Adding Bulk of IT Assets to Group
You have two types of groups in AssetExplorer say, Static group and Dynamic. Add to group option in asset list view page is to group bulk of assets. These assets will be grouped under the Static group by default.
To Add IT Assets to group,
Log in to AssetExplorer application using your user name and password.
Click any of the IT Assets link under the Assets block on the left hand side of the page. This opens the assets list view page.
Select the assets to be added to the group by enabling the check box. This opens the Add Resource(s) to page.
By default you can group assets only to the static group. Either to the Existing static group or New static group can be added.
If you would like to group the assets under existing static group then click the corresponding radio button. Select the group name from the combo box.
Else, if you would like to add a new static group and group the assets, click New Group radio button. Specify the Group Name and relevant information about the group in the Description field.
Click Save button to save the changes.