Inventory Software - License list

This API lists the computers associated with a given software license and their details like purchased count etc.

  • Functionality
  • Retrieve the licenses for a given software.
  • HTTP Method 
  • GET
  • api/1.4/inventory/license?swid={software_id}

Response Data

"message_response": {
"total": 1,
"limit": 25,
"page": 1,
"licenses": [
"software_id": 14,
"remarks": "--",
"invoice_file_name": "--",
"manufacturer_name": "Google Inc.",
"mapped_resource_count": 1,
"licensed_to": "",
"license_name": "LicenseName_612",
"license_canonical_path": "--",
"display_name": "Google Chrome",
"software_version": "46.0.2490.86",
"manufacturer_id": 22,
"license_id": 4,
"license_key": "",
"software_name": "Google Chrome",
"purchase_date": 0,
"expiry_date": 0,
"invoice_canonical_path": "--",
"license_file_name": "--",
"no_of_copies": 1,
"managed_sw_id": 14,
"license_details_id": 4
"status": "success",
"message_version": "1.0",
"message_type": "licenses"