Office 365 group management

    Distribution Group Creation

    Using this feature, distribution groups can be created in bulk in Office 365 environment.


    1. Click the Office 365 tab.
    2. Select Office 365 Management in the left pane. Then click Create Distribution Groups link.
    3. Use the Select an Office 365 account option to specify the desired O365 account.
    4. Click Browse to select CSV file from the saved location.Click Import Groups.
    5. Select the desired groups from the CSV file and select Apply to create groups.

    Distribution groups creation in bulk using CSV

    (Mandatory fields marked by *)

    Header in CSV file Description
    Name * Specifies the unique name of the group.
    ModeratedBy Specifies one or more moderators for this group. A moderator approves messages sent to the group before the messages are delivered and it must be a mailbox, mail user, or mail contact in your organization.
    RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled Specifies whether to accept messages only from authenticated (internal) senders.
    ModerationEnabled Specifies whether moderation is enabled for this recipient
    DisplayName Specifies the display name of the group.
    MemberDepartRestriction Specifies the restrictions that you put on requests to leave the group
    BypassNestedModerationEnabled Specifies how to handle message approval when a moderated group contains other moderated groups as members.
    Members Specifies the recipients (mail-enabled objects) that are members of the group.
    MemberJoinRestriction Specifies the restrictions that you put on requests to join the group.
    • Open: Users can add themselves to the group without approval from one of the group owners. You can't use this value on universal security groups.
    • Closed: Users can't add themselves to the group, and requests to join the group are rejected automatically. Group membership is controlled by the group owners. This is the default value on universal security groups and universal distribution groups.
    • ApprovalRequired: Users can request to join the group. The user is added to the group after the request is approved by one of the group owners.
    AliasSpecifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the recipient
    ManagedBySpecifies an owner for the group. If you don't use this parameter to specify the owner when you create the group, the user account that created the group is the owner.
    PrimarySmtpAddressSpecifies the primary return email address that's used for the recipient.
    SendModerationNotificationsSpecifies when moderation notification messages are sent.
    • Always: Notify all senders when their messages aren't approved. This is the default value.
    • Internal: Notify senders in the organization when their messages aren't approved.
    • Never:Don't notify anyone when a message isn't approved.

    Mail Enabled Security Groups

    Using this feature, mail enabled security groups can be created in bulk in Office 365 environment.


    1. Click the Office 365 tab.
    2. Select Office 365 Management in the left pane. Then click Create Mail Enabled Security Groups link.
    3. Use the Select an Office 365 account option to specify the desired O365 account.
    4. Click Browse to select CSV file from the saved location.Click Import Groups.
    5. Select the desired groups from the CSV file and select Apply to create groups.

    Mail-enalbed security groups creation in bulk using CSV

    (Mandatory fields marked by *)

    Header in CSV file Description
    Name * Specifies the unique name of the group.
    ModeratedBy Specifies one or more moderators for this group. A moderator approves messages sent to the group before the messages are delivered and it must be a mailbox, mail user, or mail contact in your organization.
    RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled Specifies whether to accept messages only from authenticated (internal) senders.
    ModerationEnabled Specifies whether moderation is enabled for this recipient
    DisplayName Specifies the display name of the group.
    MemberDepartRestriction Specifies the restrictions that you put on requests to leave the group
    BypassNestedModerationEnabled Specifies how to handle message approval when a moderated group contains other moderated groups as members.
    Members Specifies the recipients (mail-enabled objects) that are members of the group.
    MemberJoinRestriction Specifies the restrictions that you put on requests to join the group.
    • Closed: Users can't add themselves to the group, and requests to join the group are rejected automatically. Group membership is controlled by the group owners. This is the default value on universal security groups and universal distribution groups.
    • ApprovalRequired: Users can request to join the group. The user is added to the group after the request is approved by one of the group owners.
    Alias Specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the recipient
    ManagedBy Specifies an owner for the group. If you don't use this parameter to specify the owner when you create the group, the user account that created the group is the owner.
    PrimarySmtpAddress Specifies the primary return email address that's used for the recipient.
    SendModerationNotifications Specifies when moderation notification messages are sent.
    • Always : Notify all senders when their messages aren't approved. This is the default value.
    • Internal: Notify senders in the organization when their messages aren't approved.
    • Never:Don't notify anyone when a message isn't approved.

    Office 365 Group Creation

    Using this feature, Office 365 groups can be created in bulk in Office 365 environment.


    1. Click the Office 365 tab.
    2. Select Office 365 Management in the left pane. Then click Office 365 group creation link.
    3. Use the Select an Office 365 account option to specify the desired O365 account.
    4. Click Browse to select CSV file from the saved location.Click Import Groups.
    5. Select the desired groups from the CSV file and select Apply to create groups.

    Office 365 group creation in bulk using CSV

    (Mandatory fields marked by *)

    Header in CSV file Description
    DisplayName * Specifies the name of the Office 365 Group. The display name is visible in the Exchange admin center, address lists, and Outlook.
    Notes Specifies the description of the Office 365 Group. If the value contains spaces, enclose the value in quotation marks.
    RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled Specifies whether to accept messages only from authenticated (internal) senders.
    Owner Specifies one or more owners for the Office 365 Group.
    Members Specifies the recipients (mail-enabled objects) that are members of the group.
    PrimarySmtpAddress Specifies the primary return email address that's used for the recipient.
    Name Specifies the Name of the Office 365 group.The value that you use for this is parameter is appended with an underscore character (_) and a short GUID value.
    EmailAddresses Specifies all the email addresses (proxy addresses) for the recipient, including the primary SMTP address.
    Alias Specifies the Exchange alias (also known as the mail nickname) for the Office 365 Group. This value identifies the recipient as a mail-enabled object, and shouldn't be confused with multiple email addresses for the same recipient (also known as proxy addresses). A recipient can have only one Alias value.
    AccessType Specifies the privacy type for the Office 365 Group. Valid values are:
    • Public: The group content and conversations are available to everyone, and anyone can join the group without approval from a group owner. This is the default value.
    • Private: The group content and conversations are only available to members of the group, and joining the group requires approval from a group owner.
    ManagedBy Specifies an owner for the group. If you don't use this parameter to specify the owner when you create the group, the user account that created the group is the owner.
    SendModerationNotifications Specifies when moderation notification messages are sent.
    • Always: Notify all senders when their messages aren't approved. This is the default value.
    • Internal: Notify senders in the organization when their messages aren't approved.
    • Never: Don't notify anyone when a message isn't approved.

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