Create A Single Computer Object
Using ADManager Plus, you can create a new computer account as well as specify the values for all the required attributes, in just a single step.
You can create a computer object in Active Directory by following the below steps and entering all the required values in the respective fields.
Steps to create a computer object in AD:
- Click the Management tab.
- Click Computer Management > Create Single Computer.
- Select the domain from the Selected Domain drop-down.
- Select a template from the list of available templates in the Selected Template drop-down. Click Create New Template to create a new template.
- Click the General tab, and enter the values for the attributes.
- Click the + button to select the container.
- Select the appropriate Managed By and Member Of attribute values.
- Click the + button next to the field titled The following user or group can join this computer to a domain to provide access to users or groups to add the computer to a domain.
- Click the Dial-in tab and select the required remote access permission.
- Once you have entered the values for all the required attributes, click Create to create the new computer object.
- All the mandatory attributes will be highlighted in the color red and also with a star.
- All the fields where there it is possible to choose a value from the list of available options will have the option ‘Change’ beside them.