Inventory Licensed Software - Computers

This API lists the computers associated with given licensed software and its details.

  • Functionality
  • Retrieve the computers with a licensed software
  • HTTP Method 
  • GET
  • api/1.4/inventory/computers?licswid={license_software_id}
  • Auth Token Required
  • Yes
  • Paginated
  • Yes
  • Filters
  • domainfilter={String}:

    Get domain list from api/1.4/desktop/serverproperties


    Get License List from api/1.4/inventory/licenses?swid={softwareID}

Response Data

"message_response": {
"total": 1,
"limit": 25,
"computers": [
"computer_live_status": 1,
"computer_description": "-",
"model": "7597RD5",
"no_of_processors": 1,
"computer_status": "OK",
"agent_logged_on_users": "Administrator",
"computer_status_update_time": 1450768293359,
"boot_up_state": "Normal boot",
"service_pack": "Service Pack 1",
"branch_office_id": 301,
"primary_owner_name": "sysadmin",
"total_ram_memory": 6096744448,
"servicetag": "S601TLP",
"branch_office_name": "Intern Ds Remote",
"manufacturer_name": "LENOVO",
"license_name": "LicenseName_247",
"os_version": "Windows 7 SP1 (x64)",
"mac_address": "e8:9a:8f:3f:60:c8",
"domain_netbios_name": "DESKTOPCENTRAL",
"resource_id": 313,
"system_type": "x64-based PC",
"ip_address": "",
"resource_name": "DC-W7-5",
"live_status_resource_id": 313,
"software_name": "Windows 7 Professional Edition (x64)",
"asset_tag": "-"
"page": 1
"status": "success",
"message_version": "1.0",
"message_type": "computers"