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    Detect malicious insiders

    Based on established activity patterns, identify subtle anomalies in user behavior and detect threat actors in your organization.

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    Bolster your security

    Leverage UBA-powered threat hunting to detect indicators of lateral movement such as execution of new processes and unusual remote desktop activity.

  • Investigate failed logons

    Detect abnormal logon activities, identify the source of logon failures, and find user accounts with excessive account lockouts.

  • Track privileged user actions

    Audit privilege use and investigate critical events like unauthorized user management, password resets, and privilege escalations.

  • Detect suspicious file activity

    Track unusual file activities such as multiple failed attempts to access critical files, unwarranted file modifications, and excessive file deletions.

  • Actively respond to threats

    Get real-time alerts when anomalies are detected and instantly execute automated threat responses to security incidents.

Subdue insider threats in your AD using our insider threat detection software.