Trouble shooting while working with CSV files

    Given below are few trouble shooting tips that might come handy while fetching data from CSV files.

    • The column headers of your CSV files should be proper LDAP names e.g. sAMAccountName, givenName etc.
    • The CSV file should have at least one LDAP attribute that uniquely identifies the objects say for user unique attributes such as sAMAccountName or logonName can be used.
    • No empty headers should be found during a fetch
    • Proper path to the folder should be given e.g. \\server_name\share_name\folder ; in case of folder it will iterate on all the files within the folder and fetch data.
    • Proper path to the file should be given e.g. \\server_name\share_name\file; in case file it will fetch data only from the specified file in the share
    • During user creation using CSVs, remember that the LDAP attribute givenName is a mandatory column for your CSV. This will help in the unique identification of the user object across the domain.
    • During object modification using CSV, remember that LDAP attributes sAMAccountName, distinguishedName and objectGUID are mandatory. This will help in the unique identification of the object across the domain.
    • 'Select only the appended objects from the file' - If this option is chosen then even if the data is going to be fetched from the same file during different modifications through iterations, only the appended data will be fetched else, the entire data record will be fetched.

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