-AzureRmAutoscaleSetting cmdlet removes an Autoscale setting. The name of the setting and the name of the resource group to which it is assigned must be specified.

Required parameters


Description Specifies the name of the Autoscale setting to remove.
Type String
Position Named
Default value None
Accept pipeline input True  (ByValue)
Accept Wildcard characters False


Description Specifies the name of the resource group.
Type String
Position Named
Default value None
Accept pipeline input True  (ByPropertyName)
Accept Wildcard characters False

