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It is always important to keep the Active Directory clean. As part of the cleanup process, administrators flush out the Inactive/disabled user accounts from the Active Directory using this feature.
To delete user objects, you have to the list the users in the domain by either using a CSV file or using the Search option. Then, select the desired user (s) to be deleted and finally hit the apply button.
Select the AD Mgmt tab.
Click the Delete Users link available under General Attributes. This opens the Delete User Accounts from Active Directory dialog.
Click the Configure Delete Policy link to specify other user related folders ( Roaming profiles,Remote Home folders, etc) that need to be removed during user deletion.
From the drop down menu, select the domain in which the users are located.( Note: If you know the OU in which the users are located, click the add OUs button and select the appropriate OU)
You can now use one of the following options to list the computers that have to be deleted.
Import the CSV file (sample CSV file) which contains the list of computers that have to be deleted. After importing the CSV file, from the drop down menu (on the right hand side), select the attribute based on which you want ADManager Plus to search the user objects in Active Directory.
Use the Search option to search for the users (Note: To list all the users in the domain, hit the search button without entering anything in the Search box.
Now, use the check box to select the desired list of user objects to be deleted.
Click on Apply to confirm the deletion.
The change summary and the status of the modification can be verified.