Create Group in Active Directory Using CSV

    Usually, administrators get frustrated when they have to create bulk groups as it is a time-consuming and tedious process. With ADManager Plus, bulk groups can be created within a wink of an eye by importing a CSV file which contains the necessary attributes of the groups.

    Procedure :

    Bulk group creation is a simple process where you have to import the CSV file which contains the list of groups that need to be created along with the relevant attributes. Then select the OU in which the groups have to be created.

    • Click AD Mgmt - -> Group Management - -> Create Bulk Groups

    • Select the domain in which you want to create the Groups

    • Import the CSV file ( sample CSV file)  which contains the necessary Group attributes and click Next

    • From the drop down menu, select the Group Type and Group Scope

    • Now, select the container in which you want to create the Groups and click "Create Groups" button

    Note: First create a CSV file containing the group members list and then start the process.

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