Creating Office 365 user accounts for existing Active Directory users

    Using this feature, Office 365 user accounts can be provisioned for the users already present in your Active Directory. This is accomplished by sending AD users' required attribute values to Office 365. DirSync is not enabled for this process. As per your need, you can use this feature to:

    • Create user accounts in Office 365 without assigning licenses.
    • Create user accounts in Office 365 and also assign appropriate licenses.

    This feature also offers the flexibility to create AD users' corresponding Office 365 user accounts individually as well as in bulk.



    • Click the Management tab.
    • Select Office 365 Management in the left pane, and click the Create Office 365 accounts for AD users link.
    • Select the domain in which the users for whom you wish to create Office 365 accounts are located. If you know the OUs in which the desired users are located, select the OUs.
      From the list of AD users displayed, select the ones for which you wish to create the Office 365 accounts.
      Note: You can also use a CSV file to specify the list of AD users for whom you wish to create Office 365 accounts. Click the Import CSV link located at the top of the users list and select the appropriate file.
    • Click the Select Office 365 Properties button located at the top left corner, just above the users list.
    • In the Select Office 365 properties window that opens up,
      -Select the appropriate Office 365 domain
      -For password, select the Random Password option, to automatically assign a password (which is generated as per the configured password complexity) or select the Type a password option to enter a password yourself.
      In the group membership field, select the groups to which you wish to add the users.
      -In License Information, select the appropriate usage location and also select the desired license and the necessary services.
      -If the user accounts being created have been assigned an Exchange Online mailbox, enter the desired email alias* and also enable the litigation hold* and in-place archive* for the mailboxes, if needed.
    • Click the Create button to create the Office 365 user accounts for the selected AD users.

    * These tasks that might not be executed immediately, but with a delay, as it might take some time to create the user's mailbox. These tasks will be executed as soon as the mailbox is created. Until then, these operations will be listed under Delayed Management Tasks. Click here to know how to view, and manage all such Delayed Management Tasks.

    Sample CSV File:

    At least one of the following must be mentioned in the CSV header:

    Sample 1: To specify the desired users using their Object GUID, mention the attribute 'objectGUID' as the CSV file's header:




    Sample 2: To specify the desired users using their user principal name, mention the attribute 'userPrincipalName' as the CSV file's header:


    Sample 3: To specify the desired users using their SAM account name, mention the attribute 'sAMAccountName' as the CSV file's header:




    Sample 4: To specify the desired users using their distinguished name, mention the attribute 'distinguishedName' as the CSV file's header:


    "CN=test1,OU=IT Department,DC=domain,DC=com"





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