Ask ME Reports
Ask ME enables managers and other non-technical staff to answer simple but critical questions about important network events that are of greater importance. The The Ask ME section in the Reports tab offers a quick way to see just the reports that you need, without having to create a new report profile, or drilling down through the pre-defined reports.
To view Ask ME reports use the following menu option:
Ask ME section shows a series of questions.
- Select the area of interest - login/logoff, users, alerts, etc. If you are not sure, leave it to the default All Questions option.
- Select the appropriate question for which you need an answer.
- Click on Get the Answer.

If you want more questions to come up in the Ask ME tab, click the Tell us here link. In the form that opens up, enter the question and describe it shortly. Once you are done, click Send. The EventLog Analyzer Technical Support team will analyze your question, and if found valid, will include it in upcoming releases of EventLog Analyzer.
The report corresponding to the question selected is now generated and displayed.

With the enhancement of this feature, you can add the custom questions dynamically under this tab.
Adding Custom Questions in Ask ME
Follow the procedure given below to add custom questions in the Ask ME tab.
- To add a new question, first create a custom report which you want to use as answer (report) for this new question.
- Open the AskMe.xml file located in the <EventLog Analyzer Home>/server/default/conf directory.
- Append a new "Question" and "link" tag in the file. Enter your question in the "Question" tag and enter the URL of the custom report you have created in the "link" tag.
- To get the URL of the custom report:
- Select the custom report in the Web Client UI.
- Copy the URL shown in the Address Bar of the browser.
- Cut the initial part of the URL "https://<ELA server host:port>/event/" and copy it in the "link" tag. Replace all the '&' symbol with '&' in the copied "link" tag.
Example entry for "Question" and "link" tags are given below:
<Question>How many times objects and folders are accessed in the hosts added?</Question>
- Save the file
Refresh the Web Client Ask ME section. You will see the new question added is lised at the bottom of the list. Select the custom question you have added and click Get the Answer. The report corresponding to the custom question will be displayed.
Note: Ensure that you add the new questions after the existing questions. Do not disturb the existing 17 questions. |