Users Creation in Active Directory by Import CSV

    Note: Before you perform any bulk operations, review the "Overview of the Comma Separated Value (CSV) File" section, which describes the CSV file format and caveats for the CSV file. The following information conveys the mandatory and useful guide lines for successful creation on users by importing from CSV List of LDAP attributes supported


    When a number of employees join the organization at the same time, the best way to create bulk user accounts in Active Directory is by using CSV import. Using this approach, administrators can create any number of user accounts in a jiffy.




    Using ADManager Plus, you can either click the "add user" button or import a CSV file with the relevant user attributes to create bulk user accounts in a flash. Then select the container in which you to create the users and finally hit the Create Users button.


    Steps for Bulk user creation by CSV :


    To create a user, any one of the following naming attributes is mandatory and enough: givenName or cn or name or sAMAccountName.


    To have userAccountControl attribute in CSV : userAccountControl should contain the flag value of the user account properties. Example: A flag value 512 indicates that the account is general; and value 514 indicates that the account is disabled.
    For detailed information, click


    While specifying the password you will be prompted to choose one of the two options:

    1. Selecting the option User must change password at next log on will assign a value 0; to pwdLastSet

    2. De-selecting the option, User must change password at next log on will assign a value -1 to pwdLastSet

    To have  memberOf attribute in CSV : A user can be a member of more than one group, to support multiple values Distinguished Name (DN) of the groups should be separated by semicolon (;). Example:"CN=Group1,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com;CN=Group2,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=com"

    To have  primaryGroupID attribute in CSV
    For a user in multiple groups only one group is considered as primary; to specify that RID should be assigned.


    AccountExpires: While specifying the account details, you will be prompted to choose one of the two options:

    1. Selecting the option Account Never Expires will assign a value 0 to Accountexpires.

    2. To have a expiry date set a date specify the file time. Other values should be in the FileTime format(Contains a 64-bit value representing the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).)

    To have userWorkstations attribute in CSV  To restrict users to specific computers the NEtbios names of computers separated by (,) should be entered and all values should be in  


    To have 'Country' attribute in CSV

    1. The three values c, co, countryCode are mandatory.

    2. c - 2 letter country code (eg. US for United states).

    3. co - Country Name(Full Country Name).

    4. countryCode - 3 digit country code(eg. 840 for United States).

    To have manager attribute in CSV: CSV should contain the DN of the manager.


    To have MailBox Enabled Users attribute in CSV: CSV should have

    1. Minimum Attributes Needed - mailNickame, homeMDB, msExchHomeServerName.

    2. homeMDB - should contain the DN of the mail box store.

    3. msExchHomeServerName - value of mail server in legacyExchangeDN Format.

    To have Mail Enabled Users attribute in CSV: CSV should have

    1. Minimum Attributes Needed - mailNickname, targertAddress, msExchAdminGroup

    2. targertAddress - value should be something like(

    3. msExchAdminGroup- value of exchange Admin Group in legacyExchangeDN Format.

    To have attributes Home Folders and Profile Path, TS Home Folder, ProfilePath in CSV

    1. The values can be an absolute path of the folder

    2. May contain variables like %userName%, %givenName% etc..

    To set Terminal Session Limits

    The CSV file must have these attributes: CtxMaxConnectionTime (for 'Active session limit'), CtxMaxIdleTime (for 'Idle session limit') and CtxMaxDisconnectionTime ( for 'End a disconnected session'). For these attributes / limits, you must enter the values in milliseconds.

    Note: For example, to set an Active session limit of 5 minutes, you must enter 300000 (milliseconds) as the value for CtxMaxConnectionTime in the CSV file.

    To have Additional email address

    1. The user should have the attribute 'proxyAddresses' set to a value.
      - ";"

    To have Additional Attributes

    • Select the 'Additional Attributes' tab to add custom attributes. Enter the exact Attribute name and value.
      If you wish to have Employee Id Number in user attributes, then enter 'Employee Id Number' as the Attribute name and enter the value. This will add that attribute in to the user account properties and the information can be obtained from Reports.

    User creation by Template

    1. A user can be created by selecting the predefined templates available in the option "Selected Template"

    2. Click on 'change' to select a template from the list of available templates.

    3. When a template is selected, all the properties of the template will be applied to the users being created.

    4. A set of users with common properties can be created by using the required template. Creating user template

    Example: If your intention is to create user accounts with mailbox for permanent employees, you can select the template 'MailBox Enabled Users' and start creating accounts. All the users created eventually will bare the same properties.



    Note: First create a CSV with all the updated information and then start the process.


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