Generating Active Directory Report via CSV Import
Using this report you can fetch all the details of the desired user accounts and computer objects from Active Directory. While the regular Active Directory reports fetch the accounts that meet a specific criteria (such as inactive, locked out, recently modified, etc.), this 'all-in-one' report fetches every single detail of those objects that you specify.
To generate this report, list the names of the accounts whose details you wish to fetch in a CSV file, and import it into ADManager Plus. The tool will then fetch and display all the details of the accounts mentioned in the CSV file. You can also customize the report to view only the desired details/fields.
Steps to generate this report
- Click the Reports tab.
- In User Reports, click the Report from CSV link located under CSV Import.
- In the Report from CSV page, select the domain in which the desired objects are located.
- Click the Browse button and select the CSV file which contains the names of the objects whose details you wish to ?fetch. The tool will automatically fetch the details of the relevant objects based on the attributes mentioned in the CSV file. Sample CSV file
- The name of the file that you select will be displayed as a link beside the 'Browse' button. Click this link (CSV file name) if you wish to view the data that has been imported from the selected file.
- If there is any error in the CSV file, ADManager Plus will display an appropriate error message.
- If you wish to refine the selection of objects further, click the Criteria link that is displayed beside the CSV file name. The criteria window will now open up.
- For each object type (users, computers), select the criteria based on which you wish to locate the desired accounts in the Active Directory. For example, if you wish to fetch the details of all the users in a specific department,
- Click the users tab in the criteria window
- Select the fetch details of user objects check box
- Click the Equals option, select the department checkbox and close the window
- Click the Generate button
- This report displays a specific set of attributes by default, for clarity and better readability. If you wish to view more attributes/fields,
- Click the Edit icon
located at the extreme right end of the report's header line
- In the Customize Attributes window, select the desired attributes from the list of attributes under Available Attribute
- If the attributes/fields that you wish to view are not available in Available Attributes list, click the More Columns link located at the bottom right corner of the Customize Attributes window
Note: To fetch an attribute not present in the
Available Attributes list, you will have to generate/run the report again.
- Select the desired attributes from the attributes displayed. If you wish to fetch a custom attribute, click the Select Custom Attributes link and select the desired attributes
- After selecting the desired attributes, click the Save button. You will now see a dialog box which will ask you to confirm whether you wish to regenerate the report.
To fetch the attributes/fields that are not available under the default set of attributes in Available Attributes, the report will have to be regenerated.
- Click OK to regenerate the report.
Sample CSV
(To fetch the managers of individual departments)
Andrew,andrew.plunkett,Information Technology,Andrew,"CN=ITAdmin,DC=ITOU,DC=admp,DC=com"