
    Add Support Group CI


    To add support group CI use the following URL format:


    Assuming you are adding a support group CI in the local server with port number 8080, the URL should be given as:




    1. Input is an XML string sent as "POST attribute" with key "INPUT_DATA".

    2. The operation name "add"  should be sent as a "POST attribute" with key "OPERATION_NAME".

    3. The technician key should be sent as a "POST attribute" with key "TECHNICIAN_KEY".


    • Technician with rights to adding assets (asset addition role) can perform add operations on assets CIs like workstaions,printers etc.

    • Technician having SDAdmin role can perform add operations on admin CIs like Business Service, Department etc.

    • CI-ID of the newly added entry is returned along with the CI Name in the response.

    • Technicians can add more than one C(s) using the <record> </record> tags.

    • CI Attributes, Global Attributes and custom CI Attributes for the corresponding CI Type can be added.

    • All asset additional attributes can be added

    • Parameter Result Format - Optional. specifies the return format ( XML or JSON )

    • If no result format specified then API will return output in JSON format.

    Note: Attributes for other default CI Types like Cluster, Document, IT Service, Network,Switch Ports and Datacenter can be added by referring the CI Type details page.

    Sample Input for adding support group:


     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <API version="1.0" locale="en">
            <parameter><name>CI Type</name><value>Support Group</value></parameter>
            <parameter><name>Description</name><value>Customer Active Response Team</value></parameter>                    <parameter><name>Business Impact</name><value>Low</value></parameter>        
            <parameter><name>Owned By</name><value>nprasann</value></parameter>        


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