How to remove an Azure AD group application role assignment using PowerShell scripts

Administrators use Azure AD groups to manage users and their permissions collectively. Instead of assigning roles to specific individuals, roles are given to groups, which ensures similar permissions are assigned for all group members. Administrators assign Azure AD roles to groups to determine the permission level of the group members.

Azure PowerShell syntax

-ObjectId <ObjectId>
-AppRoleAssignmentId <RoleId>
-InformationAction <ActionPreference>
[-InformationVariable <Var>]
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Where <ObjectId> refers to the ID of the group, <RoleId> refers to the ID of the group application role assignment, <ActionPreference> describes the way in which this cmdlet reacts to an information event, and <var> refers to the information variable.

About ManageEngine ADManager Plus

ManageEngine ADManager Plus is a unified Active Directory (AD), Microsoft 365, Exchange, and Google Workspace management and reporting solution. It comes with predefined management actions that can be executed at the click of a button and more than 200 reports to report on your AD comprehensively. ADManager Plus' automation capabilities allows you to automate mundane and routine AD tasks, associate workflows to them, and have them executed at a defined frequency. It also lets you securely delegate tasks to technicians and non-admin users. ADManager Plus can be integrated with enterprise applications to holistically manage your AD environment.

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