
    Adding Technicians

    1. Click Admin tab -> Click Technicians iconin the Configuration Wizard page. This opens Technicians list view page.

    2. Click Add New Technician link on the right side corner of the Technicians list view page.

    3. Specify the Technician Name in the given field. ex. Administrator. This is a mandatory field.

    4. Specify the Employee ID in the given field .

    5. Specify the E-mail address, Phone, Mobile and SMS Mail ID Ex.

    6. Select the Department Name of the technician from the combo box.

    7. Specify the technician Job Title.

    8. To enable login permissions for the technicians select Enable Login for this Technician check box.

    9. Specify a unique Login Name and Password for a technician. Specify the password again in the Re- Type Password for confirmation.

    10. Save the changes. You can see the technician listed in the list view.

    11. Click Save and add new button to save the technician details and add another technician.  

    Editing & Deleting Technician


    To Edit Technician

    1. From the Technician list view page, click Edit icon or click on the technician name. This brings up the Edit Technician.

    2. Edit the technician details and save the changes.

    To Delete Technician

    1. From the technician list view page, click the Delete icon. A pop up window pops up asking your confirmation on the delete operation.

    2. Click OK to proceed. You can see the Technician name deleted from the list.


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