Scheduling Reports


    This section would help you to schedule reports, configure mail server and also perform the tasks associated with schedule management. The topics covered are  listed below:

    • Mail Server Configuration

    • Scheduling Reports

    • Managing Schedules

    Mail Server Configuration

    The Mail Server Settings need to be configured before you proceed with Scheduling Reports. Follow the steps given below to specify the mail server details:

    • Click the Schedule Report link to invoke the Schedule page.

    • Click the Configure Mail settings link at the top right corner to open the Server Settings page

    • Specify the name and port of the Mail Server.

    • In the From Address field, mention the e-mail address from which you are likely to receive the report mails.

    Scheduling Reports

    You can schedule the reports generation by adhering to the steps mentioned below:

    • Click on the Schedule New Reports link at the top to open the Schedule Report page.

    • Specify the Scheduler Name and Description details.

    • Choose the appropriate Domain from the Select Domain list. Click on the Add OUs link, to specify the OUs for the Domain.

    Scheduler Creation

    The Scheduler creation enables you to create a schedule based on the three criteria mentioned below:

    1. Select Reports- The Select Reports feature comprises of three sections

    •  Click on the Report Type you want to schedule.

    •  Select the reports from the Available Reports list. Enter the Input parameter details if asked for.

    •  You can view the reports in the Selected Reports list.

    •  Use the Remove link to eliminate any report from the selected list.

    2. Schedule Report Generation

    The time span of report generation can be set based on your requirements. The duration  and time can be set with the following options:

    • Daily-This option is for scheduling a report everyday at a particular time desired by you.     

    • Weekly-This option is for scheduling a report at a particular time on a certain day of the week desired by you.

    • Monthly-This option is for scheduling a report on a particular day of the month at a particular time desired by  you.

    • Hourly-This option is for scheduling a report generation to be performed on an hourly basis, starting at the specified date and time desired by you.

    3. Select the Report Format to be mailed

    You can select the format in which you would like to have the report mailed. Select the PDF, HTML or CSVDE formats, based on your choice. The Storage Path link will enable you to specify the location where you would like the reports to be stored.

    4. Email Address to send Reports


    The email address of the recipient can be mentioned in this field. The report mails can be sent to Multiple recipients by separating their IDs by comma.

    Tip: You can use the Send Test Mail option to confirm if the recipient email id is a valid one.

    Click the SAVE button to add the schedule to the schedule reports list.


    View Scheduled tasks

    Click the View Scheduled Tasks link to see the list of tasks you have scheduled.

    Scheduled Reports History

    Click the Scheduled Reports History link. to view scheduled reports details from the Report Center. Details like Schedular name, Description, Configured OUs, Started Time, Schedular Status ( SUCCESS/ SKIPPED/ PROCESSING), Report Details and Message are available here. The Scheduled Reports link under Report Details gives you a zipped version of the scheduled report that had been generated.


    Managing Schedules

    The scheduled tasks once created, can be managed from the UI. From the schedules UI, you can

    •  Enable/Disable schedules

    •  Remove the schedules

    •  Edit the scheduled reports

    Enabling/Disabling a Schedule

    At times, you would require to temporarily stop the generation of a scheduled report and would like to resume it again at some other point of time.

    To disable a schedule,

    • Click the AD Reports Tab

    • Click the Schedule Report link to open the Schedule Reports page

    • You will find a list of Scheduled reports on this page.

    • Click on the Enable icon in the Action tab column, appropriate to the Scheduled Report you want to disable.

    • The Enable icon will be replaced by the Disable icon.

    To enable a schedule,

    • Click on the Disable icon in the Action tab column, appropriate to the Scheduled Report you want to        enable                                         

    •  The Disable icon will be replaced by the Enable icon.

    Deleting a Schedule

    When a Schedule is no longer useful, you can delete it from the Schedule Reports list.

    To delete a schedule,

    • Click the AD Reports Tab

    • Click the Schedule Report link to open the Schedule Reports page

    • You will find a list of Scheduled reports on this page.

    • Click on the Delete icon in the Action tab column, appropriate to the Scheduled Report you want to delete.

    • The deleted Schedule will no longer be listed.

    Edit a Schedule

    You can make changes to the existing schedule as may be required using the Edit option.

    Follow the steps to edit a schedule:

    • Click the AD Reports Tab

    • Click the Schedule Report link to open the Schedule Reports page

    • You will find a list of Scheduled reports on this page

    • Click on the Edit icon in the Action tab column, appropriate to the Scheduled Report you want   update.

    • You can make the changes in the Schedule Reports page.

    • Click on the UPDATE button to save the changes.

    • Click on the View scheduled tasks link to see the updated schedule in the list.

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