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HP Switches Reports

EventLog Analyzer supports HP Switches and provides out-of-box reports for the following categories of events:

  • HP Events: Provides information on all events on HP devices.
  • Successful and Failed Logons: Provides information on all successful and failed logons based on source and users, including trend reports.
  • Interface Events: Provides information on all interface and trunk status events.
  • Configuration Reports: Provides information on both successful and failed commands and insights on ACL error and VLAN status.
  • System Events: Provides information on configuration changes, clock update, system update and reboot, power. and license status.
  • Device Severity Reports: Provides information on all emergency, alerts, critical, error, warning, and notice events.

HP Switches reports dashboard

  • Go to the Reports section. Select HP from the displayed list of vendors.
  • Click Select Device and choose the HP devices for which you need the reports. Click Add.
  • You can set filter criteria for events based on Source, Severity and Device and Message. Use logical operators as required.
  • Select the Period for which you want the data to be displayed and click Apply.
  • The graphs can be viewed in different formats.
  • The left panel lists all the available out-of-box reports for HP. Select the report you want to view.
  • To quickly export the report, click Export as and choose the format. Once done, you can download the report.
  • Click Schedule to have this report exported and emailed periodically.
  • Click More for further customization options.
    1. Set as Default, to set this report as the default for HP reports.
    2. Add to Favorites, to mark this report as favorite.
    3. Pin to dashboard, to pin this report to the main dashboard in the Home page.

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