Move Users to a Different Container

    Using this feature, administrators can move bulk computer objects between Organizational Units depending on the needs of the organization.

    How to move User accounts between OUs?

    First, select the OU to which you want to move the users. Then, select the list of users that need to be moved  by either importing a CSV file or by using the search option, and finally click on apply.


    1. Click AD Mgmt tab - -> User Management - ->Move Users

    2. Click the + icon and select the container to which you want to move the users

    3. From the drop down menu, select the domain  in which the users ( that need to be moved) are located (Note: If you know the OU in which the users are located, click the add OUs button and select the appropriate OU)

    1. You can now use one of the following options to list the users that have to be moved to a different OU.

        • You can import the CSV file (sample CSV file) which contains the list of users. On importing the CSV file, from the drop down menu (on the right hand side), select the attribute based on which you want ADManager Plus to search the user objects in Active Directory.


      • Use the  Search option to find the users (Note: To list all the users just click the Search button without typing anything in the Search Box)

    1. Now, use the check box to select the desired list of users and then click Apply.

    The change summary and the status of the modification can be verified.

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