@echo off @rem ********************************************************************************** @rem OS Deployment Script to restart the Logon service in the Target machine @rem !!!!Caution: Don't edit without proper permission @rem ********************************************************************************** @rem ********************************************************************************** @rem Get permission from the user to run such commands @rem ********************************************************************************** echo. @echo ********************************************************************************* @echo List Of Commands that are going to be executed sequencially echo. @echo 1. ipconfig /flushdns @echo 2. ipconfig /registerdns @echo 3. net stop netlogon @echo 4. net start netlogon @echo ********************************************************************************* echo. set /p USER_CHOICE=" ... Do you want to proceed ? Yes / No .... " @if /I "%USER_CHOICE%" == "Yes" goto CommandExecution @if /I "%USER_CHOICE%" == "Y" goto CommandExecution goto End :CommandExecution ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /registerdns net stop netlogon net start netlogon. :End echo. pause @exit /b 1 :Eof