
    Adding Company details


    To provide complete information about your organization, add your company details in the ManageEngine AssetExplorer.


    Adding Company Details

      1. Click Admin tab -> Company Details icon in the Configuration Wizard page. This opens the Organization Details page.

      2. Specify the full name of the organization in the given Name field. This will be used as a header while generating purchase orders

      3. Provide relevant information about the organization in the Description field.

      4. Specify the Address, City, Postal Code, State and Country of the organization.

      5. Specify the general contact E-mail ID of the organization.

      6. Specify the Phone No, Fax No, and Web URL of the organization.

      7. You can also import the Company Logo(s) and use any one of them wherever necessary.

    Importing Image

        • Click Import Image button beside the Company Logo field.

        • Click the Browse button and choose the image file from the file chooser window and click Open.

        • Click Import.

      1. Save the settings.


    Zoho Corp. All rights reserved.